An Efficient Protocol for Oblivious DFA Evaluation and Applications


In this paper, we design an efficient protocol for \emph{oblivious DFA evaluation} between an input holder (client) and a DFA holder (server). The protocol runs in a single round, and only requires a small amount of computation by each party. The most efficient version of our protocol only requires O(k)O(k) asymmetric operations by either party, where kk is the security parameter. Moreover, the client\u27s total computation is only linear in his own input and independent of the size of the DFA. We prove the protocol fully-secure against a \emph{malicious client} and \emph{private} against a malicious server, using the standard \emph{simulation-based} security definitions for secure two-party computation. We show how to transform our construction in order to solve multiple variants of the \emph{secure pattern matching} problem without any computational overhead. The more challenging variant is when parties want to compute the number of occurrences of a pattern in a text (but nothing else). We observe that, for this variant, we need a protocol for counting the number of accepting states visited during the evaluation of a DFA on an input. We then introduce a novel modification to our original protocol in order to solve the counting variant, without any loss in efficiency or security. Finally, we fully implement our protocol and run a series of experiments on a client/server network environment. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed protocol and, confirm the particularly low computation overhead of the client

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