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    The purpose of the study was to determine the public perception of the Bahowo mangrove forest. This research was conducted in Bahowo, Tongkaina Sub-District, Bunaken District, Manado City. The study lastedfor 3 (three) months from August to November 2018 starting from preparation to writing the final report. The selection of respondents was done purposevely.This study used primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through direct interviews with 20 respondents based on a list of prepared statements. Secondary data was obtained through documentation from agencies related to this study, among others, at the Tongkaina District Office in Bunaken District, Manado City, local bookstore and the internet using a google search engine to access scientific journal articles and thesis from others universities regarding people's perceptions of mangrove forests. This research showed that the community has positve perceptions of mangrove forests. Bahowo in Tongkaina Sub-District, Bunaken Sub-District, Manado City as a whole stated that he agreed with a total score of 1,714 judgments from the statements conveyed by the community through direct interviews and by calculating the overall score to determine the community's perception of mangrove forests. The community argued that mangrove forests play a very important role for local communities such as protecting from the dangers of high waves and tsunami hazards.*eprm

    A Review of Multicriteria Assessment Techniques Applied to Sustainable Infrastructure Design

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    [EN] Given the great impacts associated with the construction and maintenance of infrastructures in both the environmental, the economic and the social dimensions, a sustainable approach to their design appears essential to ease the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. Multicriteria decision-making methods are usually applied to address the complex and often conflicting criteria that characterise sustainability. The present study aims to review the current state of the art regarding the application of such techniques in the sustainability assessment of infrastructures, analysing as well the sustainability impacts and criteria included in the assessments. The Analytic Hierarchy Process is the most frequently used weighting technique. Simple Additive Weighting has turned out to be the most applied decision-making method to assess the weighted criteria. Although a life cycle assessment approach is recurrently used to evaluate sustainability, standardised concepts, such as cost discounting, or presentation of the assumed functional unit or system boundaries, as required by ISO 14040, are still only marginally used. Additionally, a need for further research in the inclusion of fuzziness in the handling of linguistic variables is identified.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, along with FEDER funding (Project no. BIA2017-85098-R).Navarro, IJ.; Yepes, V.; Martí, JV. (2019). A Review of Multicriteria Assessment Techniques Applied to Sustainable Infrastructure Design. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019(6134803):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/6134803S11620196134803Kyriacou, A. P., Muinelo-Gallo, L., & Roca-Sagalés, O. (2019). The efficiency of transport infrastructure investment and the role of government quality: An empirical analysis. 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Construction and Building Materials, 55, 183-193. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.01.033Braga, A. M., Silvestre, J. D., & de Brito, J. (2017). Compared environmental and economic impact from cradle to gate of concrete with natural and recycled coarse aggregates. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 529-543. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.06.057Hossain, M. U., Poon, C. S., Dong, Y. H., Lo, I. M. C., & Cheng, J. C. P. (2017). Development of social sustainability assessment method and a comparative case study on assessing recycled construction materials. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 23(8), 1654-1674. doi:10.1007/s11367-017-1373-0Dong, Y. H., & Ng, S. T. (2015). A social life cycle assessment model for building construction in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20(8), 1166-1180. doi:10.1007/s11367-015-0908-5Sierra, L. A., Yepes, V., García-Segura, T., & Pellicer, E. (2018). Bayesian network method for decision-making about the social sustainability of infrastructure projects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176, 521-534. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.12.140Montalbán-Domingo, L., García-Segura, T., Sanz, M. A., & Pellicer, E. (2018). Social sustainability criteria in public-work procurement: An international perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 198, 1355-1371. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.083Zamarrón-Mieza, I., Yepes, V., & Moreno-Jiménez, J. M. (2017). A systematic review of application of multi-criteria decision analysis for aging-dam management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 147, 217-230. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.092Sierra, L. A., Yepes, V., & Pellicer, E. (2018). A review of multi-criteria assessment of the social sustainability of infrastructures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 187, 496-513. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.022Reza, B., Sadiq, R., & Hewage, K. (2011). 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    Application of mutual information-based sequential feature selection to ISBSG mixed data

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    [EN] There is still little research work focused on feature selection (FS) techniques including both categorical and continuous features in Software Development Effort Estimation (SDEE) literature. This paper addresses the problem of selecting the most relevant features from ISBSG (International Software Benchmarking Standards Group) dataset to be used in SDEE. The aim is to show the usefulness of splitting the ranked list of features provided by a mutual information-based sequential FS approach in two, regarding categorical and continuous features. These lists are later recombined according to the accuracy of a case-based reasoning model. Thus, four FS algorithms are compared using a complete dataset with 621 projects and 12 features from ISBSG. On the one hand, two algorithms just consider the relevance, while the remaining two follow the criterion of maximizing relevance and also minimizing redundancy between any independent feature and the already selected features. On the other hand, the algorithms that do not discriminate between continuous and categorical features consider just one list, whereas those that differentiate them use two lists that are later combined. As a result, the algorithms that use two lists present better performance than those algorithms that use one list. Thus, it is meaningful to consider two different lists of features so that the categorical features may be selected more frequently. We also suggest promoting the usage of Application Group, Project Elapsed Time, and First Data Base System features with preference over the more frequently used Development Type, Language Type, and Development Platform.Fernández-Diego, M.; González-Ladrón-De-Guevara, F. (2018). Application of mutual information-based sequential feature selection to ISBSG mixed data. Software Quality Journal. 26(4):1299-1325. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-017-9391-5S12991325264Angelis, L., & Stamelos, I. (2000). 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    The effect of divergent selection for intramuscular fat on the domestic rabbit genome

