832 research outputs found

    A New Approach to Coding in Content Based MANETs

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    In content-based mobile ad hoc networks (CB-MANETs), random linear network coding (NC) can be used to reliably disseminate large files under intermittent connectivity. Conventional NC involves random unrestricted coding at intermediate nodes. This however is vulnerable to pollution attacks. To avoid attacks, a brute force approach is to restrict the mixing at the source. However, source restricted NC generally reduces the robustness of the code in the face of errors, losses and mobility induced intermittence. CB-MANETs introduce a new option. Caching is common in CB MANETs and a fully reassembled cached file can be viewed as a new source. Thus, NC packets can be mixed at all sources (including the originator and the intermediate caches) yet still providing protection from pollution. The hypothesis we wish to test in this paper is whether in CB-MANETs with sufficient caches of a file, the performance (in terms of robustness) of the restricted coding equals that of unrestricted coding. In this paper, we examine and compare unrestricted coding to full cache coding, source only coding, and no coding. As expected, we find that full cache coding remains competitive with unrestricted coding while maintaining full protection against pollution attacks

    Opportunistic Networks: Present Scenario- A Mirror Review

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    Opportunistic Network is form of Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) and regarded as extension to Mobile Ad Hoc Network. OPPNETS are designed to operate especially in those environments which are surrounded by various issues like- High Error Rate, Intermittent Connectivity, High Delay and no defined route between source to destination node. OPPNETS works on the principle of “Store-and-Forward” mechanism as intermediate nodes perform the task of routing from node to node. The intermediate nodes store the messages in their memory until the suitable node is not located in communication range to transfer the message to the destination. OPPNETs suffer from various issues like High Delay, Energy Efficiency of Nodes, Security, High Error Rate and High Latency. The aim of this research paper is to overview various routing protocols available till date for OPPNETs and classify the protocols in terms of their performance. The paper also gives quick review of various Mobility Models and Simulation tools available for OPPNETs simulation


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    A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network(MANET) is a structure-less network where the mobile nodes randomly moved in any direction within the transmission range of the network. Due to this mobility, wide range of intrusion occurs in MANET. Therefore, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are significant in MANETs to identify the malicious behavior. In order to improve the secured data communication an efficient Quantum Phase Shift Energy Conserved Data Security (QPSEC-DS) technique is introduced. The Quantum Phase Shift (QPS) technique is used for ensuring the security during the data transmission from sender to receiver in MANET. Initially, the quantum based approach is used to encrypt the information using QPS at the sender through secret key distribution. The receiver side also performs the same QPS, and then the encrypted bit is received successfully. This in turns attains the secured packet transmission without any malicious node in the MANET. Based on the phase shifting, the energy conservation between the sender and receiver is measured for transmitting the data packet using QPSEC-DS technique. Also, the enhanced Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol is applied in QPSEC-DS technique is implemented to improve the energy management and secured data communication between the source and destination in an efficient manner. The QPSEC-DS technique conducts the simulations work on parameters including packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, communication overhead and end to end delay

    Two-Party Threshold Key Agreement Protocol for MANETs using Pairings

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    In MANET environment, the nodes are mobile i.e., nodes move in and out dynamically. This causes difficulty in maintaining a central trusted authority say Certification Authority CA or Key Generation Centre KCG. In addition most of cryptographic techniques need a key to be shared between the two communicating entities. So to introduce security in MANET environment, there is a basic need of sharing a key between the two communicating entities without the use of central trusted authority. So we present a decentralized two-party key agreement protocol using pairings and threshold cryptography ideas. Our model is based on Joux2019;s three-party key agreement protocol which does not authenticate the users and hence is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack. This model protects from man-in-the-middle attack using threshold cryptography