12,477 research outputs found

    Secure Two-Party Protocol for Privacy-Preserving Classification via Differential Privacy

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    Privacy-preserving distributed data mining is the study of mining on distributed data—owned by multiple data owners—in a non-secure environment, where the mining protocol does not reveal any sensitive information to the data owners, the individual privacy is preserved, and the output mining model is practically useful. In this thesis, we propose a secure two-party protocol for building a privacy-preserving decision tree classifier over distributed data using differential privacy. We utilize secure multiparty computation to ensure that the protocol is privacy-preserving. Our algorithm also utilizes parallel and sequential compositions, and applies distributed exponential mechanism to ensure that the output is differentially-private. We implemented our protocol in a distributed environment on real-life data, and the experimental results show that the protocol produces decision tree classifiers with high utility while being reasonably efficient and scalable

    Efficient distributed privacy preserving clustering

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    With recent growing concerns about data privacy, researchers have focused their attention to developing new algorithms to perform privacy preserving data mining. However, methods proposed until now are either very inefficient to deal with large datasets, or compromise privacy with accuracy of data mining results. Secure multiparty computation helps researchers develop privacy preserving data mining algorithms without having to compromise quality of data mining results with data privacy. Also it provides formal guarantees about privacy. On the other hand, algorithms based on secure multiparty computation often rely on computationally expensive cryptographic operations, thus making them infeasible to use in real world scenarios. In this thesis, we study the problem of privacy preserving distributed clustering and propose an efficient and secure algorithm for this problem based on secret sharing and compare it to the state of the art. Experiments show that our algorithm has a lower communication overhead and a much lower computation overhead than the state of the art

    Privacy Preserving Data Mining For Horizontally Distributed Medical Data Analysis

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    To build reliable prediction models and identify useful patterns, assembling data sets from databases maintained by different sources such as hospitals becomes increasingly common; however, it might divulge sensitive information about individuals and thus leads to increased concerns about privacy, which in turn prevents different parties from sharing information. Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) provides a means to address this issue without accessing actual data values to avoid the disclosure of information beyond the final result. In recent years, a number of state-of-the-art PPDDM approaches have been developed, most of which are based on Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). SMC requires expensive communication cost and sophisticated secure computation. Besides, the mining progress is inevitable to slow down due to the increasing volume of the aggregated data. In this work, a new framework named Privacy-Aware Non-linear SVM (PAN-SVM) is proposed to build a PPDDM model from multiple data sources. PAN-SVM employs the Secure Sum Protocol to protect privacy at the bottom layer, and reduces the complex communication and computation via Nystrom matrix approximation and Eigen decomposition methods at the medium layer. The top layer of PAN-SVM speeds up the whole algorithm for large scale datasets. Based on the proposed framework of PAN-SVM, a Privacy Preserving Multi-class Classifier is built, and the experimental results on several benchmark datasets and microarray datasets show its abilities to improve classification accuracy compared with a regular SVM. In addition, two Privacy Preserving Feature Selection methods are also proposed based on PAN-SVM, and tested by using benchmark data and real world data. PAN-SVM does not depend on a trusted third party; all participants collaborate equally. Many experimental results show that PAN-SVM can not only effectively solve the problem of collaborative privacy-preserving data mining by building non-linear classification rules, but also significantly improve the performance of built classifiers


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    Cryptographic approaches are traditional and preferred methodologies used to preserve the privacy of data released for analysis. Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) is a new trend to derive knowledge when the data is available with multiple parties involved. The PPDM deployments that currently exist involve cryptographic key exchange and key computation achieved through a trusted server or a third party. The key computation over heads, key compromise in presence of dishonest parties and shared data integrity are the key challenges that exist. This research work discusses the provisioning of data privacy using commutative RSA algorithms eliminating the overheads of secure key distribution, storage and key update mechanisms generally used to secure the data to be used for analysis. Decision Tree algorithms are used for analysis of the data provided by the various parties involved. We have considered the C5. 0 data mining algorithm for analysis due to its efficiency over the currently prevalent algorithms like C4. 5 and ID3. In this paper the major emphasis is to provide a platform for secure communication, preserving privacy of the vertically partitioned data available with the parties involved in the semi-honest trust model. The proposed Key Distribution-Less Privacy Preserving Data Mining () model is compared with other protocols like Secure Lock and Access Control Polynomial to prove its efficiency in terms of the computational overheads observed in preserving privacy. The experiential evaluations proves the reduces the computational overheads by about 95.96% when compared to the Secure Lock model and is similar to the

