24,184 research outputs found

    Stochastic Sensor Scheduling via Distributed Convex Optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a stochastic scheduling strategy for estimating the states of N discrete-time linear time invariant (DTLTI) dynamic systems, where only one system can be observed by the sensor at each time instant due to practical resource constraints. The idea of our stochastic strategy is that a system is randomly selected for observation at each time instant according to a pre-assigned probability distribution. We aim to find the optimal pre-assigned probability in order to minimize the maximal estimate error covariance among dynamic systems. We first show that under mild conditions, the stochastic scheduling problem gives an upper bound on the performance of the optimal sensor selection problem, notoriously difficult to solve. We next relax the stochastic scheduling problem into a tractable suboptimal quasi-convex form. We then show that the new problem can be decomposed into coupled small convex optimization problems, and it can be solved in a distributed fashion. Finally, for scheduling implementation, we propose centralized and distributed deterministic scheduling strategies based on the optimal stochastic solution and provide simulation examples.Comment: Proof errors and typos are fixed. One section is removed from last versio

    Computation-Communication Trade-offs and Sensor Selection in Real-time Estimation for Processing Networks

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    Recent advances in electronics are enabling substantial processing to be performed at each node (robots, sensors) of a networked system. Local processing enables data compression and may mitigate measurement noise, but it is still slower compared to a central computer (it entails a larger computational delay). However, while nodes can process the data in parallel, the centralized computational is sequential in nature. On the other hand, if a node sends raw data to a central computer for processing, it incurs communication delay. This leads to a fundamental communication-computation trade-off, where each node has to decide on the optimal amount of preprocessing in order to maximize the network performance. We consider a network in charge of estimating the state of a dynamical system and provide three contributions. First, we provide a rigorous problem formulation for optimal real-time estimation in processing networks in the presence of delays. Second, we show that, in the case of a homogeneous network (where all sensors have the same computation) that monitors a continuous-time scalar linear system, the optimal amount of local preprocessing maximizing the network estimation performance can be computed analytically. Third, we consider the realistic case of a heterogeneous network monitoring a discrete-time multi-variate linear system and provide algorithms to decide on suitable preprocessing at each node, and to select a sensor subset when computational constraints make using all sensors suboptimal. Numerical simulations show that selecting the sensors is crucial. Moreover, we show that if the nodes apply the preprocessing policy suggested by our algorithms, they can largely improve the network estimation performance.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures. Accepted journal versio

    Cross-layer design of multi-hop wireless networks

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    MULTI -hop wireless networks are usually defined as a collection of nodes equipped with radio transmitters, which not only have the capability to communicate each other in a multi-hop fashion, but also to route each others’ data packets. The distributed nature of such networks makes them suitable for a variety of applications where there are no assumed reliable central entities, or controllers, and may significantly improve the scalability issues of conventional single-hop wireless networks. This Ph.D. dissertation mainly investigates two aspects of the research issues related to the efficient multi-hop wireless networks design, namely: (a) network protocols and (b) network management, both in cross-layer design paradigms to ensure the notion of service quality, such as quality of service (QoS) in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) for backhaul applications and quality of information (QoI) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for sensing tasks. Throughout the presentation of this Ph.D. dissertation, different network settings are used as illustrative examples, however the proposed algorithms, methodologies, protocols, and models are not restricted in the considered networks, but rather have wide applicability. First, this dissertation proposes a cross-layer design framework integrating a distributed proportional-fair scheduler and a QoS routing algorithm, while using WMNs as an illustrative example. The proposed approach has significant performance gain compared with other network protocols. Second, this dissertation proposes a generic admission control methodology for any packet network, wired and wireless, by modeling the network as a black box, and using a generic mathematical 0. Abstract 3 function and Taylor expansion to capture the admission impact. Third, this dissertation further enhances the previous designs by proposing a negotiation process, to bridge the applications’ service quality demands and the resource management, while using WSNs as an illustrative example. This approach allows the negotiation among different service classes and WSN resource allocations to reach the optimal operational status. Finally, the guarantees of the service quality are extended to the environment of multiple, disconnected, mobile subnetworks, where the question of how to maintain communications using dynamically controlled, unmanned data ferries is investigated

    Near-Optimal Sensor Scheduling for Batch State Estimation: Complexity, Algorithms, and Limits

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    In this paper, we focus on batch state estimation for linear systems. This problem is important in applications such as environmental field estimation, robotic navigation, and target tracking. Its difficulty lies on that limited operational resources among the sensors, e.g., shared communication bandwidth or battery power, constrain the number of sensors that can be active at each measurement step. As a result, sensor scheduling algorithms must be employed. Notwithstanding, current sensor scheduling algorithms for batch state estimation scale poorly with the system size and the time horizon. In addition, current sensor scheduling algorithms for Kalman filtering, although they scale better, provide no performance guarantees or approximation bounds for the minimization of the batch state estimation error. In this paper, one of our main contributions is to provide an algorithm that enjoys both the estimation accuracy of the batch state scheduling algorithms and the low time complexity of the Kalman filtering scheduling algorithms. In particular: 1) our algorithm is near-optimal: it achieves a solution up to a multiplicative factor 1/2 from the optimal solution, and this factor is close to the best approximation factor 1/e one can achieve in polynomial time for this problem; 2) our algorithm has (polynomial) time complexity that is not only lower than that of the current algorithms for batch state estimation; it is also lower than, or similar to, that of the current algorithms for Kalman filtering. We achieve these results by proving two properties for our batch state estimation error metric, which quantifies the square error of the minimum variance linear estimator of the batch state vector: a) it is supermodular in the choice of the sensors; b) it has a sparsity pattern (it involves matrices that are block tri-diagonal) that facilitates its evaluation at each sensor set.Comment: Correction of typos in proof

    Transform-based Distributed Data Gathering

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    A general class of unidirectional transforms is presented that can be computed in a distributed manner along an arbitrary routing tree. Additionally, we provide a set of conditions under which these transforms are invertible. These transforms can be computed as data is routed towards the collection (or sink) node in the tree and exploit data correlation between nodes in the tree. Moreover, when used in wireless sensor networks, these transforms can also leverage data received at nodes via broadcast wireless communications. Various constructions of unidirectional transforms are also provided for use in data gathering in wireless sensor networks. New wavelet transforms are also proposed which provide significant improvements over existing unidirectional transforms

    Feedback Control Goes Wireless: Guaranteed Stability over Low-power Multi-hop Networks

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    Closing feedback loops fast and over long distances is key to emerging applications; for example, robot motion control and swarm coordination require update intervals of tens of milliseconds. Low-power wireless technology is preferred for its low cost, small form factor, and flexibility, especially if the devices support multi-hop communication. So far, however, feedback control over wireless multi-hop networks has only been shown for update intervals on the order of seconds. This paper presents a wireless embedded system that tames imperfections impairing control performance (e.g., jitter and message loss), and a control design that exploits the essential properties of this system to provably guarantee closed-loop stability for physical processes with linear time-invariant dynamics. Using experiments on a cyber-physical testbed with 20 wireless nodes and multiple cart-pole systems, we are the first to demonstrate and evaluate feedback control and coordination over wireless multi-hop networks for update intervals of 20 to 50 milliseconds.Comment: Accepted final version to appear in: 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (with CPS-IoT Week 2019) (ICCPS '19), April 16--18, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canad
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