9 research outputs found

    Generic Taxonomy of Social Engineering Attack

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    Social engineering is a type of attack that allows unauthorized access to a system to achieve specific objective. Commonly, the purpose is to obtain information for social engineers. Some successful social engineering attacks get victims’ information via human based retrieval approach, example technique terms as dumpster diving or shoulder surfing attack to get access to password. Alternatively, victims’ information also can be stolen using technical-based method such as from pop-up windows, email or web sites to get the password or other sensitive information. This research performed a preliminary analysis on social engineering attack taxonomy that emphasized on types of technical-based social engineering attack. Results from the analysis become a guideline in proposing a new generic taxonomy of Social Engineering Attack (SEA)

    Quantitative penetration testing with item response theory (extended version)

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    Existing penetration testing approaches assess the vulnerability of a system by determining whether certain attack paths are possible in practice. Therefore, penetration testing has thus far been used as a qualitative research method. To enable quantitative approaches to security risk management, including decision support based on the cost-effectiveness of countermeasures, one needs quantitative measures of the feasibility of an attack. Also, when physical or social attack steps are involved, the binary view on whether a vulnerability is present or not is insucient, and one needs some viability metric. When penetration tests are performed anyway, it is very easy for the testers to keep track of, for example, the time they spend on each attack step. Therefore, this paper proposes the concept of quantitative penetration testing to determine the diculty rather than the possibility of attacks. We do this by step-wise updates of expected time and probability of success for all steps in an attack scenario. Also, the skill of the testers can be included to improve the accuracy of the metrics, based on the framework of Item Response Theory (Elo ratings). We show the feasibility of the approach by means of simulations, and discuss application possibilities

    Математические модели визуализации в SIEM-системах

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    The paper suggests the mathematical models of data visualization in SIEM-systems. The visualization models formalize three main stages of the visualization process. At the first stage the models are being suggested which fulfill the unification of data on the computer network objects having heterogeneous structures and different sources. At the second stage, on the basis of the suggested models, a multidimensional matrix of relations is generated. At the third stage a uniform approach to the visualization of various security aspects of the computer network on the basis of constructed matrix is proposed.В статье предложены математические модели визуализации данных в SIEM-системах. Модели визуализации служат для формализации трех основных этапов процесса визуализации. На первом этапе предлагаются модели, с помощью которых происходит унификация сведений об объектах компьютерной сети, имеющих разнородные структуры и различные источники. На втором этапе на базе построенных моделей формируется многомерная матрица связей. На третьем этапе предлагается унифицированный подход к визуализации различных аспектов безопасности компьютерной сети на основе построенной матрицы

    Implementation and analysis of website security mining system, applied to universities\u27 academic networks

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    Sve je uobičajenije za web aplikacije i poslužitelje za pohranu podataka rukovanje putem programskog rješenja u oblaku; stoga je sve veći broj ljudi koji svoje privatne podatke stavljaju na internet, motivirajući istraživanje mogućnosti programskog rješenja u oblaku, sigurnosti baza podataka i kodiranih nadležnosti. U procjeni Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)-a, ubacivanje SQL-a jedan je od najopasnijih napadnih vektora na sigurnost interneta. Imajući to u vidu, uveli smo sustav nazvan sustav za probijanje sigurnosti web mjesta, koji pokreće algoritam za pretraživanje weba kako bi analizirao propuste na zaštiti URL-a i adresa e-pošte ispitivanjem crnih kutija web mjesta 20 poznatih sveučilišta. Na temelju naših podataka, održavatelji akademskih web mjesta mogu saznati kakvoj su opasnosti izloženi, kojim URL-ovima prijeti veća opasnost i što učiniti kako bi uredili web stranicu za zaštitu od ranjivosti i sprijećili napade na akademske resurse. Nadamo se da će se u budućnosti veća pažnja posvetiti sigurnosti informacija na akademskim mrežama, kako se to danas čini s komercijalnim i vladinim mrežama.It is becoming increasingly common for web application and data storage services to be handled by cloud computing; therefore, more and more people are putting their private information on the internet, motivating research into cloud computing, database security and authority encryption. In the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) assessment, SQL injection is one of the most dangerous attack vectors in internet security. With this in mind, we have implemented a system named the website security mining system, which leverages a web crawling algorithm to analyze web URL and e-mail address leaks through black-box testing of 20 well-known universities’ websites. Based on our data, academic website maintainers can be clearly informed about what kind of danger they are exposed to, which URLs are highly in danger, and the need to patch the website to protect against vulnerabilities and prevent academic resources from attacks. We hope that in the future, academic networks will gain more attention in the information security community, just like commercial and government networks today

    Анализ методов корреляции событий безопасности в SIEM-системах. Часть 1.

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    The paper is devoted to the analysis of security event correlation methods in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems. The correlation process is considered to be a multilevel hierarchy of stages. The goal of each stage consists in executing appropriate operations on security data being processed. Based on this analysis we outline each correlation stage and their interaction scheme.Статья посвящена анализу методов корреляции событий безопасности в системах управления информацией и событиями безопасности (SIEM-системах). Процесс корреляции событий безопасности рассматривается в виде многоуровневой иерархии этапов, цель каждого из которых заключается в выполнении определенных операций над обрабатываемыми данными безопасности. На основе результатов проведенного анализа в работе приводится описание каждого этапа процесса корреляции и схемы их взаимодействия


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    Social engineering: psychology applied to Information Security

