18 research outputs found

    Searching for complex human activities with no visual examples

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    We describe a method of representing human activities that allows a collection of motions to be queried without examples, using a simple and effective query language. Our approach is based on units of activity at segments of the body, that can be composed across space and across the body to produce complex queries. The presence of search units is inferred automatically by tracking the body, lifting the tracks to 3D and comparing to models trained using motion capture data. Our models of short time scale limb behaviour are built using labelled motion capture set. We show results for a large range of queries applied to a collection of complex motion and activity. We compare with discriminative methods applied to tracker data; our method offers significantly improved performance. We show experimental evidence that our method is robust to view direction and is unaffected by some important changes of clothing. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Vision of a Visipedia

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    The web is not perfect: while text is easily searched and organized, pictures (the vast majority of the bits that one can find online) are not. In order to see how one could improve the web and make pictures first-class citizens of the web, I explore the idea of Visipedia, a visual interface for Wikipedia that is able to answer visual queries and enables experts to contribute and organize visual knowledge. Five distinct groups of humans would interact through Visipedia: users, experts, editors, visual workers, and machine vision scientists. The latter would gradually build automata able to interpret images. I explore some of the technical challenges involved in making Visipedia happen. I argue that Visipedia will likely grow organically, combining state-of-the-art machine vision with human labor

    Adaptive Shape Kernel-Based Mean Shift Tracker in Robot Vision System

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    This paper proposes an adaptive shape kernel-based mean shift tracker using a single static camera for the robot vision system. The question that we address in this paper is how to construct such a kernel shape that is adaptive to the object shape. We perform nonlinear manifold learning technique to obtain the low-dimensional shape space which is trained by training data with the same view as the tracking video. The proposed kernel searches the shape in the low-dimensional shape space obtained by nonlinear manifold learning technique and constructs the adaptive kernel shape in the high-dimensional shape space. It can improve mean shift tracker performance to track object position and object contour and avoid the background clutter. In the experimental part, we take the walking human as example to validate that our method is accurate and robust to track human position and describe human contour

    Recognizing specific errors in human physical exercise performance with Microsoft Kinect

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    The automatic assessment of human physical activity performance is useful for a number of beneficial systems including in-home rehabilitation monitoring systems and Reactive Virtual Trainers (RVTs). RVTs have the potential to replace expensive personal trainers to promote healthy activity and help teach correct form to prevent injury. Additionally, unobtrusive sensor technologies for human tracking, especially those that incorporate depth sensing such as Microsoft Kinect, have become effective, affordable, and commonplace. The work of this thesis contributes towards the development of RVT systems by using RGB-D and tracked skeletal data collected with Microsoft Kinect to assess human performance of physical exercises. I collected data from eight volunteers performing three exercises: jumping jacks, arm circles, and arm curls. I labeled each exercise repetition as either correct or one or more of a select number of predefined erroneous forms. I trained a statistical model using the labeled samples and developed a system that recognizes specific structural and temporal errors in a test set of unlabeled samples. I obtained classification accuracies for multiple implementations and assess the effectiveness of the use of various features of the skeletal data as well as various prediction models

    Object, Scene and Actions

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    In many cases, human actions can be identified not only by the singular observation of the human body in motion, but also properties of the surrounding scene and the related objects. In this paper, we look into this problem and propose an approach for human action recognition that integrates multiple feature channels from several entities such as objects, scenes and people. We formulate the problem in a multiple instance learning (MIL) framework, based on multiple feature channels. By using a discriminative approach, we join multiple feature channels embedded to the MIL space. Our experiments over the large YouTube dataset show that scene and object information can be used to complement person features for human action recognition

    Learning space-time structures for action recognition and localization

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    In this thesis the problem of automatic human action recognition and localization in videos is studied. In this problem, our goal is to recognize the category of the human action that is happening in the video, and also to localize the action in space and/or time. This problem is challenging due to the complexity of the human actions, the large intra-class variations and the distraction of backgrounds. Human actions are inherently structured patterns of body movements. However, past works are inadequate in learning the space-time structures in human actions and exploring them for better recognition and localization. In this thesis new methods are proposed that exploit such space-time structures for effective human action recognition and localization in videos, including sports videos, YouTube videos, TV programs and movies. A new local space-time video representation, the hierarchical Space-Time Segments, is first proposed. Using this new video representation, ensembles of hierarchical spatio-temporal trees, discovered directly from the training videos, are constructed to model the hierarchical, spatial and temporal structures of human actions. This proposed approach achieves promising performances in action recognition and localization on challenging benchmark datasets. Moreover, the discovered trees show good cross-dataset generalizability: trees learned on one dataset can be used to recognize and localize similar actions in another dataset. To handle large scale data, a deep model is explored that learns temporal progression of the actions using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), which is a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Two novel ranking losses are proposed to train the model to better capture the temporal structures of actions for accurate action recognition and temporal localization. This model achieves state-of-art performance on a large scale video dataset. A deep model usually employs a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn visual features from video frames. The problem of utilizing web action images for training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is also studied: training CNN typically requires a large number of training videos, but the findings of this study show that web action images can be utilized as additional training data to significantly reduce the burden of video training data collection