3,470 research outputs found

    Generalized Video Deblurring for Dynamic Scenes

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    Several state-of-the-art video deblurring methods are based on a strong assumption that the captured scenes are static. These methods fail to deblur blurry videos in dynamic scenes. We propose a video deblurring method to deal with general blurs inherent in dynamic scenes, contrary to other methods. To handle locally varying and general blurs caused by various sources, such as camera shake, moving objects, and depth variation in a scene, we approximate pixel-wise kernel with bidirectional optical flows. Therefore, we propose a single energy model that simultaneously estimates optical flows and latent frames to solve our deblurring problem. We also provide a framework and efficient solvers to optimize the energy model. By minimizing the proposed energy function, we achieve significant improvements in removing blurs and estimating accurate optical flows in blurry frames. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in real and challenging videos that state-of-the-art methods fail in either deblurring or optical flow estimation.Comment: CVPR 2015 ora

    Long-Term Image Boundary Prediction

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    Boundary estimation in images and videos has been a very active topic of research, and organizing visual information into boundaries and segments is believed to be a corner stone of visual perception. While prior work has focused on estimating boundaries for observed frames, our work aims at predicting boundaries of future unobserved frames. This requires our model to learn about the fate of boundaries and corresponding motion patterns -- including a notion of "intuitive physics". We experiment on natural video sequences along with synthetic sequences with deterministic physics-based and agent-based motions. While not being our primary goal, we also show that fusion of RGB and boundary prediction leads to improved RGB predictions.Comment: Accepted in the AAAI Conference for Artificial Intelligence, 201

    Detection of dirt impairments from archived film sequences : survey and evaluations

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    Film dirt is the most commonly encountered artifact in archive restoration applications. Since dirt usually appears as a temporally impulsive event, motion-compensated interframe processing is widely applied for its detection. However, motion-compensated prediction requires a high degree of complexity and can be unreliable when motion estimation fails. Consequently, many techniques using spatial or spatiotemporal filtering without motion were also been proposed as alternatives. A comprehensive survey and evaluation of existing methods is presented, in which both qualitative and quantitative performances are compared in terms of accuracy, robustness, and complexity. After analyzing these algorithms and identifying their limitations, we conclude with guidance in choosing from these algorithms and promising directions for future research

    Learning to Extract a Video Sequence from a Single Motion-Blurred Image

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    We present a method to extract a video sequence from a single motion-blurred image. Motion-blurred images are the result of an averaging process, where instant frames are accumulated over time during the exposure of the sensor. Unfortunately, reversing this process is nontrivial. Firstly, averaging destroys the temporal ordering of the frames. Secondly, the recovery of a single frame is a blind deconvolution task, which is highly ill-posed. We present a deep learning scheme that gradually reconstructs a temporal ordering by sequentially extracting pairs of frames. Our main contribution is to introduce loss functions invariant to the temporal order. This lets a neural network choose during training what frame to output among the possible combinations. We also address the ill-posedness of deblurring by designing a network with a large receptive field and implemented via resampling to achieve a higher computational efficiency. Our proposed method can successfully retrieve sharp image sequences from a single motion blurred image and can generalize well on synthetic and real datasets captured with different cameras

    Segmentation-assisted detection of dirt impairments in archived film sequences

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    A novel segmentation-assisted method for film dirt detection is proposed. We exploit the fact that film dirt manifests in the spatial domain as a cluster of connected pixels whose intensity differs substantially from that of its neighborhood and we employ a segmentation-based approach to identify this type of structure. A key feature of our approach is the computation of a measure of confidence attached to detected dirt regions which can be utilized for performance fine tuning. Another important feature of our algorithm is the avoidance of the computational complexity associated with motion estimation. Our experimental framework benefits from the availability of manually derived as well as objective ground truth data obtained using infrared scanning. Our results demonstrate that the proposed method compares favorably with standard spatial, temporal and multistage median filtering approaches and provides efficient and robust detection for a wide variety of test material

    Motion Segmentation Aided Super Resolution Image Reconstruction

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    This dissertation addresses Super Resolution (SR) Image Reconstruction focusing on motion segmentation. The main thrust is Information Complexity guided Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for Statistical Background Modeling. In the process of developing our framework we also focus on two other topics; motion trajectories estimation toward global and local scene change detections and image reconstruction to have high resolution (HR) representations of the moving regions. Such a framework is used for dynamic scene understanding and recognition of individuals and threats with the help of the image sequences recorded with either stationary or non-stationary camera systems. We introduce a new technique called Information Complexity guided Statistical Background Modeling. Thus, we successfully employ GMMs, which are optimal with respect to information complexity criteria. Moving objects are segmented out through background subtraction which utilizes the computed background model. This technique produces superior results to competing background modeling strategies. The state-of-the-art SR Image Reconstruction studies combine the information from a set of unremarkably different low resolution (LR) images of static scene to construct an HR representation. The crucial challenge not handled in these studies is accumulating the corresponding information from highly displaced moving objects. In this aspect, a framework of SR Image Reconstruction of the moving objects with such high level of displacements is developed. Our assumption is that LR images are different from each other due to local motion of the objects and the global motion of the scene imposed by non-stationary imaging system. Contrary to traditional SR approaches, we employed several steps. These steps are; the suppression of the global motion, motion segmentation accompanied by background subtraction to extract moving objects, suppression of the local motion of the segmented out regions, and super-resolving accumulated information coming from moving objects rather than the whole scene. This results in a reliable offline SR Image Reconstruction tool which handles several types of dynamic scene changes, compensates the impacts of camera systems, and provides data redundancy through removing the background. The framework proved to be superior to the state-of-the-art algorithms which put no significant effort toward dynamic scene representation of non-stationary camera systems

    The World of Fast Moving Objects

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    The notion of a Fast Moving Object (FMO), i.e. an object that moves over a distance exceeding its size within the exposure time, is introduced. FMOs may, and typically do, rotate with high angular speed. FMOs are very common in sports videos, but are not rare elsewhere. In a single frame, such objects are often barely visible and appear as semi-transparent streaks. A method for the detection and tracking of FMOs is proposed. The method consists of three distinct algorithms, which form an efficient localization pipeline that operates successfully in a broad range of conditions. We show that it is possible to recover the appearance of the object and its axis of rotation, despite its blurred appearance. The proposed method is evaluated on a new annotated dataset. The results show that existing trackers are inadequate for the problem of FMO localization and a new approach is required. Two applications of localization, temporal super-resolution and highlighting, are presented

    Simultaneous Stereo Video Deblurring and Scene Flow Estimation

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    Videos for outdoor scene often show unpleasant blur effects due to the large relative motion between the camera and the dynamic objects and large depth variations. Existing works typically focus monocular video deblurring. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to deblurring from stereo videos. In particular, we exploit the piece-wise planar assumption about the scene and leverage the scene flow information to deblur the image. Unlike the existing approach [31] which used a pre-computed scene flow, we propose a single framework to jointly estimate the scene flow and deblur the image, where the motion cues from scene flow estimation and blur information could reinforce each other, and produce superior results than the conventional scene flow estimation or stereo deblurring methods. We evaluate our method extensively on two available datasets and achieve significant improvement in flow estimation and removing the blur effect over the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201
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