1,277 research outputs found

    Searchable encryption with decryption in the standard model

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    A *searchable public key encryption (PEKS) scheme* allows to generate, for any given message WW, a trapdoor TWT_W, such that TWT_W allows to check whether a given ciphertext is an encryption of WW or not. Of course, TWT_W should not reveal any additional information about the plaintext. PEKS schemes have interesting applications: for instance, consider an email gateway that wants to prioritize or filter encrypted emails based on keywords contained in the message text. The email recipient can then enable the gateway to do so by releasing the trapdoors for the corresponding keywords. This way, the gateway can check emails for these keywords, but it learns nothing more about the email contents. PEKS schemes have first been formalized and constructed by Boneh et al.. But with one exception, no known construction of a PEKS scheme supports the decryption of ciphertexts. That is, known constructions allow to *test* for a certain message, but they do not allow to *retrieve* the message, even when having the full secret key. Besides being somewhat unnatural for an encryption scheme, this ``no-decryption\u27\u27-property also limits the applicability of a PEKS scheme. The one exception, a PEKS scheme with decryption due to Fuhr and Paillier, is formulated in the random oracle model, and inherently relies on the statistical properties of the random oracle. In fact, Fuhr and Paillier leave it as an open problem to construct a PEKS scheme with decryption in the standard model. In this paper, we construct the first PEKS scheme with decryption (PEKSD scheme) in the standard model. Our sole assumption is an anonymous IBE scheme. We explain the technical difficulties that arise with previous attempts to build a PEKS scheme with decryption and how we overcome these difficulties. Technically, we isolate a vital additional property of IBE schemes (a property we call *well-addressedness* and which states that a ciphertext is tied to an identity and will be rejected when trying to decrypt with respect to any other identity) and show how to generically achieve it. Our construction of a PEKSD scheme from an anonymous IBE scheme provides a natural example of a *non-shielding* construction (in which the decryption algorithm queries the encryption algorithm). Gertner et al. have shown that an IND-CCA secure public key encryption scheme cannot be constructed and proven from an IND-CPA secure scheme in a black-box and *shielding* way. However, our results give evidence that encryption queries in the decryption algorithm may well prove useful in a security reduction

    Shared and Searchable Encrypted Data for Untrusted Servers

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    Current security mechanisms pose a risk for organisations that outsource their data management to untrusted servers. Encrypting and decrypting sensitive data at the client side is the normal approach in this situation but has high communication and computation overheads if only a subset of the data is required, for example, selecting records in a database table based on a keyword search. New cryptographic schemes have been proposed that support encrypted queries over encrypted data but all depend on a single set of secret keys, which implies single user access or sharing keys among multiple users, with key revocation requiring costly data re-encryption. In this paper, we propose an encryption scheme where each authorised user in the system has his own keys to encrypt and decrypt data. The scheme supports keyword search which enables the server to return only the encrypted data that satisfies an encrypted query without decrypting it. We provide two constructions of the scheme giving formal proofs of their security. We also report on the results of a prototype implementation. This research was supported by the UK’s EPSRC research grant EP/C537181/1. The authors would like to thank the members of the Policy Research Group at Imperial College for their support

    Public-Key Encryption with Delegated Search

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    In public-key setting, Alice encrypts email with public key of Bob, so that only Bob will be able to learn contents of email. Consider scenario when computer of Alice is infected and unbeknown to Alice it also embeds malware into message. Bob's company, Carol, cannot scan his email for malicious content as it is encrypted so burden is on Bob to do scan. This is not efficient. We construct mechanism that enables Bob to provide trapdoors to Carol such that Carol, given encrypted data and malware signature, is able to check whether encrypted data contains malware signature, without decrypting it. We refer to this mechanism as Public-Key Encryption with Delegated Search SPKE.\ud \ud We formalize SPKE and give construction based on ElGamal public-key encryption (PKE). proposed scheme has ciphertexts which are both searchable and decryptable. This property of scheme is crucial since entity can search entire content of message, in contrast to existing searchable public-key encryption schemes where search is done only in metadata part. We prove in standard model that scheme is ciphertext indistinguishable and trapdoor indistinguishable under Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (sxdh) assumption. We prove also ciphertext one-wayness of scheme under modified Computational Diffie-Hellman (mcdh) assumption. We show that our PKEDS scheme can be used in different applications such as detecting encrypted malwares and forwarding encrypted emails

