4 research outputs found

    Optimizing Data Intensive Flows for Networks on Chips

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    Data flow analysis and optimization is considered for homogeneous rectangular mesh networks. We propose a flow matrix equation which allows a closed-form characterization of the nature of the minimal time solution, speedup and a simple method to determine when and how much load to distribute to processors. We also propose a rigorous mathematical proof about the flow matrix optimal solution existence and that the solution is unique. The methodology introduced here is applicable to many interconnection networks and switching protocols (as an example we examine toroidal networks and hypercube networks in this paper). An important application is improving chip area and chip scalability for networks on chips processing divisible style loads

    Euro-Par 2006 Parallel Processing

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    Scheduling a divisible task in a two-dimensional toroidal mesh

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    AbstractIn this paper, a problem of scheduling an arbitrarily divisible task is considered. Taking into account both communication delays and computation time we propose a scheduling method which minimizes total execution time. We focus on two dimensional processor networks assuming a circuit-switching routing mechanism. The scheduling method uses a scattering scheme proposed in Peters and Syska (IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Systems 7(3) (1996) 246–255) to distribute parts of the task to processors in a minimum time. We show how to model and solve this problem with a set of algebraic equations. A solution of the latter allows one to analyze the performance of the network depending on various actual parameters of the task and the parallel machine. Though the method is defined for a particular architecture and scattering scheme it can be generalized to analyze other architectures of parallel computer systems