3 research outputs found

    Scan planning optimization for outdoor archaeological sites

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    The protection and management of archaeological sites require from a deep documentation and analysis, and although hand measuring and documentation is the cheapest way for collecting data, laser scanner has been gradually integrated for the geometrical data capture since point clouds have a high quality in terms of accuracy, precision and resolution. Although acquisition with laser scanner is considered a quick process, scan planning is of high relevance when considering outdoor archaeological sites because of their large size and complexity. In this paper, an automatic methodology to optimize the number and position of scans in order to obtain a point cloud of high quality in terms of data completeness is proposed. The aim of the methodology is to minimize the number of scans, minimizing at the same time the estimated surveying time and the amount of repetitive acquired data. Scan candidates are generated by using a grid-based and a triangulation-based distribution, and results show a faster analysis when triangulation is implemented. The methodology is tested into two real case studies from Italy and Spain, showing the applicability of scan planning in archaeological sitesXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2016/079-0Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2016-038Universidade de Vigo | Ref. 00VI 131H 641.02Ministerio de Econom铆a, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. TIN2016-77158-C4-2-RMinisterio de Econom铆a, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. RTC-2016-5257-7European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) | Ref. CA1520


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    The protection and management of archaeological sites require from a deep documentation and analysis, and although hand measuring and documentation is the cheapest way for collecting data, laser scanner has been gradually integrated for the geometrical data capture since point clouds have a high quality in terms of accuracy, precision and resolution. Although acquisition with laser scanner is considered a quick process, scan planning is of high relevance when considering outdoor archaeological sites because of their large size and complexity. In this paper, an automatic methodology to optimize the number and position of scans in order to obtain a point cloud of high quality in terms of data completeness is proposed. The aim of the methodology is to minimize the number of scans, minimizing at the same time the estimated surveying time and the amount of repetitive acquired data. Scan candidates are generated by using a grid-based and a triangulation-based distribution, and results show a faster analysis when triangulation is implemented. The methodology is tested into two real case studies from Italy and Spain, showing the applicability of scan planning in archaeological sites

    optimizaci贸n da planificaci贸n de adquisici贸n de datos LIDAR cara 贸 modelado 3D de interiores

