37 research outputs found

    A Novel Image Encryption Using an Integration Technique of Blocks Rotation Based on the Magic Cube and the AES Algorithm

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    In recent years, several encryption algorithms have been proposed to protect digital images from cryptographic attacks. These encryption algorithms typically use a relatively small key space and therefore, provide safe, especially if they are of a dimension. In this paper proposes an encryption algorithm for a new image protection scheme based on the rotation of the faces of a Magic Cube. The original image is divided into six sub-images and these sub-images are divided amongst a number of blocks and attached to the faces of a Magic Cube. The faces are then scrambled using rotation of the Magic Cube. Then the rotated image is fed to the AES algorithm which is applied to the pixels of the image to encrypt the scrambled image. Finally, experimental results and security analysis show that the proposed image encryption scheme not only encrypts the picture to achieve perfect hiding, but the algorithm can also withstand exhaustive, statistical and differential attacks

    Optical Image Encryption Using Devil’s Vortex Toroidal Lens in the Fresnel Transform Domain

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    We have carried out a study of optical image encryption in the Fresnel transform (FrT) domain, using a random phase mask (RPM) in the input plane and a phase mask based on devil’s vortex toroidal lens (DVTL) in the frequency plane. The original images are recovered from their corresponding encrypted images by using the correct parameters of the FrT and the parameters of DVTL. The use of a DVTL-based structured mask enhances security by increasing the key space for encryption and also aids in overcoming the problem of axis alignment associated with an optical setup. The proposed encryption scheme is a lensless optical system and its digital implementation has been performed using MATLAB 7.6.0 (R2008a). The scheme has been validated for a grayscale and a binary image. The efficacy of the proposed scheme is verified by computing mean-squared-error (MSE) between the recovered and the original images. We have also investigated the scheme’s sensitivity to the encryption parameters and examined its robustness against occlusion and noise attacks

    Nonlinear encryption for multiple images based on a joint transform correlator and the Gyrator transform

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    A novel nonlinear encryption–decryption system based on a joint transform correlator (JTC) and the Gyrator transform (GT) for the simultaneous encryption and decryption of multiple images in grayscale is proposed. This security system features a high level of security for the single real-valued encrypted image and a high image quality for the multiple decrypted images. The multispectral or color images are considered as a special case, taking each color component as a grayscale image. All multiple grayscale images (original images) to encrypt are encoded in phase and placed in the input plane of the JTC at the same time without overlapping. We introduce two random-phase masks (RPMs) keys for each image to encrypt at the input plane of the JTC-based encryption system. The total number of the RPM keys is given by the double of the total number of the grayscale images to be encrypted. The use of several RPMs as keys improves the security of the encrypted image. The joint Gyrator power distribution (JGPD) is the intensity of the GT of the input plane of the JTC. We obtain only a single real-valued encrypted image with a high level of security for all the multiple grayscale images to encrypt by introducing two new suitable nonlinear modifications on the JGPD. The security keys are given by the RPMs and the rotation angle of the GT. The decryption system is implemented by two successive GTs applied to the encrypted image and the security keys given by the RPMs and considering the rotation angle of the GT. We can simultaneously retrieve the various information of the original images at the output plane of the decryption system when all the security keys are correct. Another result due to the appropriate definition of the two nonlinear operations applied on the JGPD is the retrieval of the multiple decrypted images with a high image quality. The numerical simulations are computed with the purpose of demonstrating the validity and performance of the novel encryption–decryption system.This research has been funded by the Universidad de La Guajira (Riohacha), the Universidad Popular del Cesar (Valledupar) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, SGR 2021 SGR 00388 and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spanish Government (PID2020- 114582RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Secure Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Rubik's Cube Principle

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    Color image encryption and decryption using Hill Cipher associated with Arnold transform

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    Image security over open network transmission is a big concern nowadays. This paper proposes another methodology for color image encoding and decoding using two stage Hill Cipher method which is connected with Arnold Transformation. The forgoing created a strategy for encryption and decryption of color image information and touched on just the premise of keys. In this plan, keys and the agreement of Hill Cipher (HC) are basic. Moreover, keys multiplication (pre or post) over an RGB image information framework is inevitable to know to effectively decrypt the first image information. We have given a machine simulation with a standard example and the result is given to support the stalwartness of the plan. This paper gives a detailed comparison between prior proposed methods and this methodology. The system has potential utilization in computerized RGB image transforming and security of image information

    Grayscale-image encryption using Random Hill Cipher over SLn(F) associated with Discrete Wavelet Transformation

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    Image data are highly sensitive and prone to incidental decoding by intruders. The security of image data in an insecure network is therefore a major issue. In this paper, we have presented a novel approach for grayscale-image encryption and decryption using Random Hill cipher over SLn(F) associated with discrete wavelet transformation. Earlier techniques for encryption and decryption of image data discussed missing the keys, but in this approach, both the keys and the arrangement of RHC are emphasized. Additionally, keys multiplication side (pre or post) over a grayscale-image data matrix also inevitable to know, to correctly decrypt the encrypted image data. In proposed approach, consider keys from special linear group over field F. The key space of the whole cryptosystem is exorbitant. We have presented a computer simulation with a standard examples and the results is given to analyze the robustness of the proposed technique. Security analysis and detailed comparison among earlier developed techniques with proposed approach are also discussed for the robustness of the technique

    Multilayer Security of RGB Image in Discrete Hartley Domain

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    In this article, we present RGB image encryption and decryption using random matrix affine cipher (RMAC) associated with discrete Hartley transform (DHT) and random matrix shift cipher (RMSC). The parameters in RMAC and RMSC phases act as two series of secret keys whose arrangement is imperative in the proposed algorithm. The computer simulations with results and examples are given to analyze the efficiency of the proposed approach. Further, security analysis and comparison with the prior techniques successfully supports the robustness and validation of the proposed technique

    Double image encryption system using a nonlinear joint transform correlator in the Fourier domain

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    In this work, we present a new nonlinear joint transform correlator (JTC) architecture in the Fourier domain (FD) for the encryption and decryption of two simultaneous images. The main features of the proposed system are its increased level of security, the obtention of a single real-valued encrypted signal that contains the ciphered information of the two primary images and, additionally, a high image quality for the two final decrypted signals. The two images to be encrypted can be either related to each other, or independent signals. The encryption system is based on the double random phase encoding (DRPE), which is implemented by using a nonlinear JTC in the FD. The input plane of the JTC has four non-overlapping data distributions placed side-by-side with no blank spaces between them. The four data distributions are phase-only functions defined by the two images to encrypt and four random phase masks (RPMs). The joint power spectrum (JPS) is produced by the intensity of the Fourier transform (FT) of the input plane of the JTC. One of the main novelties of the proposal consists of the determination of the appropriate two nonlinear operations that modify the JPS distribution with a twofold purpose: to obtain a single real-valued encrypted image with a high level of security and to improve the quality of the decrypted images. The security keys of the encryption system are represented by the four RPMs, which are all necessary for a satisfactory decryption. The decryption system is implemented using a 4f-processor where the encrypted image and the security keys given by the four RPMs are introduced in the proper plane of the processor. The double image encryption system based on a nonlinear JTC in the FD increases the security of the system because there is a larger key space, and we can simultaneously validate two independent information signals (original images to encrypt) in comparison to previous similar proposals. The feasibility and performance of the proposed double image encryption and decryption system based on a nonlinear JTC are validated through computational simulations. Finally, we additionally comment on the proposed security system resistance against different attacks based on brute force, plaintext and deep learning.This research has been funded by the Universidad de La Guajira (Riohacha), the Universidad Popular del Cesar (Valledupar) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version