5 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal background modelling of non-stationary visual scenes

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    PhDThe prevalence of electronic imaging systems in everyday life has become increasingly apparent in recent years. Applications are to be found in medical scanning, automated manufacture, and perhaps most significantly, surveillance. Metropolitan areas, shopping malls, and road traffic management all employ and benefit from an unprecedented quantity of video cameras for monitoring purposes. But the high cost and limited effectiveness of employing humans as the final link in the monitoring chain has driven scientists to seek solutions based on machine vision techniques. Whilst the field of machine vision has enjoyed consistent rapid development in the last 20 years, some of the most fundamental issues still remain to be solved in a satisfactory manner. Central to a great many vision applications is the concept of segmentation, and in particular, most practical systems perform background subtraction as one of the first stages of video processing. This involves separation of ‘interesting foreground’ from the less informative but persistent background. But the definition of what is ‘interesting’ is somewhat subjective, and liable to be application specific. Furthermore, the background may be interpreted as including the visual appearance of normal activity of any agents present in the scene, human or otherwise. Thus a background model might be called upon to absorb lighting changes, moving trees and foliage, or normal traffic flow and pedestrian activity, in order to effect what might be termed in ‘biologically-inspired’ vision as pre-attentive selection. This challenge is one of the Holy Grails of the computer vision field, and consequently the subject has received considerable attention. This thesis sets out to address some of the limitations of contemporary methods of background segmentation by investigating methods of inducing local mutual support amongst pixels in three starkly contrasting paradigms: (1) locality in the spatial domain, (2) locality in the shortterm time domain, and (3) locality in the domain of cyclic repetition frequency. Conventional per pixel models, such as those based on Gaussian Mixture Models, offer no spatial support between adjacent pixels at all. At the other extreme, eigenspace models impose a structure in which every image pixel bears the same relation to every other pixel. But Markov Random Fields permit definition of arbitrary local cliques by construction of a suitable graph, and 3 are used here to facilitate a novel structure capable of exploiting probabilistic local cooccurrence of adjacent Local Binary Patterns. The result is a method exhibiting strong sensitivity to multiple learned local pattern hypotheses, whilst relying solely on monochrome image data. Many background models enforce temporal consistency constraints on a pixel in attempt to confirm background membership before being accepted as part of the model, and typically some control over this process is exercised by a learning rate parameter. But in busy scenes, a true background pixel may be visible for a relatively small fraction of the time and in a temporally fragmented fashion, thus hindering such background acquisition. However, support in terms of temporal locality may still be achieved by using Combinatorial Optimization to derive shortterm background estimates which induce a similar consistency, but are considerably more robust to disturbance. A novel technique is presented here in which the short-term estimates act as ‘pre-filtered’ data from which a far more compact eigen-background may be constructed. Many scenes entail elements exhibiting repetitive periodic behaviour. Some road junctions employing traffic signals are among these, yet little is to be found amongst the literature regarding the explicit modelling of such periodic processes in a scene. Previous work focussing on gait recognition has demonstrated approaches based on recurrence of self-similarity by which local periodicity may be identified. The present work harnesses and extends this method in order to characterize scenes displaying multiple distinct periodicities by building a spatio-temporal model. The model may then be used to highlight abnormality in scene activity. Furthermore, a Phase Locked Loop technique with a novel phase detector is detailed, enabling such a model to maintain correct synchronization with scene activity in spite of noise and drift of periodicity. This thesis contends that these three approaches are all manifestations of the same broad underlying concept: local support in each of the space, time and frequency domains, and furthermore, that the support can be harnessed practically, as will be demonstrated experimentally

    Segmenting highly textured nonstationary background

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    Detection of unusual objects amongst a highly textured background is a difficult problem, especially when the texture is manifest in the temporal dimension as well. Outdoor scenes involving waving trees or moving water are examples of such a scenario, but are nevertheless frequently encountered in real world vision applications. By defining a simple but rotationally sensitive Local Binary Pattern (LBP) operator and applying it in a probabilistic sense we present a compact but useful feature for tackling moving textures. But as we demonstrate, this alone is not sufficient for good segmentation in difficult circumstances. Cooccurrence of different features in a pixel’s local neighbourhood provides a powerful mechanism for boosting the reliability of the foreground/background decision task. By using the conditional probabilities yielded by pairwise cooccurrence of 4-connected pixels, and casting the problem as one of Combinatorial Optimization, our results show that useful segmentation is possible from challenging dynamic backgrounds.

