14 research outputs found

    Smooth Number Message Authentication Code in the IoT Landscape

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    This paper presents the Smooth Number Message Authentication Code (SNMAC) for the context of lightweight IoT devices. The proposal is based on the use of smooth numbers in the field of cryptography, and investigates how one can use them to improve the security and performance of various algorithms or security constructs. The literature findings suggest that current IoT solutions are viable and promising, yet they should explore the potential usage of smooth numbers. The methodology involves several processes, including the design, implementation, and results evaluation. After introducing the algorithm, provides a detailed account of the experimental performance analysis of the SNMAC solution, showcasing its efficiency in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, the paper also explores the security aspects of the proposed SNMAC algorithm, offering valuable insights into its robustness and applicability for ensuring secure communication within IoT environments.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Smooth Number Message Authentication Code in the IoT Landscape

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    This paper presents the Smooth Number Message Authentication Code (SNMAC) for the context of lightweight IoT devices. The proposal is based on the use of smooth numbers in the field of cryptography, and investigates how one can use them to improve the security and performance of various algorithms or security constructs. The literature findings suggest that current IoT solutions are viable and promising, yet they should explore the potential usage of smooth numbers. The methodology involves several processes, including the design, implementation, and results evaluation. After introducing the algorithm, provides a detailed account of the experimental performance analysis of the SNMAC solution, showcasing its efficiency in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, the paper also explores the security aspects of the proposed SNMAC algorithm, offering valuable insights into its robustness and applicability for ensuring secure communication within IoT environments

    Whirlwind: a new cryptographic hash function

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    A new cryptographic hash function Whirlwind is presented. We give the full specification and explain the design rationale. We show how the hash function can be implemented efficiently in software and give first performance numbers. A detailed analysis of the security against state-of-the-art cryptanalysis methods is also provided. In comparison to the algorithms submitted to the SHA-3 competition, Whirlwind takes recent developments in cryptanalysis into account by design. Even though software performance is not outstanding, it compares favourably with the 512-bit versions of SHA-3 candidates such as LANE or the original CubeHash proposal and is about on par with ECHO and MD6

    Interpreting Hash Function Security Proofs

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    We provide a concrete security treatment of several "provably secure" hash functions. Interpreting arguments behind MQ-HASH, FSB, SWIFFTX and VSH we identify similar lines of reasoning. We aim to formulate the main security claims in a language closer to that of attacks. We evaluate designers' claims of provable security and quantify them more precisely, deriving "second order" bounds on bounds. While the authors of FSB, MQ-HASH and SWIFFT(X) prove existence of non-trivial lower bounds on security, we show that the quantification of the bounds limits the practical significance of the proofs

    Discrete logarithm variants of VSH

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    Recent attacks on standardised hash functions such as SHA1 have reawakened interest in design strategies based on techniques common in provable security. In presenting the VSH hash function, a design based on RSA-like modular exponentiation, the authors introduce VSH-DL, a design based on exponentiation in DLP-based groups. In this article we explore a variant of VSH-DL that is based on cyclotomic subgroups of finite fields; we show that one can trade-off performance against bandwidth by using known techniques in such groups. Further, we investigate a variant of VSH-DL based on elliptic curves and extract a tighter reduction to the underlying DLP in comparison to the original VSH-DL proposa

    How to Build a Hash Function from any Collision-Resistant Function

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    Recent collision-finding attacks against hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-1 motivate the use of provably collision-resistant (CR) functions in their place. Finding a collision in a provably CR function implies the ability to solve some hard problem (e.g., factoring). Unfortunately, existing provably CR functions make poor replacements for hash functions as they fail to deliver behaviors demanded by practical use. In particular, they are easily distinguished from a random oracle. We initiate an investigation into building hhash functions from provably CR functions. As a method for achieving this, we present the Mix-Compress-Mix (MCM) construction; it envelopes any provably CR function H (with suitable regularity properties) between two injective ``mixing\u27\u27 stages. The MCM construction simultaneously enjoys (1) provable collision-resistance in the standard model, and (2) indifferentiability from a monolithic random oracle when the mixing stages themselves are indifferentiable from a random oracle that observes injectivity. We instantiate our new design approach by specifying a blockcipher-based construction that appropriately realizes the mixing stages

    Cryptanalysis of Dedicated Cryptographic Hash Functions

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    In this thesis we study the security of a number of dedicated cryptographic hash functions against cryptanalytic attacks. We begin with an introduction to what cryptographic hash functions are and what they are used for. This is followed by strict definitions of the security properties often required from cryptographic hash functions. FSB hashes are a class of hash functions derived from a coding theory problem. We attack FSB by modeling the compression function of the hash by a matrix in GF(2). We show that collisions and preimages can easily be found in FSB with the proposed security parameters. We describe a meet-in-the-middle attack against the FORK-256 hash function. The attack requires 2^112.8 operations to find a collision, which is a 38000-fold improvement over the expected 2^128 operations. We then present a method for finding slid pairs for the compression function of SHA-1; pairs of inputs and messages that produce closely related outputs in the compression function. We also cryptanalyse two block ciphers based on the compression function of MD5, MDC-MD5 and the Kaliski-Robshaw "Crab" encryption algorithm. VSH is a hash function based on problems in number theory that are believed to be hard. The original proposal only claims collision resistance; we demonstrate that VSH does not meet the other hash function requirements of preimage resistance, one-wayness, and collision resistance of truncated variants. To explore more general cryptanalytic attacks, we discuss the d-Monomial test, a statistical test that has been found to be effective in distinguishing iterated Boolean circuits from real random functions. The test is applied to the SHA and MD5 hash functions. We present a new hash function proposal, LASH, and its initial cryptanalysis.The LASH design is based on a simple underlying primitive, and some of its security can be shown to be related to lattice problems