8 research outputs found

    The use of a Blockchain-based System in Traffic Operations to promote Cooperation among Connected Vehicles

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    Abstract This paper intends to present some ideas for the implementation of cooperative ITS systems based on the Blockchain Technology (BT) concept. Blockchain technology has been recently introduced and, in this paper, we discuss a system that is based on a dedicated blockchain, able to involve both drivers and city administrations in the adoption of promising and innovative technologies that will create cooperation among connected vehicles. The proposed blockchain-based system can allow city administrators to reward drivers when they are willing to share travel data. The system manages in a special way the creation of new coins which are assigned to drivers and institutions participating actively in the system. Moreover, the system allows keeping a complete track of all transactions and interactions between drivers and city management on a completely open and shared platform. The main idea is to combine connected vehicles with BT to promote Cooperative ITS use and a better use of infrastructures

    Blockchain for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are the intelligent systems that offer an interaction among computational, software, and networking resources in a continuous and dynamic fashion. Future systems are likely to be created and developed using CPSs, which have been recognized as a significant area of research. The electric power grid, energy systems, body area networks, modern vehicles, smart homes, cooperative robotics, and smart transportation are the examples for CPS. The security aspects of CPSs can be enhanced with blockchain (BC) technology. For instance, with the combination of CPSs and blockchain, a peer-to-peer energy market is made possible where machines may automatically buy and sell energy based on parameters specified by the user. In this chapter, we summarize recent developments in the creation and applications of CPS, the state-of-the-art and pertinent concepts, numerous CPS applications that have employed blockchain, relevant solutions, and open challenging issues

    Efficient management of road intersections for automated vehicles – The FRFP system applied to the various types of intersections and roundabouts.

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    In the last decade, automatic driving systems for vehicles circulating on public roads have become increasingly closer to reality. There is always a strong interest in this topic among research centers and car manufacturers. One of the most critical aspects is the management of intersections, i.e., who will have to go first and in what ways? This is the question we want to answer through this research. Clearly, the goal is to manage the intersection safely, making it possible to reduce road congestion, travel time, emissions, and fuel consumption as much as possible. The research is conducted by comparing a new management system with the systems already known in the state of the art for different types of intersections. The new system proposed by us is called FRFP (first to reach the end of the intersection first to pass). In particular, vehicles will increase or decrease their speed in collaboration with each other by making the right decision. The vehicle that can potentially reach the intersection exit first

    Machine learning and blockchain technologies for cybersecurity in connected vehicles

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    Future connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) must be secured againstcyberattacks for their everyday functions on the road so that safety of passengersand vehicles can be ensured. This article presents a holistic review of cybersecurityattacks on sensors and threats regardingmulti-modal sensor fusion. A compre-hensive review of cyberattacks on intra-vehicle and inter-vehicle communicationsis presented afterward. Besides the analysis of conventional cybersecurity threatsand countermeasures for CAV systems,a detailed review of modern machinelearning, federated learning, and blockchain approach is also conducted to safe-guard CAVs. Machine learning and data mining-aided intrusion detection systemsand other countermeasures dealing with these challenges are elaborated at theend of the related section. In the last section, research challenges and future direc-tions are identified

    Segurança das comunicações V2X em ambientes 5G

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    Estamos à beira de uma nova era de veículos autônomos interligados com experiências de utilizadores e segurança rodoviária melhorada em diversos casos de utilização. Esta tese apresenta conceitos baseando-se no estudo, análise da segurança dos novos sistemas de comunicação sem fios para os sistemas de transporte inteligentes, que consistem em exploração de várias tecnologias com o propósito de melhorar a interface entre condutor, o veículo e a estrada. O objetivo dos sistemas de transporte inteligentes é reduzir significativamente os acidentes de viação, o controlo do tráfego e a poluição do trânsito. Os protocolos de comunicação existentes veículo para todos (V2X), especialmente o 5G, permitiram avanços significativos na segurança de condução autónoma. As aplicações de condução autónoma precisam de informação para chegarem ao seu destino o mais rapidamente possível. Com isto em mente, o V2X oferece múltiplas opções de largura de banda e os recursos de transmissão são partilhados entre utilizadores o que permite uma experiência significativamente aprimorada, inteligente e capaz de suportar a troca massiva de informações de forma rápida e com baixa latência. O 5G-V2X, que é um complemento eficaz do LTE V2X e suporta aplicações de condução autónoma que não podem ser suportadas pelo LTE V2X, também inclui bandas mmWave, gama de subtransportadores escaláveis e massive MIMO. Esta tese visa compreender os mecanismos de segurança das comunicações V2X num ambiente 5G, a forma como esta segurança é proporcionada, as suas consequências positivas e negativas, e os benefícios, riscos e impactos da utilização de comunicações 5G para V2X. O objetivo deste documento é discutir os mecanismos utilizados para garantir a segurança das comunicações V2

    Secure Blockchain-Based Communication Scheme for Connected Vehicles

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