3 research outputs found

    Towards Sustainable Education with the Use of Mobile Augmented Reality in Early Childhood and Primary Education: A Systematic Mapping

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    Over the years, educational institutions have faced significant difficulties in the teaching process at all educational levels, due to lack of motivation, concentration, attention, and confidence, among other aspects. In this sense, information and communication technologies can be the answer to transform educational models. One of the most promising and accessible technologies in recent years is mobile augmented reality (MAR), which allows students to visualize content through a mobile device combining the real environment with a virtual environment, providing an interactive and digital vision of the physical world in real time. The appropriate use of digital technologies in early childhood and primary education can promote socialization, comprehension, learning, language development, attention, and other educational benefits. However, due to the novelty of this technology, there is limited research and a gap in the literature on the use of MAR at these educational levels. This research work, through systematic mapping, aims to give an overview of how AR and mobile devices have been used in the last decade, which academic areas have benefited from the use of this innovative academic approach, and the main benefits and problems of using this technology in early and primary education. The findings are encouraging and show that AR technology, together with mobile devices, can be used to support the teaching of science, mathematics, reading, language, geography, etc.This work was financed by the Universidad de Las Américas through project code: TIC.LCC.22.01

    Augmented Reality in the Teaching and Learning Process of Chemistry: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Chemistry Education has been progressively complemented by pedagogical strategies involving the use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. In this context, a systematic literature review was carried out in order to present the particularities of this scenario, such as those related to the technological scope, target audience profile, research methods, data collection instruments, number of students involved, and duration of the instruction. Forty-nine articles were analyzed, recovered from five databases, between the years 2011 to 2020. Among the main results found is the increase number of publications in the last three years, with the target audience of the studies being generally Secondary and Tertiary Education students (97.96%). Regarding technological aspects, the mobile platform and the marker-based system were predominant. In terms of methodology, the quantitative approach prevailed, together with the use of questionnaires as instruments for data collection. As for the number of participants, the experiments reported usually involved between 31 and 100 students, who had up to 60 minutes of instruction time. The article ends by revealing gaps in current research, presenting suggestions and directions for future work

    Realidade aumentada no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Química : uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Chemistry Education has been progressively complemented by pedagogical strategies involving the use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. In this context, a systematic literature review was carried out in order to present the particularities of this scenario, such as those related to the technological scope, target audience profile, research methods, data collection instruments, number of students involved, and duration of the instruction. Forty-nine articles were analyzed, recovered from five databases, between the years 2011 to 2020. Among the main results found is the increase number of publications in the last three years, with the target audience of the studies being generally Secondary and Tertiary Education students (97.96%). Regarding technological aspects, the mobile platform and the marker-based system were predominant. In terms of methodology, the quantitative approach prevailed, together with the use of questionnaires as instruments for data collection. As for the number of participants, the experiments reported usually involved between 31 and 100 students, who had up to 60 minutes of instruction time. The article ends by revealing gaps in current research, presenting suggestions and directions for future work.O Ensino de Química tem sido progressivamente complementado por estratégias pedagógicas envolvendo o uso de tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada (RA). Nesse contexto, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura com o objetivo de apresentar as particularidades desse cenário, como aquelas relacionadas ao escopo tecnológico, perfil do público-alvo, métodos de pesquisa, instrumentos de coleta de dados, número de alunos envolvidos e duração da instrução. Foram analisados 49 artigos, recuperados de cinco bases de dados, entre os anos de 2011 a 2020. Entre os principais resultados encontrados está o aumento do número de publicações nos últimos três anos, sendo o público-alvo dos estudos em geral alunos do Ensino Médio e o Ensino Superior (97,96%). Em relação aos aspectos tecnológicos, a plataforma móvel e o sistema baseado em marcadores são predominantes. Em termos de metodologia, prevaleceu a abordagem quantitativa, juntamente com a utilização de questionários como instrumento de coleta de dados. Quanto ao número de participantes, os experimentos relatados envolveram geralmente entre 31 e 100 alunos, que tinham até 60 minutos de aula. O artigo termina revelando lacunas nas pesquisas atuais e necessidades na área, apresentando sugestões e direcionamentos para trabalhos futuros