6 research outputs found

    Script Language for Image Processing

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá možnostmi skriptovacích jazyků a jejich druhů. Konkrétně pak návrhu takového jazyka pro obor zpracování obrazů. Cílem bylo vytvoření jazyka, který je malý, ale lehce použitelný. Cílem bylo využít knihovny OpenCV, pro kterou by výsledný jazyk umožňoval co nejkratší zápis kódu. První část se zabývá popisem a zpracováním skriptovacích jazyků počítačem. Druhá část obsahuje popis navrhovaného jazyka. Třetí a poslední část, dokumentuje možnosti dalšího rozšíření.This bachelor thesis deals with capabilities of scripting languages and their types. Specifically with design of one such language suitable for image processing. The goal was to create a language small enough, but easy to use. One of the requirement was to utilize OpenCV library, for which the resulting code would be as short as possible. First part deals with descriptions of scripting languages, their main philosophy and options of language processing by the computer. Second part contains description of the designed language. Last part documents achieved goals and possible ways how to extend the language even further.

    Script Language for Image Processing

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    This paper proposes a design and structure of script language which is intended for easy description and prototyping of high-level image processing operations. The image operations are meant to be composed from basic building blocks represented by either C/C++ functions or appropriate block connections in FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) circuits. The proposed language is designed for use in systems for rapid prototyping and testing of image processing applications as well as for final implementations of the applications. The integration of language into such systems is discussed as well as explanations of parts of the image processing system as seen through the interface of the proposed scripting language. The paper targets structures and syntax of the language, parallelization of high-level image operations and communication between the multiple instances of interpreters of the scripts

    Analysis of motion in scale space

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    This work includes some new aspects of motion estimation by the optic flow method in scale spaces. The usual techniques for motion estimation are limited to the application of coarse to fine strategies. The coarse to fine strategies can be successful only if there is enough information in every scale. In this work we investigate the motion estimation in the scale space more basically. The wavelet choice for scale space decomposition of image sequences is discussed in the first part of this work. We make use of the continuous wavelet transform with rotationally symmetric wavelets. Bandpass decomposed sequences allow the replacement of the structure tensor by the phase invariant energy operator. The structure tensor is computationally more expensive because of its spatial or spatio-temporal averaging. The energy operator needs in general no further averaging. The numerical accuracy of the motion estimation with the energy operator is compared to the results of usual techniques, based on the structure tensor. The comparison tests are performed on synthetic and real life sequences. Another practical contribution is the accuracy measurement for motion estimation by adaptive smoothed tensor fields. The adaptive smoothing relies on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion with discontinuity and curvature preservation. We reached an accuracy gain under properly chosen parameters for the diffusion filter. A theoretical contribution from mathematical point of view is a new discontinuity and curvature preserving regularization for motion estimation. The convergence of solutions for the isotropic case of the nonlocal partial differential equation is shown. For large displacements between two consecutive frames the optic flow method is systematically corrupted because of the violence of the sampling theorem. We developed a new method for motion analysis by scale decomposition, which allows to circumvent the systematic corruption without using the coarse to fine strategy. The underlying assumption is, that in a certain neighborhood the grey value undergoes the same displacement. If this is fulfilled, then the same optic flow should be measured in all scales. If there arise inconsistencies in a pixel across the scale space, so they can be detected and the scales containing this inconsistencies are not taken into account

    Script Language for Image Processing

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    This thesis deals with design of scripting language, especially specified for effective image processing. Introduction of this thesis is focused on studying and also appropriation of methodology of compilers and interpreters design, include their following application in design of the scripting language and as well its interpreter. Another point of my work is showing the methods of design and implementation of the interpreter including automated methods used in the design of the implemented program. Next part deals with description of structure and implementation of the designed program, intended for generating compiler of any language which is described in input of this program. The conclusion of this work is more detailing description of the scripting language design; its implementation is based on the methods mentioned before

    Script Language for Image Processing

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    This thesis deals with design of scripting language, especially specified for effective image processing. Introduction of this thesis is focused on studying and also appropriation of methodology of compilers and interpreters design, include their following application in design of the scripting language and as well its interpreter. Another point of my work is showing the methods of design and implementation of the interpreter including automated methods used in the design of the implemented program. Next part deals with description of structure and implementation of the designed program, intended for generating compiler of any language which is described in input of this program. The conclusion of this work is more detailing description of the scripting language design; its implementation is based on the methods mentioned before