    Encrypted Shared Data Spaces

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    The deployment of Share Data Spaces in open, possibly hostile, environments arises the need of protecting the confidentiality of the data space content. Existing approaches focus on access control mechanisms that protect the data space from untrusted agents. The basic assumption is that the hosts (and their administrators) where the data space is deployed have to be trusted. Encryption schemes can be used to protect the data space content from malicious hosts. However, these schemes do not allow searching on encrypted data. In this paper we present a novel encryption scheme that allows tuple matching on completely encrypted tuples. Since the data space does not need to decrypt tuples to perform the search, tuple confidentiality can be guaranteed even when the data space is deployed on malicious hosts (or an adversary gains access to the host). Our scheme does not require authorised agents to share keys for inserting and retrieving tuples. Each authorised agent can encrypt, decrypt, and search encrypted tuples without having to know other agents’ keys. This is beneficial inasmuch as it simplifies the task of key management. An implementation of an encrypted data space based on this scheme is described and some preliminary performance results are given

    Shared and searchable encrypted data for untrusted servers

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    Current security mechanisms are not suitable for organisations that outsource their data management to untrusted servers. Encrypting and decrypting sensitive data at the client side is the normal approach in this situation but has high communication and computation overheads if only a subset of the data is required, for example, selecting records in a database table based on a keyword search. New cryptographic schemes have been proposed that support encrypted queries over encrypted data. But they all depend on a single set of secret keys, which implies single user access or sharing keys among multiple users, with key revocation requiring costly data re-encryption. In this paper, we propose an encryption scheme where each authorised user in the system has his own keys to encrypt and decrypt data. The scheme supports keyword search which enables the server to return only the encrypted data that satisfies an encrypted query without decrypting it. We provide a concrete construction of the scheme and give formal proofs of its security. We also report on the results of our implementation

    A practical and secure multi-keyword search method over encrypted cloud data

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    Cloud computing technologies become more and more popular every year, as many organizations tend to outsource their data utilizing robust and fast services of clouds while lowering the cost of hardware ownership. Although its benefits are welcomed, privacy is still a remaining concern that needs to be addressed. We propose an efficient privacy-preserving search method over encrypted cloud data that utilizes minhash functions. Most of the work in literature can only support a single feature search in queries which reduces the effectiveness. One of the main advantages of our proposed method is the capability of multi-keyword search in a single query. The proposed method is proved to satisfy adaptive semantic security definition. We also combine an effective ranking capability that is based on term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) values of keyword document pairs. Our analysis demonstrates that the proposed scheme is proved to be privacy-preserving, efficient and effective

    Longitude : a privacy-preserving location sharing protocol for mobile applications

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    Location sharing services are becoming increasingly popular. Although many location sharing services allow users to set up privacy policies to control who can access their location, the use made by service providers remains a source of concern. Ideally, location sharing providers and middleware should not be able to access users’ location data without their consent. In this paper, we propose a new location sharing protocol called Longitude that eases privacy concerns by making it possible to share a user’s location data blindly and allowing the user to control who can access her location, when and to what degree of precision. The underlying cryptographic algorithms are designed for GPS-enabled mobile phones. We describe and evaluate our implementation for the Nexus One Android mobile phone

    Privacy-Preserving Genetic Relatedness Test

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    An increasing number of individuals are turning to Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) genetic testing to learn about their predisposition to diseases, traits, and/or ancestry. DTC companies like 23andme and Ancestry.com have started to offer popular and affordable ancestry and genealogy tests, with services allowing users to find unknown relatives and long-distant cousins. Naturally, access and possible dissemination of genetic data prompts serious privacy concerns, thus motivating the need to design efficient primitives supporting private genetic tests. In this paper, we present an effective protocol for privacy-preserving genetic relatedness test (PPGRT), enabling a cloud server to run relatedness tests on input an encrypted genetic database and a test facility's encrypted genetic sample. We reduce the test to a data matching problem and perform it, privately, using searchable encryption. Finally, a performance evaluation of hamming distance based PP-GRT attests to the practicality of our proposals.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appears in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Genome Privacy and Security (GenoPri'16