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    The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the design, validation and implementation of methodologies that allow the geometric and topological modelling of navigable spaces, whether inside buildings or urban environments, to be integrated into three-dimensional geographic information systems (GIS-3D). The input data of this work will consist mainly of point clouds (which can be classified) acquired by LiDAR systems both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the use of BIM infrastructure models and cadastral maps is proposed depending on their availability. Point clouds provide a large amount of environmental information with high accuracy compared to data offered by other acquisition technologies. However, the lack of data structure and volume requires a great deal of processing effort. For this reason, the first step is to structure the data by dividing the input cloud into simpler entities that facilitate subsequent processes. For this first division, the physical elements present in the cloud will be considered, since they can be walls in the case of interior environments or kerbs in the case of exteriors. In order to generate navigation routes adapted to different mobile agents, the next objective will try to establish a semantic subdivision of space according to the functionalities of space. In the case of internal environments, it is possible to use BIM models to evaluate the results and the use of cadastral maps that support the division of the urban environment. Once the navigable space is divided, the design of topologically coherent navigation networks will be parameterized both geometrically and topologically. For this purpose, several spatial discretization techniques, such as 3D tessellations, will be studied to facilitate the establishment of topological relationships, adjacency, connectivity and inclusion between subspaces. Based on the geometric characterization and the topological relations established in the previous phase, the creation of three-dimensional navigation networks with multimodal support will be addressed and different levels of detail will be considered according to the mobility specifications of each agent and its purpose. Finally, the possibility of integrating the networks generated in a GIS-3D visualization system will be considered. For the correct visualization, the level of detail can be adjusted according to geometry and semantics. Aspects such as the type of user or transport, mobility, rights of access to spaces, etc. They must be considered at all times.El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es el dise帽o, la validaci贸n y la implementaci贸n de metodolog铆as que permitan el modelado geom茅trico y topol贸gico de espacios navegables, ya sea de interiores de edificios o entornos urbanos, para integrarse en sistemas de informaci贸n geogr谩fica tridimensional (SIG). -3D). Los datos de partida de este trabajo consistir谩n principalmente en nubes de puntos (que pueden estar clasificados) adquiridas por sistemas LiDAR tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Adem谩s, se propone el uso de modelos BIM de infraestructuras y mapas catastrales en funci贸n de su disponibilidad. Las nubes de puntos proporcionan una gran cantidad de informaci贸n del entorno con gran precisi贸n con respecto a los datos ofrecidos por otras tecnolog铆as de adquisici贸n. Sin embargo, la falta de estructura de datos y su volumen requiere un gran esfuerzo de procesamiento. Por este motivo, el primer paso que se debe realizar consiste en estructurar los datos dividiendo la nube de entrada en entidades m谩s simples que facilitan los procesos posteriores. Para esta primera divisi贸n se considerar谩n los elementos f铆sicos presentes en la nube, ya que pueden ser paredes en el caso de entornos interiores o bordillos en el caso de los exteriores. Con el prop贸sito de generar rutas de navegaci贸n adaptadas a diferentes agentes m贸viles, el pr贸ximo objetivo intentar谩 establecer una subdivisi贸n sem谩ntica del espacio de acuerdo con las funcionalidades del espacio. En el caso de entornos internos, es posible utilizar modelos BIM para evaluar los resultados y el uso de mapas catastrales que sirven de apoyo en la divisi贸n del entorno urbano. Una vez que se divide el espacio navegable, se parametrizar谩 tanto geom茅trica como topol贸gicamente al dise帽o de redes de navegaci贸n topol贸gicamente coherentes. Para este prop贸sito, se estudiar谩n varias t茅cnicas de discretizaci贸n espacial, como las teselaciones 3D, para facilitar el establecimiento de relaciones topol贸gicas, la adyacencia, la conectividad y la inclusi贸n entre subespacios. A partir de la caracterizaci贸n geom茅trica y las relaciones topol贸gicas establecidas en la fase anterior, se abordar谩 la creaci贸n de redes de navegaci贸n tridimensionales con soporte multimodal y se considerar谩n diversos niveles de detalle seg煤n las especificaciones de movilidad de cada agente y su prop贸sito. Finalmente, se contemplar谩 la posibilidad de integrar las redes generadas en un sistema de visualizaci贸n tridimensional 3D SIG 3D. Para la correcta visualizaci贸n, el nivel de detalle se puede ajustar en funci贸n de la geometr铆a y la sem谩ntica. Aspectos como el tipo de usuario o transporte, movilidad, derechos de acceso a espacios, etc. Deben ser considerados en todo momento.O obxectivo principal desta tese doutoral 茅 o dese帽o, validaci贸n e implementaci贸n de metodolox铆as que permitan o modelado xeom茅trico e topol贸xico de espazos navegables, ben sexa de interiores de edificios ou de entornos urbanos, ca fin de seren integrados en Sistemas de Informaci贸n Xeogr谩fica tridimensionais (SIX-3D). Os datos de partida deste traballo constar谩n principalmente de nubes de puntos (que poden estar clasificadas) adquiridas por sistemas LiDAR tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Adem谩is plantease o uso de modelos BIM de infraestruturas e mapas catastrais dependendo da s煤a dispo帽ibilidade. As nubes de puntos proporcionan unha gran cantidade de informaci贸n do entorno cunha gran precisi贸n respecto os datos que ofrecen outras tecnolox铆as de adquisici贸n. Sen embargo, a falta de estrutura dos datos e a seu volume esixe un amplo esforzo de procesado. Por este motivo o primeiro paso a levar a cabo consiste nunha estruturaci贸n dos datos mediante a divisi贸n da nube de entrada en entidades m谩is sinxelas que faciliten os procesos posteriores. Para esta primeira divisi贸n consideraranse elementos f铆sicos presentes na nube como poden ser paredes no caso de entornos interiores ou bordillos no caso de exteriores. Coa finalidade de xerar rutas de navegaci贸n adaptadas a distintos axentes m贸biles, o seguinte obxectivo tratar谩 de establecer unha subdivisi贸n sem谩ntica do espazo de acordo as funcionalidades do espazo. No caso de entornos interiores plantease a posibilidade de empregar modelos BIM para avaliar os resultados e o uso de mapas catastrais que sirvan de apoio na divisi贸n do entorno urbano. Unha vez divido o espazo navigable parametrizarase tanto xeom茅tricamente como topol贸xicamene de cara ao dese帽o de redes de navegaci贸n topol贸xicamente coherentes. Para este fin estudaranse varias t茅cnicas de discretizaci贸n de espazos como como son as teselaci贸ns 3D co obxectivo de facilitar establecer relaci贸ns topol贸xicas, de adxacencia, conectividade e inclusi贸n entre subespazos. A partir da caracterizaci贸n xeom茅trica e das relaci贸n topol贸xicas establecidas na fase previa abordarase a creaci贸n de redes de navegaci贸n tridimensionais con soporte multi-modal e considerando varios niveis de detalle de acordo as especificaci贸ns de mobilidade de cada axente e a s煤a finalidade. Finalmente comtemplarase a posibilidade de integrar as redes xeradas nun sistema SIX 3D visualizaci贸n tridimensional. Para a correcta visualizaci贸n o nivel de detalle poder谩 axustarse en base a xeometr铆a e a sem谩ntica. Aspectos como o tipo de usuario ou transporte, mobilidade, dereitos de acceso a espazos, etc. deber谩n ser considerados en todo momento