16 research outputs found

    Securing a Telecom Services Using Quantum Cryptographic Mechanisms

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    Security performance and protocol consideration in optical communication system with optical layer security enabled by optical coding techniques

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    With the fast development of communication systems, network security issues have more and more impact on daily life. It is essential to construct a high degree of optical layer security to resolve the security problem once and for all. Three different techniques which can provide optical layer security are introduced and compared. Optical chaos can be used for fast random number generation. Quantum cryptography is the most promising technique for key distribution. And the optical coding techniques can be deployed to encrypt the modulated signal in the optical layer. A mathematical equation has been derived from information theory to evaluate the information-theoretic security level of the wiretap channel in optical coding schemes. And the merits and limitation of two coherent optical coding schemes, temporal phase coding and spectral phase coding, have been analysed. The security scheme based on a reconfigurable optical coding device has been introduced, and the corresponding security protocol has been developed. By moving the encryption operation from the electronic layer to the optical layer, the modulated signals become opaque to the unauthorised users. Optical code distribution and authentication is the one of the major challenges for our proposed scheme. In our proposed protocol, both of the operations are covered and defined in detail. As a preliminary draft of the optical code security protocol, it could be a useful guidance for further research

    Quantum Key Distribution: Modeling and Simulation through BB84 Protocol Using Python3

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    Autonomous “Things” is becoming the future trend as the role, and responsibility of IoT keep diversifying. Its applicability and deployment need to re-stand technological advancement. The versatile security interaction between IoTs in human-to-machine and machine-to-machine must also endure mathematical and computational cryptographic attack intricacies. Quantum cryptography uses the laws of quantum mechanics to generate a secure key by manipulating light properties for secure end-to-end communication. We present a proof-of-principle via a communication architecture model and implementation to simulate these laws of nature. The model relies on the BB84 quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol with two scenarios, without and with the presence of an eavesdropper via the interception-resend attack model from a theoretical, methodological, and practical perspective. The proposed simulation initiates communication over a quantum channel for polarized photon transmission after a pre-agreed configuration over a Classic Channel with parameters. Simulation implementation results confirm that the presence of an eavesdropper is detectable during key generation due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty and no-cloning principles. An eavesdropper has a 0.5 probability of guessing transmission qubit and 0.25 for the polarization state. During simulation re-iterations, a base-mismatch process discarded about 50 percent of the total initial key bits with an Error threshold of 0.11 percent.</p

    A New QKD Protocol Based Upon Authentication By EPR Entanglement State

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    Cryptographic world has faced multiple challenges that are included in encoding and decoding transmitting information into a secure communication channel. Quantum cryptography may be another generation of the cryptography world, which is based on the law of physics. After decades of using the classical cryptography, there is an essential need to move a step forward through the most trusted systems, especially enormous amount of data flows through billions of communicating channels (e.g. The internet), and keeping this transmitting information away from eavesdropping is obligatory. Moreover, quantum cryptography has proved its standing against many weaknesses in the classical cryptography. One of these weaknesses is the ability to copy any type of information using a passive attack without an interruption, which is impossible in the quantum system. Theoretically, several quantum observables are utilized to diagnose an action of one particle. These observables are included in measuring mass, movement, speed, etc. The polarization of one photon occurs normally and randomly in the space. Any interruption that happens during sending of a light will cause a deconstruction of the light polarization. Therefore, particles’ movement in a three-dimensional space is supported by Non-Cloning theory that makes eavesdroppers unable to interrupt a communication system. In case an eavesdropper tried to interrupt a photon, the photon will be destroyed after passing the photon into a quantum detector or any measurement device. In the last decades, many Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols have been created to initiate a secret key during encoding and decoding transmitted data operations. Some of these protocols were proven un-secure based on the quantum attacks that were released early. Even though the power of physics is still active and the Non-Cloning theory is unbroken, some QKD protocols failed during the security measurements. The main reason of the failure is based on the inability to provide the authentication between the end users during the quantum and classical channels. The proposed QKD protocol was designed to utilize some advantages of quantum physics as well as solid functions that are used in the classical cryptography. The authentication is a requirement during different communication channels, where both legitimate parties must confirm their identities before starting to submit data (plain-text). Moreover, the protocol uses most needed scenarios to finish the communication without leaking important data. These scenarios have been approved in existing QKD protocols either by classical or quantum systems. The matrix techniques also are used as a part of the preparation of the authentication key, where the end users communicate by an EPR (related to Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen theory in 1935) channel. The EPR channel will be supported by an entanglement of particles. If the EPR communication succeeded, transferring the converted plain-text is required. Finally, both end users will have an authenticated secret key, and the submission will be done without any interruption

