7 research outputs found

    Secure and Sustainable Load Balancing of Edge Data Centers in Fog Computing

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    © 1979-2012 IEEE. Fog computing is a recent research trend to bring cloud computing services to network edges. EDCs are deployed to decrease the latency and network congestion by processing data streams and user requests in near real time. EDC deployment is distributed in nature and positioned between cloud data centers and data sources. Load balancing is the process of redistributing the work load among EDCs to improve both resource utilization and job response time. Load balancing also avoids a situation where some EDCs are heavily loaded while others are in idle state or doing little data processing. In such scenarios, load balancing between the EDCs plays a vital role for user response and real-Time event detection. As the EDCs are deployed in an unattended environment, secure authentication of EDCs is an important issue to address before performing load balancing. This article proposes a novel load balancing technique to authenticate the EDCs and find less loaded EDCs for task allocation. The proposed load balancing technique is more efficient than other existing approaches in finding less loaded EDCs for task allocation. The proposed approach not only improves efficiency of load balancing; it also strengthens the security by authenticating the destination EDCs

    Applications of Fog Computing in Video Streaming

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    The purpose of this paper is to show the viability of fog computing in the area of video streaming in vehicles. With the rise of autonomous vehicles, there needs to be a viable entertainment option for users. The cloud fails to address these options due to latency problems experienced during high internet traffic. To improve video streaming speeds, fog computing seems to be the best option. Fog computing brings the cloud closer to the user through the use of intermediary devices known as fog nodes. It does not attempt to replace the cloud but improve the cloud by allowing faster upload and download of information. This paper explores two algorithms that would work well with vehicles and video streaming. This is simulated using a Java application, and then graphically represented. The results showed that the simulation was an accurate model and that the best algorithm for request history maintenance was the variable model

    Collaborative edge mobile model for IoT emergency management

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    Traffic congestion has resulted in the loss of human lives globally as a result of failing to transfer accident victims, critical patients, medical equipment, and medications on time. With the ever-increasing volume of vehicular traffic, the convergence of Edge-based approaches has emerged as a potential platform for a Collaborative Edge Traffic Management Model. The collaborative edge model focuses on three objectives reducing the latency of the ambulance arrival to the accident, delivering the ambulance to the closest hospital and taking into consideration the patient case severity by a set of collaborating edges communicating to facilitate and manage this process

    TACRM: trust access control and resource management mechanism in fog computing

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    https://hcis-journal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13673-019-0188-3#Abs1Fog computing network is designed as an extension of the cloud due to the need for a supporting platform capable of ensuring the requirements of Internet of Thing (IoT). The growth of fog based fifth generation mobile communication (5G) system is challenged by the need for data sharing security. In fact, without properly securing access to Fog node resources in IoT network, services providers may not be able to achieve the desired performance. Indeed, fog computing obviously confront numerous security and privacy risks, due to its features, such as huge scale geolocation, heterogeneity and mobility. Thus, we propose a security model that is based on cooperation between IoT and fog. This model integrates an efficient access control process associated with a monitoring scheme to ensure secure cooperation between diverse resources and different operational parts. Indeed, a comprehensive scheduling process and resource allocation mechanism using our security model is proposed to improve the intended performance of the system. In fact, our main contribution is to introduce a distributed access control based on security resource management framework for fog-IoT networks, and proactive security scheme under ultra-trustworthiness and low-latency constraints. After evaluation based on iFogSim, we have proved that our scheme not only provides low latency with high security and privacy, but also reduces the complexity of administration and management of security and resources mechanisms

    Providing Secure and Reliable Communication for Next Generation Networks in Smart Cities

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    Finding a framework that provides continuous, reliable, secure and sustainable diversified smart city services proves to be challenging in today’s traditional cloud centralized solutions. This article envisions a Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) solution that enables node collaboration among IoT devices to provide reliable and secure communication between devices and the fog layer on one hand, and the fog layer and the cloud layer on the other hand. The solution assumes that collaboration is determined based on nodes’ resource capabilities and cooperation willingness. Resource capabilities are defined using ontologies, while willingness to cooperate is described using a three-factor node criteria, namely: nature, attitude and awareness. A learning method is adopted to identify candidates for the service composition and delivery process. We show that the system does not require extensive training for services to be delivered correct and accurate. The proposed solution reduces the amount of unnecessary traffic flow to and from the edge, by relying on nodeto-node communication protocols. Communication to the fog andcloud layers is used for more data and computing-extensive applications, hence, ensuring secure communication protocols to the cloud. Preliminary simulations are conducted to showcase the effectiveness of adapting the proposed framework to achieve smart city sustainability through service reliability and security. Results show that the proposed solution outperforms other semicooperative and non-cooperative service composition techniques in terms of efficient service delivery and composition delay, service hit ratio, and suspicious node identification

    Optimizing task allocation for edge compute micro-clusters

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    There are over 30 billion devices at the network edge. This is largely driven by the unprecedented growth of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and 5G technologies. These devices are being used in various applications and technologies, including but not limited to smart city systems, innovative agriculture management systems, and intelligent home systems. Deployment issues like networking and privacy problems dictate that computing should occur close to the data source at or near the network edge. Edge and fog computing are recent decentralised computing paradigms proposed to augment cloud services by extending computing and storage capabilities to the network’s edge to enable executing computational workloads locally. The benefits can help to solve issues such as reducing the strain on networking backhaul, improving network latency and enhancing application responsiveness. Many edge and fog computing deployment solutions and infrastructures are being employed to deliver cloud resources and services at the edge of the network — for example, cloudless and mobile edge computing. This thesis focuses on edge micro-cluster platforms for edge computing. Edge computing micro-cluster platforms are small, compact, and decentralised groups of interconnected computing resources located close to the edge of a network. These micro-clusters can typically comprise a variety of heterogeneous but resource-constrained computing resources, such as small compute nodes like Single Board Computers (SBCs), storage devices, and networking equipment deployed in local area networks such as smart home management. The goal of edge computing micro-clusters is to bring computation and data storage closer to IoT devices and sensors to improve the performance and reliability of distributed systems. Resource management and workload allocation represent a substantial challenge for such resource-limited and heterogeneous micro-clusters because of diversity in system architecture. Therefore, task allocation and workload management are complex problems in such micro-clusters. This thesis investigates the feasibility of edge micro-cluster platforms for edge computation. Specifically, the thesis examines the performance of micro-clusters to execute IoT applications. Furthermore, the thesis involves the evaluation of various optimisation techniques for task allocation and workload management in edge compute micro-cluster platforms. This thesis involves the application of various optimisation techniques, including simple heuristics-based optimisations, mathematical-based optimisation and metaheuristic optimisation techniques, to optimise task allocation problems in reconfigurable edge computing micro-clusters. The implementation and performance evaluations take place in a configured edge realistic environment using a constructed micro-cluster system comprised of a group of heterogeneous computing nodes and utilising a set of edge-relevant applications benchmark. The research overall characterises and demonstrates a feasible use case for micro-cluster platforms for edge computing environments and provides insight into the performance of various task allocation optimisation techniques for such micro-cluster systems