10 research outputs found

    An Efficient Protocol for Oblivious DFA Evaluation and Applications

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    In this paper, we design an efficient protocol for \emph{oblivious DFA evaluation} between an input holder (client) and a DFA holder (server). The protocol runs in a single round, and only requires a small amount of computation by each party. The most efficient version of our protocol only requires O(k)O(k) asymmetric operations by either party, where kk is the security parameter. Moreover, the client\u27s total computation is only linear in his own input and independent of the size of the DFA. We prove the protocol fully-secure against a \emph{malicious client} and \emph{private} against a malicious server, using the standard \emph{simulation-based} security definitions for secure two-party computation. We show how to transform our construction in order to solve multiple variants of the \emph{secure pattern matching} problem without any computational overhead. The more challenging variant is when parties want to compute the number of occurrences of a pattern in a text (but nothing else). We observe that, for this variant, we need a protocol for counting the number of accepting states visited during the evaluation of a DFA on an input. We then introduce a novel modification to our original protocol in order to solve the counting variant, without any loss in efficiency or security. Finally, we fully implement our protocol and run a series of experiments on a client/server network environment. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed protocol and, confirm the particularly low computation overhead of the client

    From Dust to Dawn: Practically Efficient Two-Party Secure Function Evaluation Protocols and their Modular Design

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    General two-party Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) allows mutually distrusting parties to (jointly) correctly compute \emph{any} function on their private input data, without revealing the inputs. SFE, properly designed, guarantees to satisfy the most stringent security requirements, even for interactive computation. Two-party SFE can benefit almost any client-server interaction where privacy is required, such as privacy-preserving credit checking, medical classification, or face recognition. Today, SFE is subject of an immense amount of research in a variety of directions, and is not easy to navigate. In this paper, we systematize the most \emph{practically important} work of the vast research knowledge on \emph{general} SFE. It turns out that the most efficient SFE protocols today are obtained by combining several basic techniques, such as garbled circuits and homomorphic encryption. We limit our detailed discussion to efficient general techniques. In particular, we do not discuss the details of currently \emph{practically inefficient} techniques, such as fully homomorphic encryption (although we elaborate on its practical relevance), nor do we cover \emph{specialized} techniques applicable only to small classes of functions. As an important practical contribution, we present a framework in which today\u27s practically most efficient techniques for general SFE can be viewed as building blocks with well-defined interfaces that can be easily combined to establish a complete efficient solution. Further, our approach naturally lends itself to automated protocol generation (compilation). This is evidenced by the implementation of (parts of) our framework in the TASTY SFE compiler (introduced at ACM CCS 2010). In sum, our work is positioned as a comprehensive guide in state-of-the-art SFE, with the additional goal of extracting, systematizing and unifying the most relevant and promising general techniques from among the mass of SFE knowledge. We hope this guide would help developers of SFE libraries and privacy-preserving protocols in selecting the most efficient SFE components available today

    Efficient Server-Aided Secure Two-Party Function Evaluation with Applications to Genomic Computation

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    Computation based on genomic data is becoming increasingly popular today, be it for medical or other purposes such as ancestry or paternity testing. Non-medical uses of genomic data in a computation often take place in a server-mediated setting where the server offers the ability for joint genomic testing between the users. Undeniably, genomic data is highly sensitive, which in contrast to other biometry types, discloses a plethora of information not only about the data owner, but also about his or her relatives. Thus, there is an urgent need to protect genomic data, especially when it is used in computation for what we call as recreational non-health-related purposes. Towards this goal, in this work we put forward a framework for server-aided secure two-party computation with the security model motivated by genomic applications. One particular security setting that we treat in this work provides stronger security guarantees with respect to malicious users than the traditional malicious model. In particular, we incorporate certified inputs into secure computation based on garbled circuit evaluation to guarantee that a malicious user is unable to modify her inputs in order to learn unauthorized information about the other user\u27s data. Our solutions are general in the sense that they can be used to securely evaluate arbitrary functions and offer attractive performance compared to the state of the art. We apply the general constructions to three specific types of genomic tests: paternity, genetic compatibility, and ancestry testing and implement the constructions. The results show that all such private tests can be executed within a matter of seconds or less despite the large size of one\u27s genomic data