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    Psychology and computer science are two scientific disciplines that focus on identifying the particular characteristics of information processing. The first in the human being and the second in the construction of a technical tool that seeks to emulate the brain: the computer. That is why psychology is strongly tied to the moment for people to choose their passwords. Deceptive advertising often compensates (through money, products and free services or other self-esteem tests) to influence a product or service to appear on your social network. In order to increase its consumption among its followers and also to take personal information without your consent. Due to the increase of the use of social networks, our social engineering strategy can efficiently and effectively show that security is subjective and that a significant percentage of users are vulnerable to deceptive advertisement through the internet. This project is based on the need to prevent attacks of information subtraction by obtaining/decrypting the keys of access or in the worst case obtain directly their passwords to the different web services, bank accounts, credit cards of individuals, based on the information that people exposed or share on their social networks. This paper also examines how attackers could obtain/decipher their passwords based on personal information obtained from deceptive advertisements implemented through a social network. The advantage of this approach also shows the user password composition providing a better vision of how hackers use the psychology applied to information security.Maestrí

    Strategic framework to minimise information security risks in the UAE

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the PhD degreeThe transition process to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has had significant influence on different aspects of society. Although the computerisation process has motivated the alignment of different technical and human factors with the expansion process, the technical pace of the transition surpasses the human adaptation to change. Much research on ICT development has shown that ICT security is essentially a political and a managerial act that must not disregard the importance of the relevant cultural characteristics of a society. Information sharing is a necessary action in society to exchange knowledge and to enable and facilitate communication. However, certain information should be shared only with selected parties or even kept private. Information sharing by humans forms the main obstacle to security measure undertaken by organisations to protect their assets. Moreover, certain cultural traits play a major role in thwarting information security measures. Arab culture of the United Arab Emirates is one of those cultures with strong collectivism featuring strong ties among individuals. Sharing sensitive information including passwords of online accounts can be found in some settings in some cultures, but with reason and generally on a small scale. However, this research includes a study on 3 main Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, namely, Saudi Arabia (KSA), United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman, showing that there is similar a significant level of sensitive information sharing among employees in the region. This is proven to highly contribute to compromising user digital authentication, eventually, putting users’ accounts at risk. The research continued by carrying out a comparison between the United Kingdom (UK) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in terms of attitudes and behaviour towards information sharing. It was evident that there is a significant difference between GCC Arab culture and the UK culture in terms of information sharing. Respondents from the GCC countries were more inclined to share sensitive information with their families and friends than the UK respondents were. However, UK respondents still revealed behaviour in some contexts, which may lead potential threats to the authentication mechanism and consequently to other digital accounts that require a credential pass. It was shown that the lack of awareness and the cultural impact are the main issues for sensitive information sharing among family members and friends in the GCC. The research hence investigated channels and measures of reducing the prevalence of social engineering attacks, such as legislative measures, technological measures, and education and awareness. The found out that cultural change is necessary to remedy sensitive information sharing as a cultural trait. Education and awareness are perhaps the best defence to cultural change and should be designed effectively. Accordingly, the work critically analysed three national cybersecurity strategies of the United Kingdom (UK), the United States (U.S.) and Australia (AUS) in order to identify any information security awareness education designed to educate online users about the risk of sharing sensitive information including passwords. The analysis aimed to assess possible adoption of certain elements, if any, of these strategies by the UAE. The strategies discussed only user awareness to reduce information sharing. However, awareness in itself may not achieve the required result of reducing information sharing among family members and friends. Rather, computer users should be educated about the risks of such behaviour in order to realise and change. As a result, the research conducted an intervention study that proposed a UAE-focused strategy designed to promote information security education for the younger generation to mitigate the risk of sensitive information sharing. The results obtained from the intervention study of school children formed a basis for the information security education framework also proposed in this work

    An Investigation into Possible Attacks on HTML5 IndexedDB and their Prevention

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    This thesis presents an analysis of, and enhanced security model for IndexedDB, the persistent HTML5 browser-based data store. In versions of HTML prior to HTML5, web sites used cookies to track user preferences locally. Cookies are however limited both in file size and number, and must also be added to every HTTP request, which increases web traffic unnecessarily. Web functionality has however increased significantly since cookies were introduced by Netscape in 1994. Consequently, web developers require additional capabilities to keep up with the evolution of the World Wide Web and growth in eCommerce. The response to this requirement was the IndexedDB API, which became an official W3C recommendation in January 2015. The IndexedDB API includes an Object Store, indices, and cursors and so gives HTML5 - compliant browsers a transactional database capability. Furthermore, once downloaded, IndexedDB data stores do not require network connectivity. This permits mobile web- based applications to work without a data connection. Such IndexedDB data stores will be used to store customer data, they will inevitably become targets for attackers. This thesis firstly argues that the design of IndexedDB makes it unavoidably insecure. That is, every implementation is vulnerable to attacks such as Cross Site Scripting, and even data that has been deleted from databases may be stolen using appropriate software tools. This is demonstrated experimentally on both mobile and desktop browsers. IndexedDB is however capable of high performance even when compared to servers running optimized local databases. This is demonstrated through the development of a formal performance model. The performance predictions for IndexedDB were tested experimentally, and the results showed high conformance over a range of usage scenarios. This implies that IndexedDB is potentially a useful HTML5 API if the security issues can be addressed. In the final component of this thesis, we propose and implement enhancements that correct the security weaknesses identified in IndexedDB. The enhancements use multifactor authentication, and so are resistant to Cross Site Scripting attacks. This enhancement is then demonstrated experimentally, showing that HTML5 IndexedDB may be used securely both online and offline. This implies that secure, standards compliant browser based applications with persistent local data stores may both feasible and efficient