14 research outputs found

    Segmentation of Nastaliq script for OCR

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    In this paper we have presented a novel segmentation technique for the implementation of an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for printed Nastalique text, a calligraphic style of Urdu which uses the Arabic script for its writing.OCR for many of the world major languages have been developed and are being used but at present an OCR for Nastalique is not available and the published research on Nastalique OCR, Urdu OCR or even on any area of Urdu computing is almost non-existent, the reason being the challenges that the Nastalique style poses for its optical recognition. We used Matlab 7 for our experimentation the results are reported in this paper which are very encouraging

    Issues & Challenges in Urdu OCR

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    Optical character recognition is a technique that is used to recognized printed and handwritten text into editable text format. There has been a lot of work done through this technology in identifying characters of different languages with variety of scripts. In which Latin scripts with isolated characters (non-cursive) like English are easy to recognize and significant advances have been made in the recognition; whereas, Arabic and its related cursive languages like Urdu have more complicated and intermingled scripts, are not much worked. This paper discusses a detail of various scripts of Urdu language also discuss issues and challenges regarding Urdu OCR. due to its cursive nature which include cursiveness, more characters dots, large set of characters for recognition, more base shape group characters, placement of dots, ambiguity between the characters and ligatures with very slight difference, context sensitive shapes, ligatures, noise, skew and fonts in Urdu OCR. This paper provides a better understanding toward all the possible engendering dilemmas related to Urdu character recognition

    Handwritten OCR for Indic Scripts: A Comprehensive Overview of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques

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    The potential uses of cursive optical character recognition, commonly known as OCR, in a number of industries, particularly document digitization, archiving, even language preservation, have attracted a lot of interest lately. In the framework of optical character recognition (OCR), the goal of this research is to provide a thorough understanding of both cutting-edge methods and the unique difficulties presented by Indic scripts. A thorough literature search was conducted in order to conduct this study, during which time relevant publications, conference proceedings, and scientific files were looked for up to the year 2023. As a consequence of the inclusion criteria that were developed to concentrate on studies only addressing Handwritten OCR on Indic scripts, 53 research publications were chosen as the process's outcome. The review provides a thorough analysis of the methodology and approaches employed in the chosen study. Deep neural networks, conventional feature-based methods, machine learning techniques, and hybrid systems have all been investigated as viable answers to the problem of effectively deciphering Indian scripts, because they are famously challenging to write. To operate, these systems require pre-processing techniques, segmentation schemes, and language models. The outcomes of this methodical examination demonstrate that despite the fact that Hand Scanning for Indic script has advanced significantly, room still exists for advancement. Future research could focus on developing trustworthy models that can handle a range of writing styles and enhance accuracy using less-studied Indic scripts. This profession may advance with the creation of collected datasets and defined standards

    Arabic words recognition technique for pattern matching using SIFT, SURF and ORB

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    Image matching technique requires a robust and fast technique to be applicable in various application. This paper investigates which recognition technique suits better in matching an image of printed Arabic text. The recognition algorithm involves the conventional Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB). A parameters estimator of models algorithm is used to weed out the outlier point of matching images. The test demonstrates on the Arabic word images with the different angles, scales, and viewpoints. We evaluate the performance through analyzing the matching accuracy rate and computational tim

    A Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Based on Transfer Learning for Handwritten Urdu Character Recognition

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have made a huge impact on computer vision and set the state-of-the-art in providing extremely definite classification results. For character recognition, where the training images are usually inadequate, mostly transfer learning of pre-trained CNN is often utilized. In this paper, we propose a novel deep convolutional neural network for handwritten Urdu character recognition by transfer learning three pre-trained CNN models. We fine-tuned the layers of these pre-trained CNNs so as to extract features considering both global and local details of the Urdu character structure. The extracted features from the three CNN models are concatenated to train with two fully connected layers for classification. The experiment is conducted on UNHD, EMILLE, DBAHCL, and CDB/Farsi dataset, and we achieve 97.18% average recognition accuracy which outperforms the individual CNNs and numerous conventional classification methods

