262 research outputs found

    Randomized approximation of the constraint satisfaction problem

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    Also published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1097, 1996, Pages 76-87. 5th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, SWAT 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland, 3-5 July 1996. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-61422-2_122</p

    A Static Optimality Transformation with Applications to Planar Point Location

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    Over the last decade, there have been several data structures that, given a planar subdivision and a probability distribution over the plane, provide a way for answering point location queries that is fine-tuned for the distribution. All these methods suffer from the requirement that the query distribution must be known in advance. We present a new data structure for point location queries in planar triangulations. Our structure is asymptotically as fast as the optimal structures, but it requires no prior information about the queries. This is a 2D analogue of the jump from Knuth's optimum binary search trees (discovered in 1971) to the splay trees of Sleator and Tarjan in 1985. While the former need to know the query distribution, the latter are statically optimal. This means that we can adapt to the query sequence and achieve the same asymptotic performance as an optimum static structure, without needing any additional information.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, a preliminary version appeared at SoCG 201

    Optimal Binary Search Trees with Near Minimal Height

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    Suppose we have n keys, n access probabilities for the keys, and n+1 access probabilities for the gaps between the keys. Let h_min(n) be the minimal height of a binary search tree for n keys. We consider the problem to construct an optimal binary search tree with near minimal height, i.e.\ with height h <= h_min(n) + Delta for some fixed Delta. It is shown, that for any fixed Delta optimal binary search trees with near minimal height can be constructed in time O(n^2). This is as fast as in the unrestricted case. So far, the best known algorithms for the construction of height-restricted optimal binary search trees have running time O(L n^2), whereby L is the maximal permitted height. Compared to these algorithms our algorithm is at least faster by a factor of log n, because L is lower bounded by log n

    Approximation hardness of deadline-TSP reoptimization

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    AbstractGiven an instance of an optimization problem together with an optimal solution, we consider the scenario in which this instance is modified locally. In graph problems, e.g., a singular edge might be removed or added, or an edge weight might be varied, etc. For a problem U and such a local modification operation, let lm-U (local-modification-U) denote the resulting problem. The question is whether it is possible to exploit the additional knowledge of an optimal solution to the original instance or not, i.e.,whether lm-U is computationally more tractable than U. While positive examples are known e.g. for metric TSP, we give some negative examples here: Metric TSP with deadlines (time windows), if a single deadline or the cost of a single edge is modified, exhibits the same lower bounds on the approximability in these local-modification versions as those currently known for the original problem
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