5,894 research outputs found

    Answering Spatial Multiple-Set Intersection Queries Using 2-3 Cuckoo Hash-Filters

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    We show how to answer spatial multiple-set intersection queries in O(n(log w)/w + kt) expected time, where n is the total size of the t sets involved in the query, w is the number of bits in a memory word, k is the output size, and c is any fixed constant. This improves the asymptotic performance over previous solutions and is based on an interesting data structure, known as 2-3 cuckoo hash-filters. Our results apply in the word-RAM model (or practical RAM model), which allows for constant-time bit-parallel operations, such as bitwise AND, OR, NOT, and MSB (most-significant 1-bit), as exist in modern CPUs and GPUs. Our solutions apply to any multiple-set intersection queries in spatial data sets that can be reduced to one-dimensional range queries, such as spatial join queries for one-dimensional points or sets of points stored along space-filling curves, which are used in GIS applications.Comment: Full version of paper from 2017 ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information System

    Hammock-on-ears decomposition: a technique for the efficient parallel solution of shortest paths and other problems

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    We show how to decompose efficiently in parallel {\em any} graph into a number, γ~\tilde{\gamma}, of outerplanar subgraphs (called {\em hammocks}) satisfying certain separator properties. Our work combines and extends the sequential hammock decomposition technique introduced by G.~Frederickson and the parallel ear decomposition technique, thus we call it the {\em hammock-on-ears decomposition}. We mention that hammock-on-ears decomposition also draws from techniques in computational geometry and that an embedding of the graph does not need to be provided with the input. We achieve this decomposition in O(lognloglogn)O(\log n\log\log n) time using O(n+m)O(n+m) CREW PRAM processors, for an nn-vertex, mm-edge graph or digraph. The hammock-on-ears decomposition implies a general framework for solving graph problems efficiently. Its value is demonstrated by a variety of applications on a significant class of (di)graphs, namely that of {\em sparse (di)graphs}. This class consists of all (di)graphs which have a γ~\tilde{\gamma} between 11 and Θ(n)\Theta(n), and includes planar graphs and graphs with genus o(n)o(n). We improve previous bounds for certain instances of shortest paths and related problems, in this class of graphs. These problems include all pairs shortest paths, all pairs reachability

    Dynamic Scheduling, Allocation, and Compaction Scheme for Real-Time Tasks on FPGAs

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    Run-time reconfiguration (RTR) is a method of computing on reconfigurable logic, typically FPGAs, changing hardware configurations from phase to phase of a computation at run-time. Recent research has expanded from a focus on a single application at a time to encompass a view of the reconfigurable logic as a resource shared among multiple applications or users. In real-time system design, task deadlines play an important role. Real-time multi-tasking systems not only need to support sharing of the resources in space, but also need to guarantee execution of the tasks. At the operating system level, sharing logic gates, wires, and I/O pins among multiple tasks needs to be managed. From the high level standpoint, access to the resources needs to be scheduled according to task deadlines. This thesis describes a task allocator for scheduling, placing, and compacting tasks on a shared FPGA under real-time constraints. Our consideration of task deadlines is novel in the setting of handling multiple simultaneous tasks in RTR. Software simulations have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. The results indicate significant improvement by decreasing the number of tasks rejected

    ELB: An Explicit Load Balancing Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop NGEO Satellite Constellations

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    Robust Branch-Cut-and-Price for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem over a Large Extended Formulation

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    This paper presents a robust branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (CMST). The variables are associated to q-arbs, a structure that arises from a relaxation of the capacitated prize-collecting arbores- cence problem in order to make it solvable in pseudo-polynomial time. Traditional inequalities over the arc formulation, like Capacity Cuts, are also used. Moreover, a novel feature is introduced in such kind of algorithms. Powerful new cuts expressed over a very large set of variables could be added, without increasing the complexity of the pricing subproblem or the size of the LPs that are actually solved. Computational results on benchmark instances from the OR-Library show very signi¯cant improvements over previous algorithms. Several open instances could be solved to optimalityNo keywords;