3,705 research outputs found

    Scaling limit of fluctuations in stochastic homogenization

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    We investigate the global fluctuations of solutions to elliptic equations with random coefficients in the discrete setting. In dimension d≥3d\geq 3 and for i.i.d.\ coefficients, we show that after a suitable scaling, these fluctuations converge to a Gaussian field that locally resembles a (generalized) Gaussian free field. The paper begins with a heuristic derivation of the result, which can be read independently and was obtained jointly with Scott Armstrong.Comment: 27 pages, revised version with a new section obtained jointly with Scott Armstron

    The structure of fluctuations in stochastic homogenization

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    Four quantities are fundamental in homogenization of elliptic systems in divergence form and in its applications: the field and the flux of the solution operator (applied to a general deterministic right-hand side), and the field and the flux of the corrector. Homogenization is the study of the large-scale properties of these objects. In case of random coefficients, these quantities fluctuate and their fluctuations are a priori unrelated. Depending on the law of the coefficient field, and in particular on the decay of its correlations on large scales, these fluctuations may display different scalings and different limiting laws (if any). In this contribution, we identify another crucial intrinsic quantity, motivated by H-convergence, which we refer to as the \emph{homogenization commutator} and is related to variational quantities first considered by Armstrong and Smart. In the simplified setting of the random conductance model, we show what we believe to be a general principle, namely that the homogenization commutator drives at leading order the fluctuations of each of the four other quantities in a strong norm in probability, which is expressed in form of a suitable two-scale expansion and reveals the \emph{pathwise structure} of fluctuations in stochastic homogenization. In addition, we show that the (rescaled) homogenization commutator converges in law to a Gaussian white noise, and we analyze to which precision the covariance tensor that characterizes the latter can be extracted from the representative volume element method. This collection of results constitutes a new theory of fluctuations in stochastic homogenization that holds in any dimension and yields optimal rates. Extensions to the (non-symmetric) continuum setting are also discussed, the details of which are postponed to forthcoming works.Comment: Introduction reorganise

    Homogenization of lateral diffusion on a random surface

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    We study the problem of lateral diffusion on a static, quasi-planar surface generated by a stationary, ergodic random field possessing rapid small-scale spatial fluctuations. The aim is to study the effective behaviour of a particle undergoing Brownian motion on the surface viewed as a projection on the underlying plane. By formulating the problem as a diffusion in a random medium, we are able to use known results from the theory of stochastic homogenization of SDEs to show that, in the limit of small scale fluctuations, the diffusion process behaves quantitatively like a Brownian motion with constant diffusion tensor DD. While DD will not have a closed-form expression in general, we are able to derive variational bounds for the effective diffusion tensor, and using a duality transformation argument, obtain a closed form expression for DD in the special case where DD is isotropic. We also describe a numerical scheme for approximating the effective diffusion tensor and illustrate this scheme with two examples.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    The corrector in stochastic homogenization: optimal rates, stochastic integrability, and fluctuations

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    We consider uniformly elliptic coefficient fields that are randomly distributed according to a stationary ensemble of a finite range of dependence. We show that the gradient and flux (∇ϕ,a(∇ϕ+e))(\nabla\phi,a(\nabla \phi+e)) of the corrector ϕ\phi, when spatially averaged over a scale R≫1R\gg 1 decay like the CLT scaling R−d2R^{-\frac{d}{2}}. We establish this optimal rate on the level of sub-Gaussian bounds in terms of the stochastic integrability, and also establish a suboptimal rate on the level of optimal Gaussian bounds in terms of the stochastic integrability. The proof unravels and exploits the self-averaging property of the associated semi-group, which provides a natural and convenient disintegration of scales, and culminates in a propagator estimate with strong stochastic integrability. As an application, we characterize the fluctuations of the homogenization commutator, and prove sharp bounds on the spatial growth of the corrector, a quantitative two-scale expansion, and several other estimates of interest in homogenization.Comment: 114 pages. Revised version with some new results: optimal scaling with nearly-optimal stochastic integrability on top of nearly-optimal scaling with optimal stochastic integrability, CLT for the homogenization commutator, and several estimates on growth of the extended corrector, semi-group estimates, and systematic error

    Correlation structure of the corrector in stochastic homogenization

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    Recently, the quantification of errors in the stochastic homogenization of divergence-form operators has witnessed important progress. Our aim now is to go beyond error bounds, and give precise descriptions of the effect of the randomness, in the large-scale limit. This paper is a first step in this direction. Our main result is to identify the correlation structure of the corrector, in dimension 33 and higher. This correlation structure is similar to, but different from that of a Gaussian free field.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOP1045 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Higher-order pathwise theory of fluctuations in stochastic homogenization

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    We consider linear elliptic equations in divergence form with stationary random coefficients of integrable correlations. We characterize the fluctuations of a macroscopic observable of a solution to relative order d2\frac{d}{2}, where dd is the spatial dimension; the fluctuations turn out to be Gaussian. As for previous work on the leading order, this higher-order characterization relies on a pathwise proximity of the macroscopic fluctuations of a general solution to those of the (higher-order) correctors, via a (higher-order) two-scale expansion injected into the homogenization commutator, thus confirming the scope of this notion. This higher-order generalization sheds a clearer light on the algebraic structure of the higher-order versions of correctors, flux correctors, two-scale expansions, and homogenization commutators. It reveals that in the same way as this algebra provides a higher-order theory for microscopic spatial oscillations, it also provides a higher-order theory for macroscopic random fluctuations, although both phenomena are not directly related. We focus on the model framework of an underlying Gaussian ensemble, which allows for an efficient use of (second-order) Malliavin calculus for stochastic estimates. On the technical side, we introduce annealed Calder\'on-Zygmund estimates for the elliptic operator with random coefficients, which conveniently upgrade the known quenched large-scale estimates.Comment: 57 page

    The additive structure of elliptic homogenization

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    One of the principal difficulties in stochastic homogenization is transferring quantitative ergodic information from the coefficients to the solutions, since the latter are nonlocal functions of the former. In this paper, we address this problem in a new way, in the context of linear elliptic equations in divergence form, by showing that certain quantities associated to the energy density of solutions are essentially additive. As a result, we are able to prove quantitative estimates on the weak convergence of the gradients, fluxes and energy densities of the first-order correctors (under blow-down) which are optimal in both scaling and stochastic integrability. The proof of the additivity is a bootstrap argument, completing the program initiated in \cite{AKM}: using the regularity theory recently developed for stochastic homogenization, we reduce the error in additivity as we pass to larger and larger length scales. In the second part of the paper, we use the additivity to derive central limit theorems for these quantities by a reduction to sums of independent random variables. In particular, we prove that the first-order correctors converge, in the large-scale limit, to a variant of the Gaussian free field.Comment: 118 pages, to appear in Invent. Math. This version is a merger of v2 and arXiv:1603.03388 and supersedes the latter. Other changes in v3 are mino

    Equilibrium fluctuations for gradient exclusion processes with conductances in random environments

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    We study the equilibrium fluctuations for a gradient exclusion process with conductances in random environments, which can be viewed as a central limit theorem for the empirical distribution of particles when the system starts from an equilibrium measure
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