    A survey of Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS): Past, present and future

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    Virtual Private LAN services (VPLS) is a Layer 2 Virtual Private Network (L2VPN) service that has gained immense popularity due to a number of its features, such as protocol independence, multipoint-to-multipoint mesh connectivity, robust security, low operational cost (in terms of optimal resource utilization), and high scalability. In addition to the traditional VPLS architectures, novel VPLS solutions have been designed leveraging new emerging paradigms, such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), to keep up with the increasing demand. These emerging solutions help in enhancing scalability, strengthening security, and optimizing resource utilization. This paper aims to conduct an in-depth survey of various VPLS architectures and highlight different characteristics through insightful comparisons. Moreover, the article discusses numerous technical aspects such as security, scalability, compatibility, tunnel management, operational issues, and complexity, along with the lessons learned. Finally, the paper outlines future research directions related to VPLS. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to furnish a detailed survey of VPLS.University College DublinAcademy of Finlan

    Five Facets of 6G: Research Challenges and Opportunities

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    Whilst the fifth-generation (5G) systems are being rolled out across the globe, researchers have turned their attention to the exploration of radical next-generation solutions. At this early evolutionary stage we survey five main research facets of this field, namely {\em Facet~1: next-generation architectures, spectrum and services, Facet~2: next-generation networking, Facet~3: Internet of Things (IoT), Facet~4: wireless positioning and sensing, as well as Facet~5: applications of deep learning in 6G networks.} In this paper, we have provided a critical appraisal of the literature of promising techniques ranging from the associated architectures, networking, applications as well as designs. We have portrayed a plethora of heterogeneous architectures relying on cooperative hybrid networks supported by diverse access and transmission mechanisms. The vulnerabilities of these techniques are also addressed and carefully considered for highlighting the most of promising future research directions. Additionally, we have listed a rich suite of learning-driven optimization techniques. We conclude by observing the evolutionary paradigm-shift that has taken place from pure single-component bandwidth-efficiency, power-efficiency or delay-optimization towards multi-component designs, as exemplified by the twin-component ultra-reliable low-latency mode of the 5G system. We advocate a further evolutionary step towards multi-component Pareto optimization, which requires the exploration of the entire Pareto front of all optiomal solutions, where none of the components of the objective function may be improved without degrading at least one of the other components

    Quantum Machine Learning for 6G Communication Networks: State-of-the-Art and Vision for the Future

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    The upcoming 5th Generation (5G) of wireless networks is expected to lay a foundation of intelligent networks with the provision of some isolated Artificial Intelligence (AI) operations. However, fully-intelligent network orchestration and management for providing innovative services will only be realized in Beyond 5G (B5G) networks. To this end, we envisage that the 6th Generation (6G) of wireless networks will be driven by on-demand self-reconfiguration to ensure a many-fold increase in the network performanceandservicetypes.Theincreasinglystringentperformancerequirementsofemergingnetworks may finally trigger the deployment of some interesting new technologies such as large intelligent surfaces, electromagnetic-orbital angular momentum, visible light communications and cell-free communications – tonameafew.Ourvisionfor6Gis–amassivelyconnectedcomplexnetworkcapableofrapidlyresponding to the users’ service calls through real-time learning of the network state as described by the network-edge (e.g., base-station locations, cache contents, etc.), air interface (e.g., radio spectrum, propagation channel, etc.), and the user-side (e.g., battery-life, locations, etc.). The multi-state, multi-dimensional nature of the network state, requiring real-time knowledge, can be viewed as a quantum uncertainty problem. In this regard, the emerging paradigms of Machine Learning (ML), Quantum Computing (QC), and Quantum ML (QML) and their synergies with communication networks can be considered as core 6G enablers. Considering these potentials, starting with the 5G target services and enabling technologies, we provide a comprehensivereviewoftherelatedstate-of-the-artinthedomainsofML(includingdeeplearning),QCand QML, and identify their potential benefits, issues and use cases for their applications in the B5G networks. Subsequently,weproposeanovelQC-assistedandQML-basedframeworkfor6Gcommunicationnetworks whilearticulatingitschallengesandpotentialenablingtechnologiesatthenetwork-infrastructure,networkedge, air interface and user-end. Finally, some promising future research directions for the quantum- and QML-assisted B5G networks are identified and discussed

