10 research outputs found

    Searching and Indexing Genomic Databases via Kernelization

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    The rapid advance of DNA sequencing technologies has yielded databases of thousands of genomes. To search and index these databases effectively, it is important that we take advantage of the similarity between those genomes. Several authors have recently suggested searching or indexing only one reference genome and the parts of the other genomes where they differ. In this paper we survey the twenty-year history of this idea and discuss its relation to kernelization in parameterized complexity

    siEDM: an efficient string index and search algorithm for edit distance with moves

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    Although several self-indexes for highly repetitive text collections exist, developing an index and search algorithm with editing operations remains a challenge. Edit distance with moves (EDM) is a string-to-string distance measure that includes substring moves in addition to ordinal editing operations to turn one string into another. Although the problem of computing EDM is intractable, it has a wide range of potential applications, especially in approximate string retrieval. Despite the importance of computing EDM, there has been no efficient method for indexing and searching large text collections based on the EDM measure. We propose the first algorithm, named string index for edit distance with moves (siEDM), for indexing and searching strings with EDM. The siEDM algorithm builds an index structure by leveraging the idea behind the edit sensitive parsing (ESP), an efficient algorithm enabling approximately computing EDM with guarantees of upper and lower bounds for the exact EDM. siEDM efficiently prunes the space for searching query strings by the proposed method, which enables fast query searches with the same guarantee as ESP. We experimentally tested the ability of siEDM to index and search strings on benchmark datasets, and we showed siEDM's efficiency.Comment: 23 page

    Efficient Construction of a Complete Index for Pan-Genomics Read Alignment

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    While short read aligners, which predominantly use the FM-index, are able to easily index one or a few human genomes, they do not scale well to indexing databases containing thousands of genomes. To understand why, it helps to examine the main components of the FM-index in more detail, which is a rank data structure over the Burrows-Wheeler Transform () of the string that will allow us to find the interval in the string\u2019s suffix array () containing pointers to starting positions of occurrences of a given pattern; second, a sample of the that\u2014when used with the rank data structure\u2014allows us access to the . The rank data structure can be kept small even for large genomic databases, by run-length compressing the , but until recently there was no means known to keep the sample small without greatly slowing down access to the . Now that Gagie et al. (SODA 2018) have defined an sample that takes about the same space as the run-length compressed \u2014we have the design for efficient FM-indexes of genomic databases but are faced with the problem of building them. In 2018 we showed how to build the of large genomic databases efficiently (WABI 2018) but the problem of building Gagie et al.\u2019s sample efficiently was left open. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art methods for constructing the sample, and demonstrate that it is the fastest and most space-efficient method on highly repetitive genomic databases. Lastly, we apply our method for indexing partial and whole human genomes and show that it improves over Bowtie with respect to both memory and time

    Distributed hybrid-indexing of compressed pan-genomes for scalable and fast sequence alignment

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    Computational pan-genomics utilizes information from multiple individual genomes in large-scale comparative analysis. Genetic variation between case-controls, ethnic groups, or species can be discovered thoroughly using pan-genomes of such subpopulations. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data volumes are growing rapidly, making genomic data compression and indexing methods very important. Despite current space-efficient repetitive sequence compression and indexing methods, the deployed compression methods are often sequential, computationally time-consuming, and do not provide efficient sequence alignment performance on vast collections of genomes such as pan-genomes. For performing rapid analytics with the ever-growing genomics data, data compression and indexing methods have to exploit distributed and parallel computing more efficiently. Instead of strict genome data compression methods, we will focus on the efficient construction of a compressed index for pan-genomes. Compressed hybrid-index enables fast sequence alignments to several genomes at once while shrinking the index size significantly compared to traditional indexes. We propose a scalable distributed compressed hybrid-indexing method for large genomic data sets enabling pan-genome-based sequence search and read alignment capabilities. We show the scalability of our tool, DHPGIndex, by executing experiments in a distributed Apache Spark-based computing cluster comprising 448 cores distributed over 26 nodes. The experiments have been performed both with human and bacterial genomes. DHPGIndex built a BLAST index for n = 250 human pan-genome with an 870:1 compression ratio (CR) in 342 minutes and a Bowtie2 index with 157:1 CR in 397 minutes. For n = 1,000 human pan-genome, the BLAST index was built in 1520 minutes with 532:1 CR and the Bowtie2 index in 1938 minutes with 76:1 CR. Bowtie2 aligned 14.6 GB of paired-end reads to the compressed (n = 1,000) index in 31.7 minutes on a single node. Compressing n = 13,375,031 (488 GB) GenBank database to BLAST index resulted in CR of 62:1 in 575 minutes. BLASTing 189,864 Crispr-Cas9 gRNA target sequences (23 MB in total) to the compressed index of human pan-genome (n = 1,000) finished in 45 minutes on a single node. 30 MB mixed bacterial sequences were (n = 599) were blasted to the compressed index of 488 GB GenBank database (n = 13,375,031) in 26 minutes on 25 nodes. 78 MB mixed sequences (n = 4,167) were blasted to the compressed index of 18 GB E. coli sequence database (n = 745,409) in 5.4 minutes on a single node.Peer reviewe

    Pattern Matching on Elastic-Degenerate Text with Errors

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    International audienceAn elastic-degenerate string is a sequence of n sets of strings of total length N. It has been introduced to represent a multiple alignment of several closely-related sequences (e.g. pan-genome) compactly. In this representation, substrings of these sequences that match exactly are collapsed, while in positions where the sequences differ, all possible variants observed at that location are listed. The natural problem that arises is finding all matches of a deterministic pattern of length m in an elastic-degenerate text. There exists an O(nm 2 + N)-time algorithm to solve this problem on-line after a pre-processing stage with time and space O(m). In this paper, we study the same problem under the edit distance model and present an O(k 2 mG + kN)-time and O(m)-space algorithm, where G is the total number of strings in the elastic-degenerate text and k is the maximum edit distance allowed. We also present a simple O(kmG + kN)-time and O(m)-space algorithm for Hamming distance

    Fully-sensitive Seed Finding in Sequence Graphs Using a Hybrid Index

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    Indexing Highly Repetitive String Collections

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    Two decades ago, a breakthrough in indexing string collections made it possible to represent them within their compressed space while at the same time offering indexed search functionalities. As this new technology permeated through applications like bioinformatics, the string collections experienced a growth that outperforms Moore's Law and challenges our ability of handling them even in compressed form. It turns out, fortunately, that many of these rapidly growing string collections are highly repetitive, so that their information content is orders of magnitude lower than their plain size. The statistical compression methods used for classical collections, however, are blind to this repetitiveness, and therefore a new set of techniques has been developed in order to properly exploit it. The resulting indexes form a new generation of data structures able to handle the huge repetitive string collections that we are facing. In this survey we cover the algorithmic developments that have led to these data structures. We describe the distinct compression paradigms that have been used to exploit repetitiveness, the fundamental algorithmic ideas that form the base of all the existing indexes, and the various structures that have been proposed, comparing them both in theoretical and practical aspects. We conclude with the current challenges in this fascinating field