5 research outputs found

    Secure long term communities in ad hoc networks

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    An efficient approach of secure group association management in densely deployed heterogeneous distributed sensor network

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    A heterogeneous distributed sensor network (HDSN) is a type of distributed sensor network where sensors with different deployment groups and different functional types participate at the same time. In other words, the sensors are divided into different deployment groups according to different types of data transmissions, but they cooperate with each other within and out of their respective groups. However, in traditional heterogeneous sensor networks, the classification is based on transmission range, energy level, computation ability, and sensing range. Taking this model into account, we propose a secure group association authentication mechanism using one-way accumulator which ensures that: before collaborating for a particular task, any pair of nodes in the same deployment group can verify the legitimacy of group association of each other. Secure addition and deletion of sensors are also supported in this approach. In addition, a policy-based sensor addition procedure is also suggested. For secure handling of disconnected nodes of a group, we use an efficient pairwise key derivation scheme to resist any adversary’s attempt. Along with proposing our mechanism, we also discuss the characteristics of HDSN, its scopes, applicability, future, and challenges. The efficiency of our security management approach is also demonstrated with performance evaluation and analysis

    Secure Long Term Communities in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Until recently, ad hoc networks were mainly used for military and security-sensitive applications. Nowadays, they could also be used in SOHO (Small O#ce / Home O#ce) or home networks. In such networks, devices are linked by long term relations. To ensure their security, it is necessary to define precisely which devices belong to a given network and are consequently inside the security perimeter. The chosen mechanisms need to be easy to use, because the users of SOHO and home networks are neither willing nor able to configure the security of their network. In this paper, we present a new fully distributed approach for securing long term communities of devices in SOHO and home ad hoc networks that minimizes user intervention

    Estabelecimento de redes de comunidades sobreponíveis

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaUma das áreas de investigação em Telecomunicações de interesse crescente prende-se com os futuros sistemas de comunicações móveis de 4a geração e além destes. Nos últimos anos tem sido desenvolvido o conceito de redes comunitárias, no qual os utilizadores se agregam de acordo com interesses comuns. Estes conceitos têm sido explorados de uma forma horizontal em diferentes camadas da comunicação, desde as redes comunitárias de comunicação (Seattle Wireless ou Personal Telco, p.ex.) até às redes de interesses peer-to-peer. No entanto, estas redes são usualmente vistas como redes de overlay, ou simplesmente redes de associação livre. Na prática, a noção de uma rede auto-organizada, completamente orientada ao serviço/comunidade, integralmente suportada em termos de arquitetura, não existe. Assim este trabalho apresenta uma realização original nesta área de criação de redes comunitárias, com uma arquitetura subjacente orientada a serviço, e que suporta integralmente múltiplas redes comunitárias no mesmo dispositivo, com todas as características de segurança, confiança e disponibilização de serviço necessárias neste tipo de cenários (um nó pode pertencer simultaneamente a mais do que uma rede comunitária). Devido à sua importância para os sistemas de redes comunitárias, foi dado particular atenção a aspetos de gestão de recursos e controlo de acessos. Ambos realizados de uma forma descentralizada e considerando mecanismos dotados de grande escalabilidade. Para isso, é apresentada uma linguagem de políticas que suporta a criação de comunidades virtuais. Esta linguagem não é apenas utilizada para o mapeamento da estrutura social dos membros da comunidade, como para, gerir dispositivos, recursos e serviços detidos pelos membros, de uma forma controlada e distribuída.One of the research areas with increasing interest in the field of telecommunications, are the ones related to future telecommunication systems, both 4th generation and beyond. In parallel, during the last years, several concepts have been developed related to clustering of users according to their interested, in the form of community networks. Solutions proposed for these concepts tackle the challenges horizontally, for each layer of the communication stack, ranging from community based communication networks (e.g. Seattle Wireless, or Personal Telco), to interest networks based on peer-to-peer protocols. However, these networks are presented either as free joining, or overlay networks. In practice, the notion of a self-organized, service and community oriented network, with these principles embedded in its design principles, is yet to be developed. This work presents an novel instantiation of a solution in the area of community networks, with a underlying architecture which is fully service oriented, and envisions the support for multiple community networks in the same device. Considerations regarding security, trust and service availability for this type of environments are also taken. Due to the importance of resource management and access control, in the context of community driven communication networks, a special focus was given to the support of scalable and decentralized management and access control methods. For this purpose, it is presented a policy language which supports the creation and management of virtual communities. The language is not only used for mapping the social structure of the community members, but also to, following a distributed approach, manage devices, resources and services owned by each community member