    Contributions to Securing Software Updates in IoT

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a large network of connected devices. In IoT, devices can communicate with each other or back-end systems to transfer data or perform assigned tasks. Communication protocols used in IoT depend on target applications but usually require low bandwidth. On the other hand, IoT devices are constrained, having limited resources, including memory, power, and computational resources. Considering these limitations in IoT environments, it is difficult to implement best security practices. Consequently, network attacks can threaten devices or the data they transfer. Thus it is crucial to react quickly to emerging vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities should be mitigated by firmware updates or other necessary updates securely. Since IoT devices usually connect to the network wirelessly, such updates can be performed Over-The-Air (OTA). This dissertation presents contributions to enable secure OTA software updates in IoT. In order to perform secure updates, vulnerabilities must first be identified and assessed. In this dissertation, first, we present our contribution to designing a maturity model for vulnerability handling. Next, we analyze and compare common communication protocols and security practices regarding energy consumption. Finally, we describe our designed lightweight protocol for OTA updates targeting constrained IoT devices. IoT devices and back-end systems often use incompatible protocols that are unable to interoperate securely. This dissertation also includes our contribution to designing a secure protocol translator for IoT. This translation is performed inside a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) with TLS interception. This dissertation also contains our contribution to key management and key distribution in IoT networks. In performing secure software updates, the IoT devices can be grouped since the updates target a large number of devices. Thus, prior to deploying updates, a group key needs to be established among group members. In this dissertation, we present our designed secure group key establishment scheme. Symmetric key cryptography can help to save IoT device resources at the cost of increased key management complexity. This trade-off can be improved by integrating IoT networks with cloud computing and Software Defined Networking (SDN).In this dissertation, we use SDN in cloud networks to provision symmetric keys efficiently and securely. These pieces together help software developers and maintainers identify vulnerabilities, provision secret keys, and perform lightweight secure OTA updates. Furthermore, they help devices and systems with incompatible protocols to be able to interoperate

    Space enabled smart Africa (SESA)

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    Urbanization in Africa is growing at a rapid pace and so is the population growth. Cities in Africa are struggling to cope with the demand that urban migration brings. For example, Africa has over 60% of her population located in the urban areas. These urban locations are sprawling slums due to the massive influx of people and inadequate housing systems. The United Nations, through the Sustainable Development Goals called for a sustainable cities and communities. This project is focus on using the smart city approach to tackle these urbanization issues. With the advancement in satellite application systems, smart cities can be enabled through space technology to address these urbanization and other issues affecting the African region. Integrating space technology, such as communication, Earth observation, and satellite aided position timing &amp; navigation application systems and small satellite technology, to the smart city paradigm could provide sustainable ways in which problems like digital division, over population, natural disaster, etc. could be managed and eradicated

    Optical Communication

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    Optical communication is very much useful in telecommunication systems, data processing and networking. It consists of a transmitter that encodes a message into an optical signal, a channel that carries the signal to its desired destination, and a receiver that reproduces the message from the received optical signal. It presents up to date results on communication systems, along with the explanations of their relevance, from leading researchers in this field. The chapters cover general concepts of optical communication, components, systems, networks, signal processing and MIMO systems. In recent years, optical components and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth for optical communications systems. The researcher has also concentrated on optical devices, networking, signal processing, and MIMO systems and other enhanced functions for optical communication. This book is targeted at research, development and design engineers from the teams in manufacturing industry, academia and telecommunication industries