9,625 research outputs found

    Smart Grid for the Smart City

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    Modern cities are embracing cutting-edge technologies to improve the services they offer to the citizens from traffic control to the reduction of greenhouse gases and energy provisioning. In this chapter, we look at the energy sector advocating how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and signal processing techniques can be integrated into next generation power grids for an increased effectiveness in terms of: electrical stability, distribution, improved communication security, energy production, and utilization. In particular, we deliberate about the use of these techniques within new demand response paradigms, where communities of prosumers (e.g., households, generating part of their electricity consumption) contribute to the satisfaction of the energy demand through load balancing and peak shaving. Our discussion also covers the use of big data analytics for demand response and serious games as a tool to promote energy-efficient behaviors from end users

    Intelligent Energy Management with IoT Framework in Smart Cities Using Intelligent Analysis: An Application of Machine Learning Methods for Complex Networks and Systems

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    Smart buildings are increasingly using Internet of Things (IoT)-based wireless sensing systems to reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact. As a result of their compact size and ability to sense, measure, and compute all electrical properties, Internet of Things devices have become increasingly important in our society. A major contribution of this study is the development of a comprehensive IoT-based framework for smart city energy management, incorporating multiple components of IoT architecture and framework. An IoT framework for intelligent energy management applications that employ intelligent analysis is an essential system component that collects and stores information. Additionally, it serves as a platform for the development of applications by other companies. Furthermore, we have studied intelligent energy management solutions based on intelligent mechanisms. The depletion of energy resources and the increase in energy demand have led to an increase in energy consumption and building maintenance. The data collected is used to monitor, control, and enhance the efficiency of the system

    Public entities driven robotic innovation in urban areas

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    Cities present new challenges and needs to satisfy and improve lifestyle for their citizens under the concept “Smart City”. In order to achieve this goal in a global manner, new technologies are required as the robotic one. But Public entities unknown the possibilities offered by this technology to get solutions to their needs. In this paper the development of the Innovative Public Procurement instruments is explained, specifically the process PDTI (Public end Users Driven Technological Innovation) as a driving force of robotic research and development and offering a list of robotic urban challenges proposed by European cities that have participated in such a process. In the next phases of the procedure, this fact will provide novel robotic solutions addressed to public demand that are an example to be followed by other Smart Cities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Förderung des Aufbaus von Smart Grids in Thailand als Zusammenspiel von intelligenten Gebäuden, intelligenten Verbrauchern und einer intelligenten Energiepolitik

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    Smart grid technology can enhance renewable energy in the electricity system by integrating information communication technology (ICT) into the existing electricity network. Residential and commercial buildings can perform as a power plant with an energy design concept by integrating renewable energy and energy storage system. However, there has been relatively little focus on how to enhance the residential sector in smart grid development in the context of Thailand. This research focuses on residential buildings only. The technology assessment shows that energy efficiency measures (EEM) must be implemented to reduce the energy demand of the building. The Ice thermal energy storage system (ITES) is an appropriate energy storage system application that can provide cooling energy, which is the major energy consumer in residential building. The integration of EEM, the PV system, and the ITES system can reduce the primary energy demand by 87%, compared to the reference building without comprehensive energy concept design. The power quality assessment shows that the PV hosting capacity is limited up to 75%, which keeps the voltage level in the permissible range. The distributed energy storage system allows the PV prosumer to perform an active role by providing reactive power service to the system at the critical electricity feeder. The economic assessment reveals that the ITES is the most cost-effective investment option, where the battery energy storage (BES) system can become more attractive with incentive support and future cost reduction. The results from the consumer survey reveal that the willingness to pay (WTP) of the EEM and PV system in the detached single-family house is higher than the investment cost, which benefits both consumer and house developer. Technology is a key driver for providing the energy service to the energy system, while consumer behavior and acceptance can increase technology adoption. The Thai government should encourage the residential sector to become a smart user by taking technology, consumer behavior background, and essential energy policy into account.Intelligente Netztechnik, sogenannte Smart Grid-Technologie, kann durch die Einbindung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie die Integration von erneuerbaren Energien in das bestehende Stromnetz verbessern. Wohn- und Gewerbegebäude können mit Hilfe eines Energiekonzepts durch die Integration von erneuerbaren Energien und Energiespeichern als Kleinkraftwerk fungieren. Allerdings gibt es in Thailand bisher wenig Analysen, wie man den Wohnungssektor für die Entwicklung intelligenter Netze nutzbar machen kann. Diese Forschungsarbeit konzentriert sich daher ausschließlich auf Wohngebäude. Die Technologiebewertung zeigt, dass Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen (EEM) umgesetzt werden müssen, um den Energiebedarf der Gebäude zu reduzieren. Ein thermischer Energiespeicher basierend auf Eis (ITES) ist eine geeignete Speicheranwendung, um Kühlenergie bereitzustellen, die der Hauptenergieverbraucher in Wohngebäuden ist. Durch die Integration von EEM, dem PV-System und dem ITES-System kann der Primärenergiebedarf um 87% reduziert werden, verglichen mit einem Referenzgebäude ohne umfassendes Energiekonzept. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit zeigt, dass die PV-Aufnahmekapazität auf bis zu 75% ausgeweitet werden kann, ohne dass Spannungsgrenzen verletzt werden. Der dezentrale Energiespeicher ermöglichst es zudem dem PV-Prosumer, durch Blindleistungseinsatz eine aktive Rolle im Stromsystem einzunehmen und Spannungsprobleme in kritischen Leitungssträngen zu reduzieren. Die wirtschaftliche Bewertung zeigt, dass das ITES die kostengünstigste Investitionsoption ist und das Batteriespeichersystem (BES) durch Anreize und künftige Kostensenkungen an Attraktivität gewinnen kann. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Verbraucherbefragung zeigen, dass die Zahlungsbereitschaft für die EEM und das PV-System in Einfamilienhäusern höher ist als die Investitionskosten, was sowohl dem Verbraucher als auch dem Bauherrn des Hauses zugutekommt. Neue Technologien sind zentrale Elemente, um die Bereitstellung von Energiedienstleistungen im Energiesystem zu ermöglichen. Jedoch sind auch Nutzerverhalten und -akzeptanz wichtig, um die Verbreitung der Technologie zu erhöhen. Die thailändische Regierung sollte den Einsatz von Intelligenz im Wohnungssektor fördern und dabei Technologien, Verbraucherverhalten und wesentliche energiepolitische Aspekte berücksichtigen

    A Concept of Innovation Hub for Smart Applications, Enabling Pro-active Approach to Urban Policy and Planning Processes

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    In recent years, the question of how to develop smart applications in environments where solutions already exist has become a challenge for many trends of technological transformation e.g. in industry, transport or smart cities. The latter trend is additionally very sensitive because of the social dimension of the impact of transformation, where the human being should be in the centre of attention. In this paper we present the concept of the Innovation Hub in Poznań, which is a framework for digital transformation focused on integration and development towards proactive digital city system. Starting from the pillars of the digital transformation, i.e. the City Development Strategy and existing well-functioning smart city components, we justify the evolutionary model of transformation by creating favorable conditions for the implementation of Proof of Concept projects with the active participation of residents. In addition, we point out examples of projects that were linked to decision-making processes

    Sharpening the Cutting Edge: Corporate Action for a Strong, Low-Carbon Economy

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    Outlines lessons learned from early efforts to create a low-carbon economy, current and emerging best practices, and next steps, including climate change metrics, greenhouse gas reporting, effective climate policy, and long-term investment choices