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    [EN] An experiment of divergent selection for intramuscular fat was carried out at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The high response of selection in intramuscular fat content, after nine generations of selection, and a multidimensional scaling analysis showed a high degree of genomic differentiation between the two divergent populations. Therefore, local genomic differences could link genomic regions, encompassing selective sweeps, to the trait used as selection criterion. In this sense, the aim of this study was to identify genomic regions related to intramuscular fat through three methods for detection of selection signatures and to generate a list of candidate genes. The methods implemented in this study were Wright's fixation index, cross population composite likelihood ratio and cross population - extended haplotype homozygosity. Genomic data came from the 9th generation of the two populations divergently selected, 237 from Low line and 240 from High line. A high single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) density array, Affymetrix Axiom OrcunSNP Array (around 200k SNPs), was used for genotyping samples. Several genomic regions distributed along rabbit chromosomes (OCU) were identified as signatures of selection (SNPs having a value above cut-off of 1%) within each method. In contrast, 8 genomic regions, harbouring 80 SNPs (OCU1, OCU3, OCU6, OCU7, OCU16 and OCU17), were identified by at least 2 methods and none by the 3 methods. In general, our results suggest that intramuscular fat selection influenced multiple genomic regions which can be a consequence of either only selection effect or the combined effect of selection and genetic drift. In addition, 73 genes were retrieved from the 8 selection signatures. After functional and enrichment analyses, the main genes into the selection signatures linked to energy, fatty acids, carbohydrates and lipid metabolic processes wereACER2, PLIN2, DENND4C, RPS6, RRAGA(OCU1),ST8SIA6, VIM(OCU16),RORA, GANCandPLA2G4B(OCU17). This genomic scan is the first study using rabbits from a divergent selection experiment. Our results pointed out a large polygenic component of the intramuscular fat content. Besides, promising positional candidate genes would be analysed in further studies in order to bear out their contributions to this trait and their feasible implications for rabbit breeding programmes.The authors thank Federico Pardo, Veronica Juste and Marina Morini for technical assistance. The work was funded by project AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P and AGL2017-86083-C2-P1 from National Programme for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research - Project I+D. B. Samuel Sosa-Madrid was supported by a FPI grant from the Economy Ministry of Spain (BES-2015-074194).Sosa-Madrid, BS.; Varona, L.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Hernández, P.; Casto-Rebollo, C.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N. (2020). The effect of divergent selection for intramuscular fat on the domestic rabbit genome. Animal. 14(11):2225-2235. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731120001263S222522351411Beissinger, T. M., Rosa, G. J., Kaeppler, S. M., Gianola, D., & de Leon, N. (2015). Defining window-boundaries for genomic analyses using smoothing spline techniques. Genetics Selection Evolution, 47(1). doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0105-9Carneiro, M., Albert, F. W., Afonso, S., Pereira, R. J., Burbano, H., Campos, R., … Ferrand, N. (2014). The Genomic Architecture of Population Divergence between Subspecies of the European Rabbit. 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    Genetic diversity and production potential of animal food resources

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-05-21 | Accepted: 2020-06-02 | Available online: 2020-06-30https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.02.102-108The submission aims to present results of the five-year research project, oriented on the evaluation of genetic diversity of selected populations of economically important animal species in Slovakia, their sustainable adaptation and production potential in the context of preservation of genetic resources and food safety. Under the supervision of Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding Biology, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra run between 2015- 2019 project called Molecular-genetic diversity and production potential of animal genetic resources in Slovakia (APVV-14-0054). Considering the difficulty and complexity of studied issues was research realized in close collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) and Zagreb University. Erosion of genetic diversity represents the main threat for food safety of mankind. Individuals of economically important animal species groups accumulate risks and threats of loss of sustainable adaptation as a reaction to the environment due to intense selective breeding. It is therefore important and needed to focus on permanent monitoring and evaluation of diversity of economically important breeds based on the diverse parameter and suitable methods.Keywords: Genetic diversity, economically important breeds, Animal genetic resources, SlovakiaReferencesKADLEČÍK, O., HAZUCHOVÁ, E., MORAVČÍKOVÁ, N. and KUKUČKOVÁ, V. (2017b). Genetic diversity in Slovak spotted breed. AGROFOR, 2(3), 124–131.KADLEČÍK, O., HAZUCHOVÁ, E., PAVLÍK, I. and KASARDA, R. (2016). Genetická diverzita slovenského strakatého a holštajnského dobytka (1. vyd). Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita.KADLEČÍK, O., MORAVČÍKOVÁ, N. and KASARDA, R. (2017a). Biodiverzita populácií zvierat. 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    Estimation of population differentiation using pedigree and molecular data in Black Slavonian pig