    Automata Evaluation and Text Search Protocols with Simulation Based Security

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    This paper presents efficient protocols for securely computing the following two problems: 1) The fundamental problem of pattern matching. This problem is defined in the two-party setting, where party P1P_1 holds a pattern and party P2P_2 holds a text. The goal of P1P_1 is to learn where the pattern appears in the text, without revealing it to P2P_2 or learning anything else about P2P_2\u27s text. This problem has been widely studied for decades due to its broad applicability. We present several protocols for several notions of security. We further generalize one of our solutions to solve additional pattern matching related problems of interest. 2) Our construction from above, in the malicious case, is based on a novel protocol for secure oblivious automata evaluation which is of independent interest. In this problem, party P1P_1 holds an automaton and party P2P_2 holds an input string, and they need to decide if the automaton accepts the input, without learning anything else. Our protocol obtains full security in the face of malicious adversaries

    PrivMail: A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Secure Emails

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    Emails have improved our workplace efficiency and communication. However, they are often processed unencrypted by mail servers, leaving them open to data breaches on a single service provider. Public-key based solutions for end-to-end secured email, such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), are available but are not widely adopted due to usability obstacles and also hinder processing of encrypted emails. We propose PrivMail, a novel approach to secure emails using secret sharing methods. Our framework utilizes Secure Multi-Party Computation techniques to relay emails through multiple service providers, thereby preventing any of them from accessing the content in plaintext. Additionally, PrivMail supports private server-side email processing similar to IMAP SEARCH, and eliminates the need for cryptographic certificates, resulting in better usability than public-key based solutions. An important aspect of our framework is its capability to enable third-party searches on user emails while maintaining the privacy of both the email and the query used to conduct the search. We integrate PrivMail into the current email infrastructure and provide a Thunderbird plugin to enhance user-friendliness. To evaluate our solution, we benchmarked transfer and search operations using the Enron Email Dataset and demonstrate that PrivMail is an effective solution for enhancing email security

    5PM: Secure Pattern Matching

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    In this paper we consider the problem of secure pattern matching that allows single-character wildcards and substring matching in the malicious (stand-alone) setting. Our protocol, called 5PM, is executed between two parties: Server, holding a text of length nn, and Client, holding a pattern of length mm to be matched against the text, where our notion of matching is more general and includes non-binary alphabets, non-binary Hamming distance and non-binary substring matching. 5PM is the first secure expressive pattern matching protocol designed to optimize round complexity by carefully specifying the entire protocol round by round. In the malicious model, 5PM requires O((m+n)k2)O((m+n)k^2) bandwidth and O(m+n)O(m+n) encryptions, where mm is the pattern length and nn is the text length. Further, 5PM can hide pattern size with no asymptotic additional costs in either computation or bandwidth. Finally, 5PM requires only two rounds of communication in the honest-but-curious model and eight rounds in the malicious model. Our techniques reduce pattern matching and generalized Hamming distance problems to a novel linear algebra formulation that allows for generic solutions based on any additively homomorphic encryption. We believe our efficient algebraic techniques are of independent interest