    Geo-tagging and privacy-preservation in mobile cloud computing

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    With the emerge of the cloud computing service and the explosive growth of the mobile devices and applications, mobile computing technologies and cloud computing technologies have been drawing significant attentions. Mobile cloud computing, with the synergy between the cloud and mobile technologies, has brought us new opportunities to develop novel and practical systems such as mobile multimedia systems and cloud systems that provide collaborative data-mining services for data from disparate owners (e.g., mobile users). However, it also creates new challenges, e.g., the algorithms deployed in the computationally weak mobile device require higher efficiency, and introduces new problems such as the privacy concern when the private data is shared in the cloud for collaborative data-mining. The main objectives of this dissertation are: 1. to develop practical systems based on the unique features of mobile devices (i.e., all-in-one computing platform and sensors) and the powerful computing capability of the cloud; 2. to propose solutions protecting the data privacy when the data from disparate owners are shared in the cloud for collaborative data-mining. We first propose a mobile geo-tagging system. It is a novel, accurate and efficient image and video based remote target localization and tracking system using the Android smartphone. To cope with the smartphones' computational limitation, we design light-weight image/video processing algorithms to achieve a good balance between estimation accuracy and computational complexity. Our system is first of its kind and we provide first hand real-world experimental results, which demonstrate that our system is feasible and practicable. To address the privacy concern when data from disparate owners are shared in the cloud for collaborative data-mining, we then propose a generic compressive sensing (CS) based secure multiparty computation (MPC) framework for privacy-preserving collaborative data-mining in which data mining is performed in the CS domain. We perform the CS transformation and reconstruction processes with MPC protocols. We modify the original orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm and develop new MPC protocols so that the CS reconstruction process can be implemented using MPC. Our analysis and experimental results show that our generic framework is capable of enabling privacy preserving collaborative data-mining. The proposed framework can be applied to many privacy preserving collaborative data-mining and signal processing applications in the cloud. We identify an application scenario that requires simultaneously performing secure watermark detection and privacy preserving multimedia data storage. We further propose a privacy preserving storage and secure watermark detection framework by adopting our generic framework to address such a requirement. In our secure watermark detection framework, the multimedia data and secret watermark pattern are presented to the cloud for secure watermark detection in a compressive sensing domain to protect the privacy. We also give mathematical and statistical analysis to derive the expected watermark detection performance in the compressive sensing domain, based on the target image, watermark pattern and the size of the compressive sensing matrix (but without the actual CS matrix), which means that the watermark detection performance in the CS domain can be estimated during the watermark embedding process. The correctness of the derived performance has been validated by our experiments. Our theoretical analysis and experimental results show that secure watermark detection in the compressive sensing domain is feasible. By taking advantage of our mobile geo-tagging system and compressive sensing based privacy preserving data-mining framework, we develop a mobile privacy preserving collaborative filtering system. In our system, mobile users can share their personal data with each other in the cloud and get daily activity recommendations based on the data-mining results generated by the cloud, without leaking the privacy and secrecy of the data to other parties. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system is effective in enabling efficient mobile privacy preserving collaborative filtering services.Includes bibliographical references (pages 126-133)

    Deploying secure multi-party computation for financial data analysis

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    In this paper we describe a secure system for jointly collecting and analyzing financial data for a consortium of ICT companies. To guarantee each participant\u27s privacy, we use secret sharing and secure multi-party computation (MPC) techniques. While MPC has been used to solve real-life problems beforehand, this is the first time where the actual MPC computation was done over the internet with computing nodes spread geographically apart. We describe the system architecture, security considerations and implementation details. We also present the user feedback analysis revealing that secure multi-party computation techniques give sufficient assurance for data donors to submit their sensitive information, and act as a critical enabling feature for privacy-preserving data mining
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