26 research outputs found

    Scalable Audience Reach Estimation in Real-time Online Advertising

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    Online advertising has been introduced as one of the most efficient methods of advertising throughout the recent years. Yet, advertisers are concerned about the efficiency of their online advertising campaigns and consequently, would like to restrict their ad impressions to certain websites and/or certain groups of audience. These restrictions, known as targeting criteria, limit the reachability for better performance. This trade-off between reachability and performance illustrates a need for a forecasting system that can quickly predict/estimate (with good accuracy) this trade-off. Designing such a system is challenging due to (a) the huge amount of data to process, and, (b) the need for fast and accurate estimates. In this paper, we propose a distributed fault tolerant system that can generate such estimates fast with good accuracy. The main idea is to keep a small representative sample in memory across multiple machines and formulate the forecasting problem as queries against the sample. The key challenge is to find the best strata across the past data, perform multivariate stratified sampling while ensuring fuzzy fall-back to cover the small minorities. Our results show a significant improvement over the uniform and simple stratified sampling strategies which are currently widely used in the industry

    Effective and Efficient Algorithms for Concise Range Queries

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    With the advance of wireless communication technology, it is quite common for people to view maps or get related services from the handheld devices, such as mobile phones and PDAs. Range queries, as one of the most commonly used tools, are often posed by the users to retrieve needful information from a spatial database. However, due to the limits of communication bandwidth and hardware power of handheld devices, displaying all the results of a range query on a handheld device is neither communication efficient nor informative to the users. This is simply because that there are often too many results returned from a range query. In view of this problem, we present a novel idea that a concise representation of a specified size for the range query results, while incurring minimal information loss, shall be computed and returned to the user. Such a concise range query not only reduces communication costs, but also offers better usability to the users, providing an opportunity for interactive exploration. The usefulness of the concise range queries is confirmed by comparing it with other possible alternatives, such as sampling and clustering. Unfortunately, we prove that finding the optimal representation with minimum information loss is an NP-hard problem. Therefore, we propose several effective and nontrivial algorithms to find a good approximate result. Extensive experiments on real-world data have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques

    An efficient time optimized scheme for progressive analytics in big data

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    Big data analytics is the key research subject for future data driven decision making applications. Due to the large amount of data, progressive analytics could provide an efficient way for querying big data clusters. Each cluster contains only a piece of the examined data. Continuous queries over these data sources require intelligent mechanisms to result the final outcome (query response) in the minimum time with the maximum performance. A Query Controller (QC) is responsible to manage continuous/sequential queries and return the final outcome to users or applications. In this paper, we propose a mechanism that can be adopted by the QC. The proposed mechanism is capable of managing partial results retrieved by a number of processors each one responsible for each cluster. Each processor executes a query over a specific cluster of data. Our mechanism adopts two sequential decision making models for handling the incoming partial results. The first model is based on a finite horizon time-optimized model and the second one is based on an infinite horizon optimally scheduled model. We provide mathematical formulations for solving the discussed problem and present simulation results. Through a large number of experiments, we reveal the advantages of the proposed models and give numerical results comparing them with a deterministic model. These results indicate that the proposed models can efficiently reduce the required time for returning the final outcome to the user/application while keeping the quality of the aggregated result at high levels

    Reinforcement machine learning for predictive analytics in smart cities

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    The digitization of our lives cause a shift in the data production as well as in the required data management. Numerous nodes are capable of producing huge volumes of data in our everyday activities. Sensors, personal smart devices as well as the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm lead to a vast infrastructure that covers all the aspects of activities in modern societies. In the most of the cases, the critical issue for public authorities (usually, local, like municipalities) is the efficient management of data towards the support of novel services. The reason is that analytics provided on top of the collected data could help in the delivery of new applications that will facilitate citizens’ lives. However, the provision of analytics demands intelligent techniques for the underlying data management. The most known technique is the separation of huge volumes of data into a number of parts and their parallel management to limit the required time for the delivery of analytics. Afterwards, analytics requests in the form of queries could be realized and derive the necessary knowledge for supporting intelligent applications. In this paper, we define the concept of a Query Controller ( QC ) that receives queries for analytics and assigns each of them to a processor placed in front of each data partition. We discuss an intelligent process for query assignments that adopts Machine Learning (ML). We adopt two learning schemes, i.e., Reinforcement Learning (RL) and clustering. We report on the comparison of the two schemes and elaborate on their combination. Our aim is to provide an efficient framework to support the decision making of the QC that should swiftly select the appropriate processor for each query. We provide mathematical formulations for the discussed problem and present simulation results. Through a comprehensive experimental evaluation, we reveal the advantages of the proposed models and describe the outcomes results while comparing them with a deterministic framework

    Speculative Approximations for Terascale Analytics

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    Model calibration is a major challenge faced by the plethora of statistical analytics packages that are increasingly used in Big Data applications. Identifying the optimal model parameters is a time-consuming process that has to be executed from scratch for every dataset/model combination even by experienced data scientists. We argue that the incapacity to evaluate multiple parameter configurations simultaneously and the lack of support to quickly identify sub-optimal configurations are the principal causes. In this paper, we develop two database-inspired techniques for efficient model calibration. Speculative parameter testing applies advanced parallel multi-query processing methods to evaluate several configurations concurrently. The number of configurations is determined adaptively at runtime, while the configurations themselves are extracted from a distribution that is continuously learned following a Bayesian process. Online aggregation is applied to identify sub-optimal configurations early in the processing by incrementally sampling the training dataset and estimating the objective function corresponding to each configuration. We design concurrent online aggregation estimators and define halting conditions to accurately and timely stop the execution. We apply the proposed techniques to distributed gradient descent optimization -- batch and incremental -- for support vector machines and logistic regression models. We implement the resulting solutions in GLADE PF-OLA -- a state-of-the-art Big Data analytics system -- and evaluate their performance over terascale-size synthetic and real datasets. The results confirm that as many as 32 configurations can be evaluated concurrently almost as fast as one, while sub-optimal configurations are detected accurately in as little as a 1/20th1/20^{\text{th}} fraction of the time

    PF-OLA: A High-Performance Framework for Parallel On-Line Aggregation

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    Online aggregation provides estimates to the final result of a computation during the actual processing. The user can stop the computation as soon as the estimate is accurate enough, typically early in the execution. This allows for the interactive data exploration of the largest datasets. In this paper we introduce the first framework for parallel online aggregation in which the estimation virtually does not incur any overhead on top of the actual execution. We define a generic interface to express any estimation model that abstracts completely the execution details. We design a novel estimator specifically targeted at parallel online aggregation. When executed by the framework over a massive 8TB8\text{TB} TPC-H instance, the estimator provides accurate confidence bounds early in the execution even when the cardinality of the final result is seven orders of magnitude smaller than the dataset size and without incurring overhead.Comment: 36 page

    system architecture for approximate query processing

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    Decision making is an activity that addresses the problem of extracting knowledge and information from data stored in data warehouses, in order to improve the business processes of information systems. Usually, decision making is based on On-Line Analytical Processing, data mining, or approximate query processing. In the last case, answers to analytical queries are provided in a fast manner, although affected with a small percentage of error. In the paper, we present the architecture of an approximate query answering system. Then, we illustrate our ADAP (Analytical Data Profile) system, which is based on an engine able to provide fast responses to the main statistical functions by using orthogonal polynomials series to approximate the data distribution of multi­dimensional relations. Moreover, several experimental results to measure the approximation error are shown and the response-time to analytical queries is reported.</p