9,701 research outputs found

    The role of search engine optimization in search marketing

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    This paper examines the impact of search engine optimization (SEO) on the competition between advertisers for organic and sponsored search results. The results show that a positive level of search engine optimization may improve the search engine's ranking quality and thus the satisfaction of its visitors. In the absence of sponsored links, the organic ranking is improved by SEO if and only if the quality provided by a website is sufficiently positively correlated with its valuation for consumers. In the presence of sponsored links, the results are accentuated and hold regardless of the correlation. When sponsored links serve as a second chance to acquire clicks from the search engine, low-quality websites have a reduced incentive to invest in SEO, giving an advantage to their high-quality counterparts. As a result of the high expected quality on the organic side, consumers begin their search with an organic click. Although SEO can improve consumer welfare and the payoff of high-quality sites, we find that the search engine's revenues are typically lower when advertisers spend more on SEO and thus less on sponsored links. Modeling the impact of the minimum bid set by the search engine reveals an inverse U-shaped relationship between the minimum bid and search engine profits, suggesting an optimal minimum bid that is decreasing in the level of SEO activity. © 2013 INFORMS

    Manifesting Unobtainable Secrets: Threshold Elliptic Curve Key Generation using Nested Shamir Secret Sharing

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    We present a mechanism to manifest unobtainable secrets using a nested Shamir secret sharing scheme to create public/private key pairs for elliptic curves. A threshold secret sharing scheme can be used as a decentralised trust mechanism with applications in identity validation, message decryption, and agreement empowerment. Decentralising trust means that there is no single point vulnerability which could enable compromise of a system. Our primary interest is in twisted Edwards curves as used in EdDSA, and the related Diffie-Hellman key-exchange algorithms. The key generation is also decentralised, so can be used as a decentralised secret RNG suitable for use in other algorithms. The algorithms presented could be used to fill a ``[TBS]'' in the draft IETF specification ``Threshold modes in elliptic curves'' published in 2020 and updated in 2022

    Cognitive Qualities of Radio Reportage in the Light of Scientific Research

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    Despite the fact that radio documentaries broadcast mainly strong emotions, the news valu of this genre is also an essential feature. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the potential of such works to expand knowledge about the surrounding world which could be significant for the listeners. The aim of this article is to present theses put forward by scholars with regard to radio documentaries. Researchers’ analyses are related to the genre’s potential to broaden people’s minds and influence the recipient’s perception.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    The Poverty of Posner\u27s Pragmatism: Balancing Away Liberty After 9/11

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    This review of Richard Posner\u27s Not a Suicide Pact: The Constitution in a Time of National Emergency argues that Posner\u27s particular brand of pragmatic utilitarianism is particularly ill-suited to constitutional interpretation, as it seems to negate the very idea of precommitment that is so essential to constitutionalism. Instead, Posner treats the Constitution as little more than an invitation to pragmatic policy judgment, and then employs that judgment through speculative cost-benefit balancing to find constitutionally unobjectionable most of what the Bush Administration has done thus far in the war on terror, including coercive interrogation, incommunicado detention, warrantless wiretapping, and ethnic profiling. Indeed, Posner\u27s Constitution would permit the Administration to go much further than it has - among other things, he defends indefinite preventive detention, banning Islamic extremist rhetoric, mass wiretapping of the entire nation, and making it a crime for newspapers to publish classified information. All of this is permissible, Posner argues, because unless the Constitution bend[s] in the face of threats to our national security, it will break. Ironically, Posner reaches these results with a constitutional theory more in keeping with Chief Justice Earl Warren than Justice Antonin Scalia. Eschewing popular conservative attacks on judicial activism, Posner argues that given the open-ended character of many of the Constitution\u27s most important terms, it is not objectionable, but inevitable, that constitutional law is judge-made. He dismisses the constitutional theories of textualism and originalism favored by many conservative judges and scholars as canards. But having rejected textualism and originalism, Posner proceeds unwittingly to offer a book-length demonstration of what textualists and originalists most fear from constitutional theorists who emphasize the document\u27s open-ended and evolving character. In Posner\u27s approach, the Constitution loses almost any sense of a binding precommitment, and is reduced to a cover for judges to impose their own subjective value judgments on others. The review first discusses Posner\u27s analysis of several specific security-liberty issues, in order to illustrate how his method works in concrete scenarios. I then turn to the broader implications his theory has for constitutional law, which in my view are quite dangerous

    Philosophical Toys Today

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    The article introduces a thematic issue of the journal Theory of Science that attempts to revive the category of "philosophi- cal toys" - objects and instruments designed for experimental scientific research that simultaneously played crucial role in the creation of the modern visual culture. It claims that to fully understand their nature and the kind of experience philosophical toys induce, it is necessary to situate their origins in eighteenth-century experimental science and aesthetics and proposes to approach them as perceptual and cognitive extensions

    What’s left of the political constitution?

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    This paper argues that we should move on from what has become a rather outdated contrast between the political constitution and the legal constitution. Taking as its focus the constitution of the United Kingdom, the paper analyzes the contemporary constitutional order as a mixed system of politics and law combined. It argues that such a mix may be a more compelling and attractive system than either the model of the political constitution or that of the legal constitution

    The “25% Rule” for Patent Infringement Damages After Uniloc

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    The 2011 decision by the Federal Circuit in Uniloc v. Microsoft properly condemned the “25% Rule,” which bases a reasonable royalty on 25% of an infringer’s profits. Nonetheless, at least one proponent of the Rule continues to argue that the Rule is fundamentally valid and should remain in use. This article analyzes the historical development of the Rule, its conceptual basis, its application in actual cases, and relevant insights from other recent Federal Circuit cases. Each analysis shows fundamental problems and contradictions that demonstrate the Rule can never be a reliable patent damages methodology. There is no reason to change the conclusion in Uniloc