6 research outputs found

    Scalar Multiplication on Koblitz Curves Using Double Bases

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    The paper is an examination of double-base decompositions of integers n, namely expansions loosely of the form X i,j A for some base B}. This was examined in previous works [3, 4], in the case when A, B lie in N

    Double-Base Chains for Scalar Multiplications on Elliptic Curves

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    Double-base chains (DBCs) are widely used to speed up scalar multiplications on elliptic curves. We present three results of DBCs. First, we display a structure of the set containing all DBCs and propose an iterative algorithm to compute the number of DBCs for a positive integer. This is the first polynomial time algorithm to compute the number of DBCs for positive integers. Secondly, we present an asymptotic lower bound on average Hamming weights of DBCs logn8.25\frac{\log n}{8.25} for a positive integer nn. This result answers an open question about the Hamming weights of DBCs. Thirdly, we propose a new algorithm to generate an optimal DBC for any positive integer. The time complexity of this algorithm is O((logn)2loglogn)\mathcal{O}\left(\left(\log n\right)^2 \log\log n\right) bit operations and the space complexity is O((logn)2)\mathcal{O}\left(\left(\log n\right)^{2}\right) bits of memory. This algorithm accelerates the recoding procedure by more than 66 times compared to the state-of-the-art Bernstein, Chuengsatiansup, and Lange\u27s work. The Hamming weights of optimal DBCs are over 6060\% smaller than those of NAFs. Scalar multiplication using our optimal DBC is about 1313\% faster than that using non-adjacent form on elliptic curves over large prime fields

    Performance Comparison of Projective Elliptic-curve Point Multiplication in 64-bit x86 Runtime Environment

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    For over two decades, mathematicians and cryptologists have evaluated and presented the theoretical performance of Elliptic-curve scalar point-multiplication in projective geometry. Because computation in projective domain is composed of a wide array of formulations and computing optimizations, there is not a comprehensive performance comparison of point-multiplication using projective transformation available to verify its realistic efficiency in 64-bit x86 computing platforms. Today, research on explicit mathematical formulations in projective domain continues to excel by seeking higher computational efficiency and ease of realization. An explicit performance evaluation will help implementers choose better implementation methods and improve Elliptic-curve scalar point-multiplication. This paper was founded on the practical solution that obtaining realistic performance figures should be based on more precise computational cost metrics and specific computing platforms. As part of that solution, an empirical performance benchmark comparison between two approaches implementing projective Elliptic-curve scalar point-multiplication will be presented to provide the selection of, and subsequently ways to improve scalar point-multiplication technology executing in a 64-bit x86 runtime environment

    Accelerating the Scalar Multiplication on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over Prime Fields

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    Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), independently introduced by Koblitz and Miller in the 80\u27s, has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to its shorter key length requirement in comparison with other public-key cryptosystems such as RSA. Shorter key length means reduced power consumption and computing effort, and less storage requirement, factors that are fundamental in ubiquitous portable devices such as PDAs, cellphones, smartcards, and many others. To that end, a lot of research has been carried out to speed-up and improve ECC implementations, mainly focusing on the most important and time-consuming ECC operation: scalar multiplication. In this thesis, we focus in optimizing such ECC operation at the point and scalar arithmetic levels, specifically targeting standard curves over prime fields. At the point arithmetic level, we introduce two innovative methodologies to accelerate ECC formulae: the use of new composite operations, which are built on top of basic point doubling and addition operations; and the substitution of field multiplications by squarings and other cheaper operations. These techniques are efficiently exploited, individually or jointly, in several contexts: to accelerate computation of scalar multiplications, and the computation of pre-computed points for window-based scalar multiplications (up to 30% improvement in comparison with previous best method); to speed-up computations of simple side-channel attack (SSCA)-protected implementations using innovative atomic structures (up to 22% improvement in comparison with scalar multiplication using original atomic structures); and to develop parallel formulae for SIMD-based applications, which are able to execute three and four operations simultaneously (up to 72% of improvement in comparison with a sequential scalar multiplication). At the scalar arithmetic level, we develop new sublinear (in terms of Hamming weight) multibase scalar multiplications based on NAF-like conversion algorithms that are shown to be faster than any previous scalar multiplication method. For instance, proposed multibase scalar multiplications reduce computing times in 10.9% and 25.3% in comparison with traditional NAF for unprotected and SSCA-protected scenarios, respectively. Moreover, our conversion algorithms overcome the problem of converting any integer to multibase representation, solving an open problem that was defined as hard. Thus, our algorithms make the use of multiple bases practical for applications as ECC scalar multiplication for first time

    F.: Scalar multiplication on Koblitz curves using double bases. Technical Report Number 2006/067, Cryptology ePrint Archive

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    Abstract. The paper is an examination of double-base decompositions of integers n, namely expansions loosely of the form n = X i,j A i B j for some base {A, B}. This was examined in previous works [3, 4], in the case when A, B lie in N. On the positive side, we show how to extend the results of [3] to Koblitz curves over binary fields. Namely, we obtain a sublinear scalar algorithm to compute, given a generic positive “ integer ” n and an elliptic curve point log n P, the point nP in time O elliptic curve operations with es-log log n sentially no storage, thus making the method asymptotically faster than any know scalar multiplication algorithm on Koblitz curves. On the negative side, we analyze scalar multiplication using double base numbers and show that on a generic elliptic curve over a finite field, we cannot expect a sublinear algorithm. Finally, we show that all algorithms used hitherto need at least curve operations.