11 research outputs found

    Permission model and extraction method for household robot

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    Cloud robotics platforms: review and comparative analysis

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    Due to the various advantages that the cloud can offer to robots, there has been the recent emergence of the cloud robotics paradigm. Cloud robotics permits robots to unload computing and storage related tasks into the cloud, and as such, robots can be built with smaller on-board computers. The use of cloud-robotics also allows robots to share knowledge within the community over a dedicated cloud space. In order to build-up robots that benefit from the cloud-robotics paradigm, different cloud-robotics platforms have been released during recent years. This paper critically reviews and compares existing cloud robotic platforms in order to provide recommendations on future use and gaps that still need to be addressed. To achieve this, 8 cloud robotic platforms were investigated. Key findings reveal varying underlying architectures and models adopted by these platforms, in addition to different features offered to end-users

    Cloud robotics platforms: review and comparative analysis

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    Due to the various advantages that the cloud can offer to robots, there has been the recent emergence of the cloud robotics paradigm. Cloud robotics permits robots to unload computing and storage related tasks into the cloud, and as such, robots can be built with smaller on-board computers. The use of cloud-robotics also allows robots to share knowledge within the community over a dedicated cloud space. In order to build-up robots that benefit from the cloud-robotics paradigm, different cloud-robotics platforms have been released during recent years. This paper critically reviews and compares existing cloud robotic platforms in order to provide recommendations on future use and gaps that still need to be addressed. To achieve this, 8 cloud robotic platforms were investigated. Key findings reveal varying underlying architectures and models adopted by these platforms, in addition to different features offered to end-users

    Robot Cybersecurity, a Review

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    Robots are often shipped insecure and in some cases fully unprotected. The rationale behind is threefold: first, defensive security mechanisms for robots are still in their early stages, not covering the complete threat landscape. Second, the inherent complexity of robotic systems makes their protection costly, both technically and economically. Third, vendors do not generally take responsibility in a timely manner, extending the zero-day exposure window (time until mitigation of a zero-day) to several years on average. Worse, several manufacturers keep forwarding the problem to the end-users of these machines or discarding it. In this article we review the status of robot cybersecurity considering three sources of data: 1) recent literature, 2) questionnaires performed in top robotics forums and 3) recent research results in robot cybersecurity. Building upon a decade of experience in robotics, this article reviews the current status of cybersecurity in robotics and argues about the current challenges to secure robotic systems. Ultimately, based on the empirical results collected over a period of three years performing security assessments in robots, the present text advocates for a complementary offensive approach methodology to protect robots in a feasible and timely manner

    Robot Cybersecurity, a Review

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    Robots are often shipped insecure and in some cases fully unprotected. The rationale behind is threefold: first, defensive security mechanisms for robots are still in their early stages, not covering the complete threat landscape. Second, the inherent complexity of robotic systems makes their protection costly, both technically and economically. Third, vendors do not generally take responsibility in a timely manner, extending the zero-day exposure window (time until mitigation of a zero-day) to several years on average. Worse, several manufacturers keep forwarding the problem to the end-users of these machines or discarding it. In this article we review the status of robot cybersecurity considering three sources of data: 1) recent literature, 2) questionnaires performed in top robotics forums and 3) recent research results in robot cybersecurity. Building upon a decade of experience in robotics, this article reviews the current status of cybersecurity in robotics and argues about the current challenges to secure robotic systems. Ultimately, based on the empirical results collected over a period of three years performing security assessments in robots, the present text advocates for a complementary offensive approach methodology to protect robots in a feasible and timely manner

    Message Encryption in Robot Operating System: Collateral Effects of Hardening Mobile Robots

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    [EN] In human–robot interaction situations, robot sensors collect huge amounts of data from the environment in order to characterize the situation. Some of the gathered data ought to be treated as private, such as medical data (i.e., medication guidelines), personal, and safety information (i.e., images of children, home habits, alarm codes, etc.). However, most robotic software development frameworks are not designed for securely managing this information. This paper analyzes the scenario of hardening one of the most widely used robotic middlewares, Robot Operating System (ROS). The study investigates a robot’s performance when ciphering the messages interchanged between ROS nodes under the publish/subscribe paradigm. In particular, this research focuses on the nodes that manage cameras and LIDAR sensors, which are two of the most extended sensing solutions in mobile robotics, and analyzes the collateral effects on the robot’s achievement under different computing capabilities and encryption algorithms (3DES, AES, and Blowfish) to robot performance. The findings present empirical evidence that simple encryption algorithms are lightweight enough to provide cyber-security even in lowpowered robots when carefully designed and implemented. Nevertheless, these techniques come with a number of serious drawbacks regarding robot autonomy and performance if they are applied randomly. To avoid these issues, we define a taxonomy that links the type of ROS message, computational units, and the encryption methods. As a result, we present a model to select the optimal options for hardening a mobile robot using ROS.SIInstituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad (Adenda21)Junta de Castilla y León (LE028P17