    Detection and Classification of Multiple Person Interaction

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    Institute of Perception, Action and BehaviourThis thesis investigates the classification of the behaviour of multiple persons when viewed from a video camera. Work upon a constrained case of multiple person interaction in the form of team games is investigated. A comparison between attempting to model individual features using a (hierarchical dynamic model) and modelling the team as a whole (using a support vector machine) is given. It is shown that for team games such as handball it is preferable to model the whole team. In such instances correct classification performance of over 80% are attained. A more general case of interaction is then considered. Classification of interacting people in a surveillance situation over several datasets is then investigated. We introduce a new feature set and compare several methods with the previous best published method (Oliver 2000) and demonstrate an improvement in performance. Classification rates of over 95% on real video data sequences are demonstrated. An investigation into how the length of time a sequence is observed is then performed. This results in an improved classifier (of over 2%) which uses a class dependent window size. The question of detecting pre/post and actual fighting situations is then addressed. A hierarchical AdaBoost classifier is used to demonstrate the ability to classify such situations. It is demonstrated that such an approach can classify 91% of fighting situations correctly

    Semantic Spaces for Video Analysis of Behaviour

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    PhDThere are ever growing interests from the computer vision community into human behaviour analysis based on visual sensors. These interests generally include: (1) behaviour recognition - given a video clip or specific spatio-temporal volume of interest discriminate it into one or more of a set of pre-defined categories; (2) behaviour retrieval - given a video or textual description as query, search for video clips with related behaviour; (3) behaviour summarisation - given a number of video clips, summarise out representative and distinct behaviours. Although countless efforts have been dedicated into problems mentioned above, few works have attempted to analyse human behaviours in a semantic space. In this thesis, we define semantic spaces as a collection of high-dimensional Euclidean space in which semantic meaningful events, e.g. individual word, phrase and visual event, can be represented as vectors or distributions which are referred to as semantic representations. With the semantic space, semantic texts, visual events can be quantitatively compared by inner product, distance and divergence. The introduction of semantic spaces can bring lots of benefits for visual analysis. For example, discovering semantic representations for visual data can facilitate semantic meaningful video summarisation, retrieval and anomaly detection. Semantic space can also seamlessly bridge categories and datasets which are conventionally treated independent. This has encouraged the sharing of data and knowledge across categories and even datasets to improve recognition performance and reduce labelling effort. Moreover, semantic space has the ability to generalise learned model beyond known classes which is usually referred to as zero-shot learning. Nevertheless, discovering such a semantic space is non-trivial due to (1) semantic space is hard to define manually. Humans always have a good sense of specifying the semantic relatedness between visual and textual instances. But a measurable and finite semantic space can be difficult to construct with limited manual supervision. As a result, constructing semantic space from data is adopted to learn in an unsupervised manner; (2) It is hard to build a universal semantic space, i.e. this space is always contextual dependent. So it is important to build semantic space upon selected data such that it is always meaningful within the context. Even with a well constructed semantic space, challenges are still present including; (3) how to represent visual instances in the semantic space; and (4) how to mitigate the misalignment of visual feature and semantic spaces across categories and even datasets when knowledge/data are generalised. This thesis tackles the above challenges by exploiting data from different sources and building contextual semantic space with which data and knowledge can be transferred and shared to facilitate the general video behaviour analysis. To demonstrate the efficacy of semantic space for behaviour analysis, we focus on studying real world problems including surveillance behaviour analysis, zero-shot human action recognition and zero-shot crowd behaviour recognition with techniques specifically tailored for the nature of each problem. Firstly, for video surveillances scenes, we propose to discover semantic representations from the visual data in an unsupervised manner. This is due to the largely availability of unlabelled visual data in surveillance systems. By representing visual instances in the semantic space, data and annotations can be generalised to new events and even new surveillance scenes. Specifically, to detect abnormal events this thesis studies a geometrical alignment between semantic representation of events across scenes. Semantic actions can be thus transferred to new scenes and abnormal events can be detected in an unsupervised way. To model multiple surveillance scenes simultaneously, we show how to learn a shared semantic representation across a group of semantic related scenes through a multi-layer clustering of scenes. With multi-scene modelling we show how to improve surveillance tasks including scene activity profiling/understanding, crossscene query-by-example, behaviour classification, and video summarisation. Secondly, to avoid extremely costly and ambiguous video annotating, we investigate how to generalise recognition models learned from known categories to novel ones, which is often termed as zero-shot learning. To exploit the limited human supervision, e.g. category names, we construct the semantic space via a word-vector representation trained on large textual corpus in an unsupervised manner. Representation of visual instance in semantic space is obtained by learning a visual-to-semantic mapping. We notice that blindly applying the mapping learned from known categories to novel categories can cause bias and deteriorating the performance which is termed as domain shift. To solve this problem we employed techniques including semisupervised learning, self-training, hubness correction, multi-task learning and domain adaptation. All these methods in combine achieve state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot human action task. In the last, we study the possibility to re-use known and manually labelled semantic crowd attributes to recognise rare and unknown crowd behaviours. This task is termed as zero-shot crowd behaviours recognition. Crucially we point out that given the multi-labelled nature of semantic crowd attributes, zero-shot recognition can be improved by exploiting the co-occurrence between attributes. To summarise, this thesis studies methods for analysing video behaviours and demonstrates that exploring semantic spaces for video analysis is advantageous and more importantly enables multi-scene analysis and zero-shot learning beyond conventional learning strategies