8,457 research outputs found

    Efficient Supervision for Robot Learning via Imitation, Simulation, and Adaptation

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    Recent successes in machine learning have led to a shift in the design of autonomous systems, improving performance on existing tasks and rendering new applications possible. Data-focused approaches gain relevance across diverse, intricate applications when developing data collection and curation pipelines becomes more effective than manual behaviour design. The following work aims at increasing the efficiency of this pipeline in two principal ways: by utilising more powerful sources of informative data and by extracting additional information from existing data. In particular, we target three orthogonal fronts: imitation learning, domain adaptation, and transfer from simulation.Comment: Dissertation Summar

    Uncertainty Aware Learning from Demonstrations in Multiple Contexts using Bayesian Neural Networks

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    Diversity of environments is a key challenge that causes learned robotic controllers to fail due to the discrepancies between the training and evaluation conditions. Training from demonstrations in various conditions can mitigate---but not completely prevent---such failures. Learned controllers such as neural networks typically do not have a notion of uncertainty that allows to diagnose an offset between training and testing conditions, and potentially intervene. In this work, we propose to use Bayesian Neural Networks, which have such a notion of uncertainty. We show that uncertainty can be leveraged to consistently detect situations in high-dimensional simulated and real robotic domains in which the performance of the learned controller would be sub-par. Also, we show that such an uncertainty based solution allows making an informed decision about when to invoke a fallback strategy. One fallback strategy is to request more data. We empirically show that providing data only when requested results in increased data-efficiency.Comment: Copyright 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work
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