    Applications of Coding Theory to Sub-Linear Time Sparse Recovery Problems

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    This dissertation leverages the connection between coding theory and classical sparse recovery problems like sparse Fourier and Hadamard transform computations to understand properties of existing recovery algorithms under various signal models, propose improvements, and adopt them to interesting applications in theoretical computer science like pattern matching. In the first part of the dissertation, we begin by demonstrating the relationship between an extended Fast Fourier Aliasing-based Sparse Transform (FFAST) algorithm and the iterative hard decision decoding of product codes. We show that the FFAST algorithm is analogous to an iterative decoder for a carefully defined product code whose thresholds can be computed by an extension of Justensen's analysis to d-dimensional product codes. Interpreting the FFAST algorithm as decoding of a product code also provides insight into the performance of the FFAST algorithm when non-zero coefficients are not randomly chosen but are bursty such as what may be encountered in many practical applications like spectrum sensing. Recoverability results are guaranteed for the finite length case and we provided thresholds for the 1 and 2 burst cases asymptotically. It is further observed that the FFAST algorithm performs better for bursty signals in comparison to those for randomly chosen non-zero coefficients. We then consider the problem of computing the Walsh-Hadamard Transform (WHT) of an N = 2^n dimensional signal whose WHT is K-sparse, when the sparsity parameter K scales sub-linearly in N. We propose improvements to the algorithm by Scheibler et al. by introducing a two error correcting code at each check node. Further, through density evolution analysis and simulations we show that the proposed modification substantially improves the space and time complexity of the algorithm, sometimes achieving as much as a 70% reduction. We conclude by considering the substring/pattern matching problem of querying a string (or a database) of length N bits to determine all the locations where a substring (query) of length M appears either exactly or is within a Hamming distance of K from the query. We analyze the exact pattern matching problem where M consecutive symbols from x and is presented as a query, and the approximate pattern matching problem where we assume a noisy version of a substring. Our proposed algorithm is evaluated based on the sketching complexity, and the computational complexity in answering the query. Using a sparse Fourier transform computation based approach we show that all such matches can be determined with high probability in sub-linear time and space. Further, we present several extensions including optimization for longer query lengths, algorithmic improvements for correlated data sources, and a secured matching algorithm in an outsourced pattern matching setting

    Privacy-Preserving Regular Expression Evaluation on Encrypted Data

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    Motivated by the need to outsource file storage to untrusted clouds while still permitting controlled use of that data by authorized third parties, in this dissertation we present a family of protocols by which a client can evaluate a regular expression on an encrypted file stored at a server (the cloud), once authorized to do so by the file owner. We present a protocol that provably protects the privacy of the regular expression and the file contents from a malicious server and the privacy of the file contents (except for the evaluation result) from an honest-but-curious client. We then extend this protocol in two primary directions. In one direction, we develop a strengthened protocol that enables the client to detect any misbehavior of the server; in particular, the client can verify that the result of its regular-expression evaluation is based on the authentic file stored there by the data owner, and in this sense the file and evaluation result are authenticated to the client. The second direction in which we extend our initial protocol is motivated by the vast adoption of resource-constrained mobile devices, and the fact that our protocols involve relatively intensive client-server interaction and computation on the searching client. We therefore investigate an alternative in which the client (e.g., via her mobile device) can submit her encrypted regular expression to a partially trusted proxy, which then interacts with the server hosting the encrypted data and reports the encrypted evaluation result to the client. Neither the search query nor the result is revealed to an honest-but-curious proxy or malicious server during the process. We demonstrate the practicality of the protocol by prototyping a system to perform regular-expression searches on encrypted emails and evaluate its performance using a real-world email dataset.Doctor of Philosoph

    Pattern matching encryption, strategic equivalence of range voting and approval voting, and statistical robustness of voting rules

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-123).We present new results in the areas of cryptography and voting systems. 1. Pattern matching encryption: We present new, general definitions for queryable encryption schemes - encryption schemes that allow evaluation of private queries on encrypted data without performing full decryption. We construct an efficient queryable encryption scheme supporting pattern matching queries, based on suffix trees. Storage and communication complexity are comparable to those for (unencrypted) suffix trees. The construction is based only on symmetric-key primitives, so it is practical. 2. Strategic equivalence of range voting and approval voting: We study strategic voting in the context of range voting in a formal model. We show that under general conditions, as the number of voters becomes large, strategic range-voting becomes equivalent to approval voting. We propose beta distributions as a new and interesting way to model voter's subjective information about other votes. 3. Statistical robustness of voting rules: We introduce a new notion called "statistical robustness" for voting rules: a voting rule is statistically robust if, for any profile of votes, the most likely winner of a sample of the profile is the winner of the complete profile. We show that plurality is the only interesting voting rule that is statistically robust; approval voting (perhaps surprisingly) and other common voting rules are not statistically robust.by Emily Shen.Ph.D