46,941 research outputs found

    Devolved School Management: Guidelines

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    School Management: Norwegian Legacies Bowing to New Public Management

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the relevance of school management training programmes to current Norwegian education policies and strategies. A specific question was asked: How relevant is the teaching professors’ understanding of school management competence? The findings indicate a split understanding of policy relevant understanding of school management. A majority of respondents had an understanding of school management coherent with the national policies and strategies. A minority did not. They saw the headmaster primarily as a communicative facilitator for teachers’ work, and an ‘administrative caretaker’. In an international perspective the findings represent a Norwegian particularity. There is a collision between Norwegian anti-management legacies of running schools and the Government’s need for effective and accountable management. This may imply a slower speed of implementing educational reforms in Norway.school, management, training, education, reform policies, pedagogy

    School management

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    School management information systems and value for money 2010

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    Charter-School Management Organizations: Diverse Strategies and Diverse Student Impacts

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    Examines the growth of charter school management organizations, characteristics of students served, and use of resources; CMO practices; impact on students, including middle school test scores; and structures and practices linked to positive outcomes

    In brief: performance pay for teachers: is it working?.

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    The introduction of performance-related pay in England's schools has had a generally bad press. But David Marsden and Richard Belfield find that it is starting to have a positive impact both on school management and pupils' academic achievements.

    Human ethics guidelines for schools

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    The article depicts the development, the process and the composition human ethics guidelines for schools in New Zealand. It states that the guidelines must be provided at schools for guiding school-based student research that requires human beings as participants in the research. The guidelines is also necessary in helping student and teacher researchers to plan their investigations with foresight and to alert school management to their responsibilities and possible issues and risks


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    The rigorous social organization of modern society ensures its maximum efficiency. Institutions and organizations structure people's daily life, regulate individual and collective behaviors, set rules for social and human interaction, regulate performances and establish rewards. Institutions are relatively stable structures of statuses and roles, which help individuals meet some of their or accomplish certain social functions. From these inter-relations we should obtain a maximum of efficiency as follows.school management, social function, school performance

    A Study of Parents’ Expectation and Satisfaction towards School Management in Nopparatpattanasas School, Bangkok Thailand

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    The purpose of this study was to study of parents’ expectation and satisfaction towards school management in Nopparatpattanasas School, Bangkok, Thailand. The results showed that the level of parents’ expectation and satisfaction towards school management were “Agree”. The finding of the hypotheses research found that, there was a significant difference between parents’ expectation and satisfaction of school management, and four dimensions, and there was a significant difference between kindergarten level parents’ expectation and satisfaction in school management, and there was a significant between elementary level parents’ expectation and satisfaction of school management. The results of this study showed that most of the parents were satisfied with the school management in term of human resource management and general management. Based on the finding, the researcher recommended that Nopparatpattanasas School should emphasize on the curriculum management and the budget management

    Igazgatócserék = Changing of school-management

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    A közoktatás intézményeinek működését alapvetően meghatározza, hogy kik és milyen módszerekkel vezetik az iskolákat. Különösen jelentős ez napjainkban, amikor az oktatási intézmények szakmai tekintetben nagy önállóságot élveznek. és amikor azt tapasztaljuk, hogy az intézmények fenntartói és vezetői igen jelentősen befolyásolhatják, hogy milyen mennyiségű és minőségű oktatási szolgáltatásokat nyújt az iskola a gyerekeknek. Kutatásunk célja annak feltárása, hogy hogyan változott az utóbbi években az általános és középfokú iskolák igazgatóinak összetétele, társadalmi származás, képzettség és vezetői stratégiák tekintetében, és milyen módon és eljárásokkal történnek jelenleg az igazgató-cserék. Mekkora szerep jut az igazgatók kiválasztásában a tantestületeknek és a fenntartóknak, és milyen szempontok szerint választják ki a pályázók közül a tantestületek és az iskolafenntartók az iskolák új vezetőit. Az iskolaigazgatóválasztás-kutatás egy hosszú sorozat utolsó darabja. Az első vizsgálatot Andor Mihály egyedül végezte 1982-ben két megyében (Békés és Győr-Sopron), a másodikat (1986-ban) és harmadikat (1991-ben) Andor Mihály és Liskó Ilona. A negyedik vizsgálatot is ők ketten készítették elő 2007-ben, de Liskó Ilona halála miatt munkatársával, Fehérvári Anikóval fejezték be. | Management staff and methods are strongly influence the operation of educational institutes. It is even more notable nowadays, when institutes’ professional autonomy is increasing: management staff and governor can decide the content and quantity of the institutes’ educational service. Purpose of our research is to analyse last years’ changes in the composition of primary and secondary schools’ heads in terms of social conditions, education and management strategies; how and by which procedures the replacements happened; what the role of the teachers and the governor is in the selection process; and what criteria they use. This research is the last piece of a long series. The first research has been conducted by Mihály Andor alone in 1982 for two counties (Békés and Győr-Sopron), the second (in 1986) and third one (in 1991) by Mihály Andor and Ilona Liskó. They prepared the forth one, as well, in 2007, but due to Ilona Liskó’s decease, it has been finalised with the participation of her co-worker, Anikó Fehérvári