187 research outputs found


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    Cross-Platform Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Interoperability - Proceedings of the LREC2016 conference

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    Cross-Platform Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Interoperability - Proceedings of the LREC2016 conference

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    WTEC Panel Report on International Assessment of Research and Development in Simulation-Based Engineering and Science

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    Überblick zur Softwareentwicklung in Wissenschaftlichen Anwendungen

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    Viele wissenschaftliche Disziplinen mĂŒssen heute immer komplexer werdende numerische Probleme lösen. Die KomplexitĂ€t der benutzten wissenschaftlichen Software steigt dabei kontinuierlich an. Diese KomplexitĂ€tssteigerung wird durch eine ganze Reihe sich Ă€ndernder Anforderungen verursacht: Die Betrachtung gekoppelter PhĂ€nomene gewinnt Aufmerksamkeit und gleichzeitig mĂŒssen neue Technologien wie das Grid-Computing oder neue Multiprozessorarchitekturen genutzt werden, um weiterhin in angemessener Zeit zu Berechnungsergebnissen zu kommen. Diese FĂŒlle an neuen Anforderungen kann nicht mehr von kleinen spezialisierten Wissenschaftlergruppen in Isolation bewĂ€ltigt werden. Die Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Software muss vielmehr in interdisziplinĂ€ren Gruppen geschehen, was neue Herausforderungen in der Softwareentwicklung induziert. Ein Paradigmenwechsel zu einer stĂ€rkeren Separation von Verantwortlichkeiten innerhalb interdisziplinĂ€rer Entwicklergruppen ist bis jetzt in vielen FĂ€llen nur in AnsĂ€tzen erkennbar. Die Kopplung partitioniert durchgefĂŒhrter Simulationen physikalischer PhĂ€nomene ist ein wichtiges Beispiel fĂŒr softwaretechnisch herausfordernde Aufgaben im Gebiet des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens. In diesem Kontext modellieren verschiedene Simulationsprogramme unterschiedliche Teile eines komplexeren gekoppelten Systems. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber Paradigmen, die darauf abzielen Softwareentwicklung fĂŒr Berechnungsprogramme verlĂ€sslicher und weniger abhĂ€ngig voneinander zu machen. Ein spezielles Augenmerk liegt auf der Entwicklung gekoppelter Simulationen.Fields of modern science and engineering are in need of solving more and more complex numerical problems. The complexity of scientiïŹc software thereby rises continuously. This growth is caused by a number of changing requirements. Coupled phenomena gain importance and new technologies like the computational Grid, graphical and heterogeneous multi-core processors have to be used to achieve high-performance. The amount of additional complexity can not be handled by small groups of specialised scientists. The interdiciplinary nature of scientiïŹc software thereby presents new challanges for software engineering. A paradigm shift towards a stronger separation of concerns becomes necessary in the development of future scientiïŹc software. The coupling of independently simulated physical phenomena is an important example for a software-engineering concern in the domain of computational science. In this context, different simulation-programs model only a part of a more complex coupled system. The present work gives overview on paradigms which aim at making software-development in computational sciences more reliable and less interdependent. A special focus is put on the development of coupled simulations

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems

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    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2015-2016

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    This report is a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues

    NIAS Annual Report 2019-2020

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