38,595 research outputs found

    Detecting Floating-Point Errors via Atomic Conditions

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    This paper tackles the important, difficult problem of detecting program inputs that trigger large floating-point errors in numerical code. It introduces a novel, principled dynamic analysis that leverages the mathematically rigorously analyzed condition numbers for atomic numerical operations, which we call atomic conditions, to effectively guide the search for large floating-point errors. Compared with existing approaches, our work based on atomic conditions has several distinctive benefits: (1) it does not rely on high-precision implementations to act as approximate oracles, which are difficult to obtain in general and computationally costly; and (2) atomic conditions provide accurate, modular search guidance. These benefits in combination lead to a highly effective approach that detects more significant errors in real-world code (e.g., widely-used numerical library functions) and achieves several orders of speedups over the state-of-the-art, thus making error analysis significantly more practical. We expect the methodology and principles behind our approach to benefit other floating-point program analysis tasks such as debugging, repair and synthesis. To facilitate the reproduction of our work, we have made our implementation, evaluation data and results publicly available on GitHub at https://github.com/FP-Analysis/atomic-condition.ISSN:2475-142

    Efficient utilization of graphics technology for space animation

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    Efficient utilization of computer graphics technology has become a major investment in the work of aerospace engineers and mission designers. These new tools are having a significant impact in the development and analysis of complex tasks and procedures which must be prepared prior to actual space flight. Design and implementation of useful methods in applying these tools has evolved into a complex interaction of hardware, software, network, video and various user interfaces. Because few people can understand every aspect of this broad mix of technology, many specialists are required to build, train, maintain and adapt these tools to changing user needs. Researchers have set out to create systems where an engineering designer can easily work to achieve goals with a minimum of technological distraction. This was accomplished with high-performance flight simulation visual systems and supercomputer computational horsepower. Control throughout the creative process is judiciously applied while maintaining generality and ease of use to accommodate a wide variety of engineering needs

    Towards Automated Boundary Value Testing with Program Derivatives and Search

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    A natural and often used strategy when testing software is to use input values at boundaries, i.e. where behavior is expected to change the most, an approach often called boundary value testing or analysis (BVA). Even though this has been a key testing idea for long it has been hard to clearly define and formalize. Consequently, it has also been hard to automate. In this research note we propose one such formalization of BVA by, in a similar way as to how the derivative of a function is defined in mathematics, considering (software) program derivatives. Critical to our definition is the notion of distance between inputs and outputs which we can formalize and then quantify based on ideas from Information theory. However, for our (black-box) approach to be practical one must search for test inputs with specific properties. Coupling it with search-based software engineering is thus required and we discuss how program derivatives can be used as and within fitness functions. This brief note does not allow a deeper, empirical investigation but we use a simple illustrative example throughout to introduce the main ideas. By combining program derivatives with search, we thus propose a practical as well as theoretically interesting technique for automated boundary value (analysis and) testing