6 research outputs found


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    Classification is a method for compiling data systematically according to the rules that have been set previously. In recent years classification method has been proven to help many people’s work, such as image classification, medical biology, traffic light, text classification etc. There are many methods to solve classification problem. This variation method makes the researchers find it difficult to determine which method is best for a problem. This framework is aimed to compare the ability of classification methods, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), and Backpropagation, especially in study cases of image retrieval with five category of image dataset. The result shows that K-NN has the best average result in accuracy with 82%. It is also the fastest in average computation time with 17,99 second during retrieve session for all categories class. The Backpropagation, however, is the slowest among three of them. In average it needed 883 second for training session and 41,7 second for retrieve session

    Comparative analysis of computer-vision and BLE technology based indoor navigation systems for people with visual impairments

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    Background: Considerable number of indoor navigation systems has been proposed to augment people with visual impairments (VI) about their surroundings. These systems leverage several technologies, such as computer-vision, Bluetooth low energy (BLE), and other techniques to estimate the position of a user in indoor areas. Computer-vision based systems use several techniques including matching pictures, classifying captured images, recognizing visual objects or visual markers. BLE based system utilizes BLE beacons attached in the indoor areas as the source of the radio frequency signal to localize the position of the user. Methods: In this paper, we examine the performance and usability of two computer-vision based systems and BLE-based system. The first system is computer-vision based system, called CamNav that uses a trained deep learning model to recognize locations, and the second system, called QRNav, that utilizes visual markers (QR codes) to determine locations. A field test with 10 blindfolded users has been conducted while using the three navigation systems. Results: The obtained results from navigation experiment and feedback from blindfolded users show that QRNav and CamNav system is more efficient than BLE based system in terms of accuracy and usability. The error occurred in BLE based application is more than 30% compared to computer vision based systems including CamNav and QRNav. Conclusions: The developed navigation systems are able to provide reliable assistance for the participants during real time experiments. Some of the participants took minimal external assistance while moving through the junctions in the corridor areas. Computer vision technology demonstrated its superiority over BLE technology in assistive systems for people with visual impairments. - 2019 The Author(s).Scopu


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    During the lifecycle of mega engineering projects such as: energy facilities, infrastructure projects, or data centers, executives in charge should take into account the potential opportunities and threats that could affect the execution of such projects. These opportunities and threats can arise from different domains; including for example: geopolitical, economic or financial, and can have an impact on different entities, such as, countries, cities or companies. The goal of this research is to provide a new approach to identify and predict opportunities and threats using large and diverse data sets, and ensemble Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network models to inform domain specific foresights. In addition to predicting the opportunities and threats, this research proposes new techniques to help decision-makers for deduction and reasoning purposes. The proposed models and results provide structured output to inform the executive decision-making process concerning large engineering projects (LEPs). This research proposes new techniques that not only provide reliable timeseries predictions but uncertainty quantification to help make more informed decisions. The proposed ensemble framework consists of the following components: first, processed domain knowledge is used to extract a set of entity-domain features; second, structured learning based on Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), to learn similarity between sequences and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA), is used to determine which features are relevant for a given prediction problem; and finally, an automated decision based on the input and structured learning from the DTW-HCA is used to build a training data-set which is fed into a deep LSTM neural network for time-series predictions. A set of deeper ensemble programs are proposed such as Monte Carlo Simulations and Time Label Assignment to offer a controlled setting for assessing the impact of external shocks and a temporal alert system, respectively. The developed model can be used to inform decision makers about the set of opportunities and threats that their entities and assets face as a result of being engaged in an LEP accounting for epistemic uncertainty