    An Empirical Study on the Attack and Defense of Unmanned Vehicle

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Network Attack, Cyber-Physical System, SecurityOne of the main applications of the Cyber-Physical System, the Unmanned vehicle is gradually expanding its use. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), among unmanned vehicle, is used not only for cameras, emergency, and military purposes, but its negative effects are increasing also as its use expands. A terrorist outrage using UAVs in Saudi Arabia in the fall of 2019 is a well-known example. Therefore, research on disabling UAV is also becoming important. The UAV neutralization study can be divided into three phases. First, it is the identification of friend or foe stage that distinguishes whether UAVs are friendly or enemy. However, this step can be omitted in No-drone Zones, such as places where people are concentrated, places where major confidential facilities such as nuclear facilities are located, and places of privacy. The second step is to neutralize the UAV's actual mission. At this stage, the UAV is disabled mainly through network attacks such as jamming attacks and packet injection attacks, or through physical attacks such as nets. The third is a post-processing step to lead the UAV to safe area, that is, to prevent the UAV from flying again and to protect the surroundings from it. Previous UAV neutralization studies have focused on disabling UAV without considering the third phase. In this paper, we focused on the third stage, the post-processing stage, so that UAV can be neutralized. Robot Operating System is useful and used widely in UAV system, but there are also vulnerabilities. Therefore, disabling UAVs using this point and defense techniques are discussed in this paper.YⅠ. INTRODUCTION 1 Ⅱ. BACKGROUND 3 2.1 Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) 3 2.2 Robot Operating System (ROS) 5 Ⅲ. RELATED WORK 6 Ⅳ. PROPOSED METHOD 8 4.1 Proposed attack method 8 4.2 Proposed defense method 14 Ⅴ. SIMULATION RESULT 18 5.1 Experiment environment for attack and defense on UAV simulation 18 5.2 Simulation result for attack on UAV 21 5.3 Simulation result for defense on UAV 25 Ⅵ. CONCLUSION 29 REFERENCES 30 SUMMARY (Korean) 32최근 CPS의 주요 어플리케이션 중 하나인 무인 이동체가 용도를 넓힘에 따라 무인 이동체의 무력화 연구도 중요해지고 있다. 우리는 무인 이동체 중 UAV를 이용하였다. 무인기 무력화 단계는 무인기 피아 식별 단계, 무인기 임무 무력화 단계, 무인기 안전 회수 및 사후 처리단계로 크게 세 단계로 나뉠 수 있다. 그러나 대부분의 연구는 무인기 안전 회수 및 사후 처리단계까지 고려하지 않고 있으며 무인기 임무 무력화 단계에 그치고 있다. 무인기 안전 회수 및 사후 처리단계까지 고려하지 않은 무력화는 일반적으로 추락을 통한 무력화, 호버링을 통한 무력화가 있다. 이는 무력화 단계에서 심각한 재산, 인명 등의 2차 피해를 초래할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 자율 주행, navigation, 충돌 회피 등의 기능 구현을 위해 무인 이동체에서 일반적으로 사용하는 MAVROS 환경의 취약점을 찾고 그 취약점을 이용하여 공격방법을 제안하였다. 제안하는 공격방법은 추락을 통한 무인기 무력화가 아닌 원하는 지점으로 착륙시키거나 이륙지점으로 돌려보내는 무력화 방법으로 이로 인한 2차피해가 발생하지 않는다. 특히 원하는 지점으로 착륙시키는 공격 방법은 무력화 대상인 UAV를 탈취할 수 있다는 점이 있다. 이러한 취약점을 막기 위해 우리는 또한 보안을 위한 MAVROS API를 제안하였다. 이는 UAV의 상태를 IDLE, LOCK, UNLOCK 세가지 상태로 나누어 동작한다. MAVROS에 새로운 publisher node가 등록될 때 몇 가지 일련의 검사과정을 거치며 사용자가 동적으로 고유번호를 이용하여 상태를 변화시킬 수 있다는 점이 있다. 실험을 통해 공격자의 publisher node 등록을 막음으로써 공격을 막는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.MasterdCollectio

    Security Aspects of Social Robots in Public Spaces: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Background: As social robots increasingly integrate into public spaces, comprehending their security implications becomes paramount. This study is conducted amidst the growing use of social robots in public spaces (SRPS), emphasising the necessity for tailored security standards for these unique robotic systems. Methods: In this systematic mapping study (SMS), we meticulously review and analyse existing literature from the Web of Science database, following guidelines by Petersen et al. We employ a structured approach to categorise and synthesise literature on SRPS security aspects, including physical safety, data privacy, cybersecurity, and legal/ethical considerations. Results: Our analysis reveals a significant gap in existing safety standards, originally designed for industrial robots, that need to be revised for SRPS. We propose a thematic framework consolidating essential security guidelines for SRPS, substantiated by evidence from a considerable percentage of the primary studies analysed. Conclusions: The study underscores the urgent need for comprehensive, bespoke security standards and frameworks for SRPS. These standards ensure that SRPS operate securely and ethically, respecting individual rights and public safety, while fostering seamless integration into diverse human-centric environments. This work is poised to enhance public trust and acceptance of these robots, offering significant value to developers, policymakers, and the general public.publishedVersio