147 research outputs found

    Data Security and Privacy on Blockchain Technology

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    Healthcare is an aspect that possibly to use of blockchain technology, for example for historical treatment, health insurance and patient medical records. In health services, personal health data will be recorded in the form of a blockchain. This research explains its mechanism and implementation in the healthcare field. On the other hand, this study also discussed the vulnerability caused by the mechanism that applies in the blockchain

    Privacy Concerns and Consumer Acceptance of Blockchain-Enabled Services

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    When creating Blockchain-Enabled Services (BCES) for consumers, service providers have to be aware of consumers’ privacy concerns. We argue that Blockchains are perceived ambivalently by consumers regarding privacy and that startup BCES companies will be affected differently by privacy concerns than established brands. On the one hand, consumers may perceive the decentralized nature of Blockchains as an inherent privacy risk due to potential data breaches. On the other hand, BCES provide consumers with the opportunity to escape data eco-systems of existing company networks, particularly when BCES are provided by a startup. We develop various hypotheses on the impact of privacy concerns on the acceptance of BCES. Using scenarios with BCES applications for international money transfer and hotel booking, we suggest an experimental design which manipulates the nature of the provider (startup versus established brand) and the amount of services provided

    An analysis and examination of consensus attacks in blockchain networks

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    This paper examines consensus attacks as they relate to blockchain networks. Consensus attacks are a significant threat to the security and integrity of blockchain networks, and understanding these attacks is crucial for developers and stakeholders. The primary contribution of the paper is to present blockchain and consensus attacks in a clear and accessible manner, with the aim of making these complex concepts easily understandable for a general audience. Using literature review, the paper identifies various methods to prevent consensus attacks, including multi-chain networks, proof-of-work consensus algorithms, and network auditing and monitoring. An analysis revealed that these methods for preventing consensus attacks are not mutually exclusive and can be used in conjunction with each other. Ultimately, the choice of which methods to implement depends on the specific needs and goals of the network being built. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for blockchain network development and security

    Application of Blockchain Technology at Sekolah Islam Terpadu Al-Madinah

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to discuss Blockchain Technology and the application of Sisko at the Al-Madinah Integrated Islamic School, where the students’ cognitive development varies from 4 years to 17 years old. This article uses the library research method which refers to 19 articles downloaded from Google Scholar and Crossref. Blockchain technology is a system that limits its users according to its boundaries but can still be connected with other users. One of the systems for implementing Blockchain Technology at the Sekolah Islam Terpadu Al-Madinah is Sisko SIT Al-Madinah, which contains a database about education from Kindergarten to High School within the Al-Madinah Integrated Islamic School. The menu in the Sisko system is different for each user, for example students use Sisko for exams and assignments, teachers use Sisko to input grades and savings, principals and vice principals use Sisko to manage curriculum, add and edit student data, map students into classes, and finally the Sisko admin uses it to add and edit report formats, map user accounts and archive school databases. Sisko is highly recommended for schools that want to be more effective and efficient in managing data, finances, learning outcomes and in archiving all of their data because schools must be ready to shift into school digitalization in this era

    A survey paper on blockchain and its implementation to reduce security risks in various domains

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    Every technology with its powerful uses has issues connected to it and security is at the top of it. As for the changing environment, the world has been shifting to Virtual Reality, the new coming world seems to be the internet and blockchain technology which is more powerful than others and has its applications in every field, be it quantum computing, internet of things, security or others. This survey paper covers the blockchain and its security in different fields of sciences and technology. We begin with the introduction of blockchain and then discuss its structure. After that security issues have been highlighted which include attacks and their behavior in quantum computing, internet of things, cloud computing. Furthermore, we have discussed the most common types of attacks and the SRM model of blockchain followed by the conclusion

    Block-hash of blockchain framework against man-in-the-middle attacks

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    Payload authentication is vulnerable to Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. Blockchain technology offers methods such as peer to peer, block hash, and proof-of-work to secure the payload of authentication process. The implementation uses block hash and proof-of-work methods on blockchain technology and testing is using White-box-testing and security tests distributed to system security practitioners who are competent in MITM attacks. The analyisis results before implementing Blockchain technology show that the authentication payload is still in plain text, so the data confidentiality has not minimize passive voice. After implementing Blockchain technology to the system, white-box testing using the Wireshark gives the result that the authentication payload sent has been well encrypted and safe enough. The percentage of security test results gets 95% which shows that securing the system from MITM attacks is relatively high. Although it has succeeded in securing the system from MITM attacks, it still has a vulnerability from other cyber attacks, so implementation of the Blockchain needs security improvisation

    Trust-Building Framework for Blockchain Technology Adoption: The Moderating Role of Quality Practices

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework to explore the effect of trust in determining the adoption intention of blockchain technology in organizations. To strengthen the arguments on the role of trust in the adoption of blockchain technology, a research model grounded in the diffusion of innovation theory and the trust-building framework is proposed based on a review of an extensive literature. This study will be conducted using an online survey questionnaire. The study findings are expected to support businesses, industry practitioners and the policymakers in gaining insights into the role of trust and utilizing it to promote the adoption of blockchain technology among organizations. From the theoretical side, this study will contribute to the IS body of knowledge on trust determinants and blockchain technology adoption. On the practical side, this study provides insight for public policy makers and organizations to understand key factors affecting blockchain technology adoption

    Distributed Atomic Swap on Cryptocurrencies

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    Anyone who wants to trade something in his possession with something else desires three things: To trade at the most appropriate rate, to trade at the least cost, not to be exposed to theft and fraud during the clearing. The cryptocurrency swap is also no different from swapping of any two entities. Crypto-currencies are getting more and more attractive day by day because their stock exchanges are open 24/7. Although all crypto-money markets in the world have similar expectations, existing market models have difficulties and risks while operating on them. The problem of this research is centralized exchange markets and risks while operating on them. The study aims to develop a distributed exchange model on blockchain using smart contracts for atomic swap method, and payment channels technology for liquidity. With this model, users will pay less without taking risks of centralized exchange markets, like hacking, theft and fraud.  In central exchanges, users first send their cryptocurrencies to the stock exchange's account to trade. This results in collection of all cryptocurrencies of users in a single pool. With this model, users will be allowed to wait in their wallets until the cryptocurrency is exchanged, and the risk of central hacking will be eliminated. Original contribution of this study to the literature is to combine Atomic Swap and Payment Channels technologies to create a liquid decentralized stock market model as much as central exchanges.Keywords: Atomic Swap Between Cryptocurrencies, Block-Chain; Cryptocurrency; Distributed Cryptocurrency Market; Cryptocurrency Payment GatewayDOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-4-05Publication date:August 31st 202