2,943 research outputs found

    Automatically combining static malware detection techniques

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    Malware detection techniques come in many different flavors, and cover different effectiveness and efficiency trade-offs. This paper evaluates a number of machine learning techniques to combine multiple static Android malware detection techniques using automatically constructed decision trees. We identify the best methods to construct the trees. We demonstrate that those trees classify sample apps better and faster than individual techniques alone

    How Smart is your Android Smartphone?

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    Smart phones are ubiquitous today. These phones generally have access to sensitive personal information and, consequently, they are a prime target for attackers. A virus or worm that spreads over the network to cell phone users could be particularly damaging. Due to a rising demand for secure mobile phones, manufacturers have increased their emphasis on mobile security. In this project, we address some security issues relevant to the current Android smartphone framework. Specifically, we demonstrate an exploit that targets the Android telephony service. In addition, as a defense against the loss of personal information, we provide a means to encrypt data stored on the external media card. While smartphones remain vulnerable to a variety of security threats, this encryption provides an additional level of security

    The Architectural Dynamics of Encapsulated Botnet Detection (EDM)

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    Botnet is one of the numerous attacks ravaging the networking environment. Its approach is said to be brutal and dangerous to network infrastructures as well as client systems. Since the introduction of botnet, different design methods have been employed to solve the divergent approach but the method of taking over servers and client systems is unabated. To solve this, we first identify Mpack, ICEpack and Fiesta as enhanced IRC tool. The analysis of its role in data exchange using OSI model was carried out. This further gave the needed proposal to the development of a High level architecture representing the structural mechanism and the defensive mechanism within network server so as to control the botnet trend. Finally, the architecture was designed to respond in a proactive state when scanning and synergizing the double data verification modules in an encapsulation manner within server system

    Proximity Tracing in an Ecosystem of Surveillance Capitalism

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    Proximity tracing apps have been proposed as an aide in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Some of those apps leverage attenuation of Bluetooth beacons from mobile devices to build a record of proximate encounters between a pair of device owners. The underlying protocols are known to suffer from false positive and re-identification attacks. We present evidence that the attacker's difficulty in mounting such attacks has been overestimated. Indeed, an attacker leveraging a moderately successful app or SDK with Bluetooth and location access can eavesdrop and interfere with these proximity tracing systems at no hardware cost and perform these attacks against users who do not have this app or SDK installed. We describe concrete examples of actors who would be in a good position to execute such attacks. We further present a novel attack, which we call a biosurveillance attack, which allows the attacker to monitor the exposure risk of a smartphone user who installs their app or SDK but who does not use any contact tracing system and may falsely believe that they have opted out of the system. Through traffic auditing with an instrumented testbed, we characterize precisely the behaviour of one such SDK that we found in a handful of apps---but installed on more than one hundred million mobile devices. Its behaviour is functionally indistinguishable from a re-identification or biosurveillance attack and capable of executing a false positive attack with minimal effort. We also discuss how easily an attacker could acquire a position conducive to such attacks, by leveraging the lax logic for granting permissions to apps in the Android framework: any app with some geolocation permission could acquire the necessary Bluetooth permission through an upgrade, without any additional user prompt. Finally we discuss motives for conducting such attacks

    Community-Based Security for the Internet of Things

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    With more and more devices becoming connectable to the internet, the number of services but also a lot of threats increases dramatically. Security is often a secondary matter behind functionality and comfort, but the problem has already been recognized. Still, with many IoT devices being deployed already, security will come step-by-step and through updates, patches and new versions of apps and IoT software. While these updates can be safely retrieved from app stores, the problems kick in via jailbroken devices and with the variety of untrusted sources arising on the internet. Since hacking is typically a community effort? these days, security could be a community goal too. The challenges are manifold, and one reason for weak or absent security on IoT devices is their weak computational power. In this chapter, we discuss a community based security mechanism in which devices mutually aid each other in secure software management. We discuss game-theoretic methods of community formation and light-weight cryptographic means to accomplish authentic software deployment inside the IoT device community

    Ransomware in High-Risk Environments

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    In today’s modern world, cybercrime is skyrocketing globally, which impacts a variety of organizations and endpoint users. Hackers are using a multitude of approaches and tools, including ransomware threats, to take over targeted systems. These acts of cybercrime lead to huge damages in areas of business, healthcare systems, industry sectors, and other fields. Ransomware is considered as a high risk threat, which is designed to hijack the data. This paper is demonstrating the ransomware types, and how they are evolved from the malware and trojan codes, which is used to attack previous incidents, and explains the most common encryption algorithms such as AES, and RSA, ransomware uses them during infection process in order to produce complex threats. The practical approach for data encryption uses python programming language to show the efficiency of those algorithms in real attacks by executing this section on Ubuntu virtual machine. Furthermore, this paper analyzes programming languages, which is used to build ransomware. An example of ransomware code is being demonstrated in this paper, which is written specifically in C sharp language, and it has been tested out on windows operating system using MS visual studio. So, it is very important to recognize the system vulnerability, which can be very useful to prevent the ransomware. In contrast, this threat might sneak into the system easily, allowing for a ransom to be demanded. Therefore, understanding ransomware anatomy can help us to find a better solution in different situations. Consequently, this paper shows a number of outstanding removal techniques to get rid from ransomware attacks in the system