10,398 research outputs found

    Real-time characteristics of switched ethernet for "1553B" -embedded applications : simulation and analysis

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    In our previous work , Full Duplex Switched Ethernet was put forward as an attractive candidate to replace the MIL-STD 1553B data bus, in next generation "1553B"-embedded applications. An analytic study was conducted, using the Network Calculus formalism, to evaluate the deterministic guarantees offered by our proposal. Obtained results showed the effectiveness of traffic shaping techniques, combined with priority handling mechanisms on Full Duplex Switched Ethernet in order to satisfy 1553B-like real-time constraints. In this paper, we extend this work by the use of simulation. This gives the possibility to capture additional characteristics of the proposed architecture with respect to the analytical study, which was basically used to evaluate worst cases and deterministic guarantees. Hence, to assess the real-time characteristics of our proposed interconnection technology, the results yielded by simulation are discussed and average latencies distributions are considered

    Statistical QoS Analysis of Full Duplex and Half Duplex Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

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    In this paper, statistical Quality of Service provisioning in next generation heterogeneous mobile cellular networks is investigated. To this aim, any active entity of the cellular network is regarded as a queuing system, whose statistical QoS requirements depend on the specific application. In this context, by quantifying the performance in terms of effective capacity, we introduce a lower bound for the system performance that facilitates an efficient analysis. We exploit this analytical framework to give insights about the possible improvement of the statistical QoS experienced by the users if the current heterogeneous cellular network architecture migrates from a Half Duplex to a Full Duplex mode of operation. Numerical results and analysis are provided, where the network is modeled as a Mat\'ern point processes with a hard core distance. The results demonstrate the accuracy and computational efficiency of the proposed scheme, especially in large scale wireless systems

    Using network calculus to optimize the AFDX network

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    This paper presents quantitative results we obtained when optimizing the setting of priorities of the AFDX traffic flows, with the objective to obtain tighter latency and queue-size deterministic bounds (those bounds are calculated by our Network Calculus tool). We first point out the fact that setting randomly the priorities gives worse bounds than using no priorities, and we then show experiments on the basis of classic optimization techniques such as a descent method and a tentative AlphaBetaassisted brute-force approach: both of them haven’t brought significantly better results. We finally present experiments based on genetic algorithms, and we show how driving these algorithms in an adequate way has allowed us to deliver a full range of priority configurations that bring tighter bounds and allow the network traffic designer to trade off average gains of 40% on all the latency bounds against focused improvement on the largest queue-size bound (up to a 30% reduction)
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