7 research outputs found

    MPI+X: task-based parallelization and dynamic load balance of finite element assembly

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    The main computing tasks of a finite element code(FE) for solving partial differential equations (PDE's) are the algebraic system assembly and the iterative solver. This work focuses on the first task, in the context of a hybrid MPI+X paradigm. Although we will describe algorithms in the FE context, a similar strategy can be straightforwardly applied to other discretization methods, like the finite volume method. The matrix assembly consists of a loop over the elements of the MPI partition to compute element matrices and right-hand sides and their assemblies in the local system to each MPI partition. In a MPI+X hybrid parallelism context, X has consisted traditionally of loop parallelism using OpenMP. Several strategies have been proposed in the literature to implement this loop parallelism, like coloring or substructuring techniques to circumvent the race condition that appears when assembling the element system into the local system. The main drawback of the first technique is the decrease of the IPC due to bad spatial locality. The second technique avoids this issue but requires extensive changes in the implementation, which can be cumbersome when several element loops should be treated. We propose an alternative, based on the task parallelism of the element loop using some extensions to the OpenMP programming model. The taskification of the assembly solves both aforementioned problems. In addition, dynamic load balance will be applied using the DLB library, especially efficient in the presence of hybrid meshes, where the relative costs of the different elements is impossible to estimate a priori. This paper presents the proposed methodology, its implementation and its validation through the solution of large computational mechanics problems up to 16k cores

    Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Massive Scale-free Graphs

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    Efficiently storing and processing massive graph data sets is a challenging problem as researchers seek to leverage “Big Data” to answer next-generation scientific questions. New techniques are required to process large scale-free graphs in shared, distributed, and external memory. This dissertation develops new techniques to parallelize the storage, computation, and communication for scale-free graphs with high-degree vertices. Our work facilitates the processing of large real-world graph datasets through the development of parallel algorithms and tools that scale to large computational and memory resources, overcoming challenges not addressed by existing techniques. Our aim is to scale to trillions of edges, and our research is targeted at leadership class supercomputers, clusters with local non-volatile memory, and shared memory systems. We present three novel techniques to address scaling challenges in processing large scale-free graphs. We apply an asynchronous graph traversal technique using prioritized visitor queues that is capable of tolerating data latencies to the external graph storage media and message passing communication. To accommodate large high-degree vertices, we present an edge list partitioning technique that evenly partitions graphs containing high-degree vertices. Finally, we propose a technique we call distributed delegates that distributes and parallelizes the storage, computation, and communication when processing high-degree vertices. The edges of high-degree vertices are distributed, providing additional opportunities for parallelism not present in existing methods. We apply our techniques to multiple graph algorithms: Breadth-First Search, Single Source Shortest Path, Connected Components, K-Core decomposition, Triangle Counting, and Page Rank. Our experimental study of these algorithms demonstrates excellent scalability on supercomputers, clusters with non-volatile memory, and shared memory systems. Our study includes multiple synthetic scale-free graph models, the largest of which has trillion edges, and real-world input graphs. On a supercomputer, we demonstrate scalability up to 131K processors, and improve the best known Graph500 results for IBM BG/P Intrepid by 15%

    STAPL-RTS: A Runtime System for Massive Parallelism

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    Modern High Performance Computing (HPC) systems are complex, with deep memory hierarchies and increasing use of computational heterogeneity via accelerators. When developing applications for these platforms, programmers are faced with two bad choices. On one hand, they can explicitly manage machine resources, writing programs using low level primitives from multiple APIs (e.g., MPI+OpenMP), creating efficient but rigid, difficult to extend, and non-portable implementations. Alternatively, users can adopt higher level programming environments, often at the cost of lost performance. Our approach is to maintain the high level nature of the application without sacrificing performance by relying on the transfer of high level, application semantic knowledge between layers of the software stack at an appropriate level of abstraction and performing optimizations on a per-layer basis. In this dissertation, we present the STAPL Runtime System (STAPL-RTS), a runtime system built for portable performance, suitable for massively parallel machines. While the STAPL-RTS abstracts and virtualizes the underlying platform for portability, it uses information from the upper layers to perform the appropriate low level optimizations that restore the performance characteristics. We outline the fundamental ideas behind the design of the STAPL-RTS, such as the always distributed communication model and its asynchronous operations. Through appropriate code examples and benchmarks, we prove that high level information allows applications written on top of the STAPL-RTS to attain the performance of optimized, but ad hoc solutions. Using the STAPL library, we demonstrate how this information guides important decisions in the STAPL-RTS, such as multi-protocol communication coordination and request aggregation using established C++ programming idioms. Recognizing that nested parallelism is of increasing interest for both expressivity and performance, we present a parallel model that combines asynchronous, one-sided operations with isolated nested parallel sections. Previous approaches to nested parallelism targeted either static applications through the use of blocking, isolated sections, or dynamic applications by using asynchronous mechanisms (i.e., recursive task spawning) which come at the expense of isolation. We combine the flexibility of dynamic task creation with the isolation guarantees of the static models by allowing the creation of asynchronous, one-sided nested parallel sections that work in tandem with the more traditional, synchronous, collective nested parallelism. This allows selective, run-time customizable use of parallelism in an application, based on the input and the algorithm