    Advanced document data extraction techniques to improve supply chain performance

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    In this thesis, a novel machine learning technique to extract text-based information from scanned images has been developed. This information extraction is performed in the context of scanned invoices and bills used in financial transactions. These financial transactions contain a considerable amount of data that must be extracted, refined, and stored digitally before it can be used for analysis. Converting this data into a digital format is often a time-consuming process. Automation and data optimisation show promise as methods for reducing the time required and the cost of Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes, especially Supplier Invoice Management (SIM), Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) and Supply Chain procurement processes. This thesis uses a cross-disciplinary approach involving Computer Science and Operational Management to explore the benefit of automated invoice data extraction in business and its impact on SCM. The study adopts a multimethod approach based on empirical research, surveys, and interviews performed on selected companies.The expert system developed in this thesis focuses on two distinct areas of research: Text/Object Detection and Text Extraction. For Text/Object Detection, the Faster R-CNN model was analysed. While this model yields outstanding results in terms of object detection, it is limited by poor performance when image quality is low. The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model is proposed in response to this limitation. The GAN model is a generator network that is implemented with the help of the Faster R-CNN model and a discriminator that relies on PatchGAN. The output of the GAN model is text data with bonding boxes. For text extraction from the bounding box, a novel data extraction framework consisting of various processes including XML processing in case of existing OCR engine, bounding box pre-processing, text clean up, OCR error correction, spell check, type check, pattern-based matching, and finally, a learning mechanism for automatizing future data extraction was designed. Whichever fields the system can extract successfully are provided in key-value format.The efficiency of the proposed system was validated using existing datasets such as SROIE and VATI. Real-time data was validated using invoices that were collected by two companies that provide invoice automation services in various countries. Currently, these scanned invoices are sent to an OCR system such as OmniPage, Tesseract, or ABBYY FRE to extract text blocks and later, a rule-based engine is used to extract relevant data. While the system’s methodology is robust, the companies surveyed were not satisfied with its accuracy. Thus, they sought out new, optimized solutions. To confirm the results, the engines were used to return XML-based files with text and metadata identified. The output XML data was then fed into this new system for information extraction. This system uses the existing OCR engine and a novel, self-adaptive, learning-based OCR engine. This new engine is based on the GAN model for better text identification. Experiments were conducted on various invoice formats to further test and refine its extraction capabilities. For cost optimisation and the analysis of spend classification, additional data were provided by another company in London that holds expertise in reducing their clients' procurement costs. This data was fed into our system to get a deeper level of spend classification and categorisation. This helped the company to reduce its reliance on human effort and allowed for greater efficiency in comparison with the process of performing similar tasks manually using excel sheets and Business Intelligence (BI) tools.The intention behind the development of this novel methodology was twofold. First, to test and develop a novel solution that does not depend on any specific OCR technology. Second, to increase the information extraction accuracy factor over that of existing methodologies. Finally, it evaluates the real-world need for the system and the impact it would have on SCM. This newly developed method is generic and can extract text from any given invoice, making it a valuable tool for optimizing SCM. In addition, the system uses a template-matching approach to ensure the quality of the extracted information

    Unicode-driven Deep Learning Handwritten Telugu-to-English Character Recognition and Translation System

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    Telugu language is considered as fourth most used language in India especially in the regions of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka etc. In international recognized countries also, Telugu is widely growing spoken language. This language comprises of different dependent and independent vowels, consonants and digits. In this aspect, the enhancement of Telugu Handwritten Character Recognition (HCR) has not been propagated. HCR is a neural network technique of converting a documented image to edited text one which can be used for many other applications. This reduces time and effort without starting over from the beginning every time. In this work, a Unicode based Handwritten Character Recognition(U-HCR) is developed for translating the handwritten Telugu characters into English language. With the use of Centre of Gravity (CG) in our model we can easily divide a compound character into individual character with the help of Unicode values. For training this model, we have used both online and offline Telugu character datasets. To extract the features in the scanned image we used convolutional neural network along with Machine Learning classifiers like Random Forest and Support Vector Machine. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Root Mean Square Propagation (RMS-P) and Adaptative Moment Estimation (ADAM)optimizers are used in this work to enhance the performance of U-HCR and to reduce the loss function value. This loss value reduction can be possible with optimizers by using CNN. In both online and offline datasets, proposed model showed promising results by maintaining the accuracies with 90.28% for SGD, 96.97% for RMS-P and 93.57% for ADAM respectively