22,187 research outputs found

    Issues in providing a reliable multicast facility

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    Issues involved in point-to-multipoint communication are presented and the literature for proposed solutions and approaches surveyed. Particular attention is focused on the ideas and implementations that align with the requirements of the environment of interest. The attributes of multicast receiver groups that might lead to useful classifications, what the functionality of a management scheme should be, and how the group management module can be implemented are examined. The services that multicasting facilities can offer are presented, followed by mechanisms within the communications protocol that implements these services. The metrics of interest when evaluating a reliable multicast facility are identified and applied to four transport layer protocols that incorporate reliable multicast

    A survey on subjecting electronic product code and non-ID objects to IP identification

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    Over the last decade, both research on the Internet of Things (IoT) and real-world IoT applications have grown exponentially. The IoT provides us with smarter cities, intelligent homes, and generally more comfortable lives. However, the introduction of these devices has led to several new challenges that must be addressed. One of the critical challenges facing interacting with IoT devices is to address billions of devices (things) around the world, including computers, tablets, smartphones, wearable devices, sensors, and embedded computers, and so on. This article provides a survey on subjecting Electronic Product Code and non-ID objects to IP identification for IoT devices, including their advantages and disadvantages thereof. Different metrics are here proposed and used for evaluating these methods. In particular, the main methods are evaluated in terms of their: (i) computational overhead, (ii) scalability, (iii) adaptability, (iv) implementation cost, and (v) whether applicable to already ID-based objects and presented in tabular format. Finally, the article proves that this field of research will still be ongoing, but any new technique must favorably offer the mentioned five evaluative parameters.Comment: 112 references, 8 figures, 6 tables, Journal of Engineering Reports, Wiley, 2020 (Open Access

    Evaluating Cache Coherent Shared Virtual Memory for Heterogeneous Multicore Chips

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    The trend in industry is towards heterogeneous multicore processors (HMCs), including chips with CPUs and massively-threaded throughput-oriented processors (MTTOPs) such as GPUs. Although current homogeneous chips tightly couple the cores with cache-coherent shared virtual memory (CCSVM), this is not the communication paradigm used by any current HMC. In this paper, we present a CCSVM design for a CPU/MTTOP chip, as well as an extension of the pthreads programming model, called xthreads, for programming this HMC. Our goal is to evaluate the potential performance benefits of tightly coupling heterogeneous cores with CCSVM

    The multidriver: A reliable multicast service using the Xpress Transfer Protocol

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    A reliable multicast facility extends traditional point-to-point virtual circuit reliability to one-to-many communication. Such services can provide more efficient use of network resources, a powerful distributed name binding capability, and reduced latency in multidestination message delivery. These benefits will be especially valuable in real-time environments where reliable multicast can enable new applications and increase the availability and the reliability of data and services. We present a unique multicast service that exploits features in the next-generation, real-time transfer layer protocol, the Xpress Transfer Protocol (XTP). In its reliable mode, the service offers error, flow, and rate-controlled multidestination delivery of arbitrary-sized messages, with provision for the coordination of reliable reverse channels. Performance measurements on a single-segment Proteon ProNET-4 4 Mbps 802.5 token ring with heterogeneous nodes are discussed

    TCP in the Internet of Things: from ostracism to prominence

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.TCP has traditionally been neglected as a transport-layer protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). However, recent trends and industry needs are favoring TCP presence in IoT environments. In this article, we describe the main IoT scenarios where TCP will be used. We then analyze the historically claimed issues of TCP in the IoT context. We argue that, in contrast to generally accepted wisdom, most of those possible issues fall in one of the following categories: i) are also found in well-accepted IoT end-to-end reliability mechanisms, ii) can be solved, or iii) are not actual issues. Considering the future prominent role of TCP in the IoT, we provide recommendations for lightweight TCP implementation and suitable operation in such scenarios, based on our IETF standardization work on the topic.Postprint (author's final draft

    The Dutch interbank computer network

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    At the end of 1980, a strategic decision was made by the Dutch banks and savings banks to commence the development of a Data Communications Infrastructure (DCI), to be used for a number of forthcoming interbank applications. It was agreed that this new data communications infrastructure should be based on the emerging Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). The first interbank application using the DCI (i.e. urgent money transfers) was introduced in the second quarter of 1985. Other interbank applications, which will also make use of the functions provided by the DCI, are currently being developed.\ud \ud This paper provides the background to the DCI project, discusses the selection of OSI standards for the network, and gives an overview of the design of the software package, which was developed to support the selected OSI standards
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