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    Submitted 2020-07-17 | Accepted 2020-08-24 | Available 2020-12-01https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.mi-fpap.241-249The aim of the study was to investigate the genetic differentiation of the Black Slavonian pig population. Two parallel analyses were performed using genealogical records and molecular data. Pedigree information of 6,099 pigs of the Black Slavonian breed was used to evaluate genetic variability and population structure. Additionally, 70 pigs were genotyped using 23 microsatellite markers. Genealogical data showed shrinkage in genetic diversity parameters with effective population size of 23.58 and inbreeding of 3.26%. Expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.685 and 0.625, respectively, and the average number of alleles per locus was 7.826. Bayesian clustering algorithm method and obtained dendrograms based on pedigree information and molecular data revealed the existence of four genetic clusters within the Black Slavonian pig. Wright’s FIS, FST and FIT from pedigree records were 0.017, 0.006, and 0.024, respectively, and did not prove significant population differentiation based on the geographical location of herds, despite the natural mating system. Obtained results indicate that despite the increased number of animals in the population, genetic diversity of Black Slavonian pig is low and conservation programme should focus on strategies aimed at avoiding further loss of genetic variability. Simultaneous use of genealogical and molecular data can be useful in conservation management of Black Slavonian pig breed.Keywords: autochthonous pig breed, microsatellite, genealogical data, genetic structuringReferencesBarros, E. A., Brasil, L. H. de A., Tejero, J. P., Delgado-Bermejo, J. V. & Ribeiro, M. N. (2017). Population structure and genetic variability of the Segureña sheep breed through pedigree analysis and inbreeding effects on growth traits. Small Ruminant Research, 149, 128-133.Belkhir, K. (2004). 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    Probabilistic reframing for cost-sensitive regression

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    © ACM, 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), VOL. 8, ISS. 4, (October 2014) http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2641758Common-day applications of predictive models usually involve the full use of the available contextual information. When the operating context changes, one may fine-tune the by-default (incontextual) prediction or may even abstain from predicting a value (a reject). Global reframing solutions, where the same function is applied to adapt the estimated outputs to a new cost context, are possible solutions here. An alternative approach, which has not been studied in a comprehensive way for regression in the knowledge discovery and data mining literature, is the use of a local (e.g., probabilistic) reframing approach, where decisions are made according to the estimated output and a reliability, confidence, or probability estimation. In this article, we advocate for a simple two-parameter (mean and variance) approach, working with a normal conditional probability density. Given the conditional mean produced by any regression technique, we develop lightweight “enrichment” methods that produce good estimates of the conditional variance, which are used by the probabilistic (local) reframing methods. We apply these methods to some very common families of costsensitive problems, such as optimal predictions in (auction) bids, asymmetric loss scenarios, and rejection rules.This work was supported by the MEC/MINECO projects CONSOLIDER-INGENIO CSD2007-00022 and TIN 2010-21062-C02-02, and TIN 2013-45732-C4-1-P and GVA projects PROMETEO/2008/051 and PROMETEO2011/052. Finally, part of this work was motivated by the REFRAME project (http://www.reframe-d2k.org) granted by the European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-Net (CHIST-ERA) and funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in Spain (PCIN-2013-037).Hernández Orallo, J. (2014). Probabilistic reframing for cost-sensitive regression. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. 8(4):1-55. https://doi.org/10.1145/2641758S15584G. Bansal, A. Sinha, and H. Zhao. 2008. 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    Emerging Search Regimes: Measuring Co-evolutions among Research, Science, and Society

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    Scientometric data is used to investigate empirically the emergence of search regimes in Biotechnology, Genomics, and Nanotechnology. Complex regimes can emerge when three independent sources of variance interact. In our model, researchers can be considered as the nodes that carry the science system. Research is geographically situated with site-specific skills, tacit knowledge and infrastructures. Second, the emergent science level refers to the formal communication of codified knowledge published in journals. Third, the socio-economic dynamics indicate the ways in which knowledge production relates to society. Although Biotechnology, Genomics, and Nanotechnology can all be characterised by rapid growth and divergent dynamics, the regimes differ in terms of self-organization among these three sources of variance. The scope of opportunities for researchers to contribute within the constraints of the existing body of knowledge are different in each field. Furthermore, the relevance of the context of application contributes to the knowledge dynamics to various degrees

    The selection, appraisal and retention of digital scientific data: dighlights of an ERPANET/CODATA workshop

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    CODATA and ERPANET collaborated to convene an international archiving workshop on the selection, appraisal, and retention of digital scientific data, which was held on 15-17 December 2003 at the Biblioteca Nacional in Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop brought together more than 65 researchers, data and information managers, archivists, and librarians from 13 countries to discuss the issues involved in making critical decisions regarding the long-term preservation of the scientific record. One of the major aims for this workshop was to provide an international forum to exchange information about data archiving policies and practices across different scientific, institutional, and national contexts. Highlights from the workshop discussions are presented