4 research outputs found

    Scattering Models in Remote Sensing: Application to SAR Despeckling and Sea Target Detection from GNSS-R Imagery

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    Imaging sensors are an essential tool for the observation of the Earth’ surface and the study of other celestial bodies. The capability to produce radar images of the illuminated surface is strictly related with the complex phenomenology of the radiation-matter interaction. The electromagnetic scattering theory is a well-established and well-assessed topic in electromagnetics. However, its usage in the remote sensing field is not adequately investigated and studied. This Ph.D. Thesis addresses the exploitation of electromagnetic scattering models suitable for natural surfaces in two applications of remotely sensed data, namely despeckling of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery, and the detection of sea targets in delay-Doppler Maps (DDM) acquired from spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R). The first issue was addressed by conceiving, developing, implementing and validating two despeckling algorithms for SAR images. The developed algorithms introduce some a priori information about the electromagnetic behavior of the resolution cell in the despeckling chain and were conceived as a scattering-based version of pre-existing filters, namely the Probabilistic Patch-Based (PPB) and SAR-Block-Matching 3-D (SARBM3D) algorithms. The scattering behavior of the sensed surface is modeled assuming a fractal surface roughness and using the Small Perturbation Method (SPM) to describe the radar cross section (RCS) of the surface. Performances of the proposed algorithms have been assessed using both canonical test (simulated) and actual images acquired from the COSMO\SkyMed constellation. The robustness of the proposed filters against different error sources, such as the scattering behavior of the surface, surface parameters, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolution and the SAR image-DEM coregistration step, has been evaluated via an experimental sensitivity analysis. The problem of detecting sea targets from GNSS-R data in near real-time has been investigated by analyzing the revisit time achieved by constellations of GNSS-R instruments. A statistical analysis of the global revisit time has been performed by means of mission simulation, in which three realistic scenario have been defined. Time requirements for near real-time ship detection purposes are shown to be fulfilled in multi-GNSS constellation scenarios. A four-step sea target has been developed. The detector is a Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) algorithm and is based on the suppression of the sea clutter contribution, modeled via the Geometrical Optics (GO) approach. Performance assessment is performed by deriving the Receiver Operating Curves (ROC) of the detector. Finally, the proposed sea target detection algorithm has been tested using actual UK TechDemoSat-1 data

    Scattering-Based SARBM3D

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    Interpreting synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images may be a very challenging task, even for expert users. One of the main reasons is the multiplicative speckle noise typical of coherent acquisition systems. Therefore, despeckling can be expected to play a key role in the full exploitation of SAR imagery potential. However, even state-of-the-art despeckling algorithms neglect the physical phenomena hidden behind SAR imagery. Image acquisition depends on electromagnetic scattering, which is also at the basis of speckle noise. Taking into account scattering issues into more physical-based despeckling algorithms may only benefit the overall performance. In this paper, we propose a scattering-based (SB) version of the SAR block-matching 3D (BM3D) filter, named SB-SARBM3D. SARBM3D can be arguably considered as one of the most promising and accurate despeckling algorithms, providing a good compromise between speckle reduction and detail preservation. We modify the original algorithm so as to exploit the prior information available on the imaged scene, taken into account based on scattering concepts. The new algorithm is tested in a variety of different and complementary simulated scenarios, and its performance is assessed objectively by means of numerous synthetic parameters. Moreover, comparison with different state-of-the-art despeckling algorithms is performed on some actual SAR images, both inherent to natural and urbanized areas, for subjective evaluation. Thanks to the prior information, SB-SARBM3D outperforms the original algorithm in terms of both speckle reduction and detail preservation. Moreover, it reduces the annoying artifacts introduced sometimes by SARBM3D in homogeneous areas of the image

    Scattering-Based SARBM3D

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    Sensitivity Analysis of the Scattering-Based SARBM3D Despeckling Algorithm

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery greatly suffers from multiplicative speckle noise, typical of coherent image acquisition sensors, such as SAR systems. Therefore, a proper and accurate despeckling preprocessing step is almost mandatory to aid the interpretation and processing of SAR data by human users and computer algorithms, respectively. Very recently, a scattering-oriented version of the popular SAR Block-Matching 3D (SARBM3D) despeckling filter, named Scattering-Based (SB)-SARBM3D, was proposed. The new filter is based on the a priori knowledge of the local topography of the scene. In this paper, an experimental sensitivity analysis of the above-mentioned despeckling algorithm is carried out, and the main results are shown and discussed. In particular, the role of both electromagnetic and geometrical parameters of the surface and the impact of its scattering behavior are investigated. Furthermore, a comprehensive sensitivity analysis of the SB-SARBM3D filter against the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolution and the SAR image-DEM coregistration step is also provided. The sensitivity analysis shows a significant robustness of the algorithm against most of the surface parameters, while the DEM resolution plays a key role in the despeckling process. Furthermore, the SB-SARBM3D algorithm outperforms the original SARBM3D in the presence of the most realistic scattering behaviors of the surface. An actual scenario is also presented to assess the DEM role in real-life conditions