2,108 research outputs found

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    TopSig: Topology Preserving Document Signatures

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    Performance comparisons between File Signatures and Inverted Files for text retrieval have previously shown several significant shortcomings of file signatures relative to inverted files. The inverted file approach underpins most state-of-the-art search engine algorithms, such as Language and Probabilistic models. It has been widely accepted that traditional file signatures are inferior alternatives to inverted files. This paper describes TopSig, a new approach to the construction of file signatures. Many advances in semantic hashing and dimensionality reduction have been made in recent times, but these were not so far linked to general purpose, signature file based, search engines. This paper introduces a different signature file approach that builds upon and extends these recent advances. We are able to demonstrate significant improvements in the performance of signature file based indexing and retrieval, performance that is comparable to that of state of the art inverted file based systems, including Language models and BM25. These findings suggest that file signatures offer a viable alternative to inverted files in suitable settings and from the theoretical perspective it positions the file signatures model in the class of Vector Space retrieval models.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, CIKM 201

    Incremental Entity Resolution from Linked Documents

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    In many government applications we often find that information about entities, such as persons, are available in disparate data sources such as passports, driving licences, bank accounts, and income tax records. Similar scenarios are commonplace in large enterprises having multiple customer, supplier, or partner databases. Each data source maintains different aspects of an entity, and resolving entities based on these attributes is a well-studied problem. However, in many cases documents in one source reference those in others; e.g., a person may provide his driving-licence number while applying for a passport, or vice-versa. These links define relationships between documents of the same entity (as opposed to inter-entity relationships, which are also often used for resolution). In this paper we describe an algorithm to cluster documents that are highly likely to belong to the same entity by exploiting inter-document references in addition to attribute similarity. Our technique uses a combination of iterative graph-traversal, locality-sensitive hashing, iterative match-merge, and graph-clustering to discover unique entities based on a document corpus. A unique feature of our technique is that new sets of documents can be added incrementally while having to re-resolve only a small subset of a previously resolved entity-document collection. We present performance and quality results on two data-sets: a real-world database of companies and a large synthetically generated `population' database. We also demonstrate benefit of using inter-document references for clustering in the form of enhanced recall of documents for resolution.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, patented wor

    Terminology mining in social media

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    The highly variable and dynamic word usage in social media presents serious challenges for both research and those commercial applications that are geared towards blogs or other user-generated non-editorial texts. This paper discusses and exempliïŹes a terminology mining approach for dealing with the productive character of the textual environment in social media. We explore the challenges of practically acquiring new terminology, and of modeling similarity and relatedness of terms from observing realistic amounts of data. We also discuss semantic evolution and density, and investigate novel measures for characterizing the preconditions for terminology mining

    Scalable Architecture for Integrated Batch and Streaming Analysis of Big Data

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Computer Sciences, 2015As Big Data processing problems evolve, many modern applications demonstrate special characteristics. Data exists in the form of both large historical datasets and high-speed real-time streams, and many analysis pipelines require integrated parallel batch processing and stream processing. Despite the large size of the whole dataset, most analyses focus on specific subsets according to certain criteria. Correspondingly, integrated support for efficient queries and post- query analysis is required. To address the system-level requirements brought by such characteristics, this dissertation proposes a scalable architecture for integrated queries, batch analysis, and streaming analysis of Big Data in the cloud. We verify its effectiveness using a representative application domain - social media data analysis - and tackle related research challenges emerging from each module of the architecture by integrating and extending multiple state-of-the-art Big Data storage and processing systems. In the storage layer, we reveal that existing text indexing techniques do not work well for the unique queries of social data, which put constraints on both textual content and social context. To address this issue, we propose a flexible indexing framework over NoSQL databases to support fully customizable index structures, which can embed necessary social context information for efficient queries. The batch analysis module demonstrates that analysis workflows consist of multiple algorithms with different computation and communication patterns, which are suitable for different processing frameworks. To achieve efficient workflows, we build an integrated analysis stack based on YARN, and make novel use of customized indices in developing sophisticated analysis algorithms. In the streaming analysis module, the high-dimensional data representation of social media streams poses special challenges to the problem of parallel stream clustering. Due to the sparsity of the high-dimensional data, traditional synchronization method becomes expensive and severely impacts the scalability of the algorithm. Therefore, we design a novel strategy that broadcasts the incremental changes rather than the whole centroids of the clusters to achieve scalable parallel stream clustering algorithms. Performance tests using real applications show that our solutions for parallel data loading/indexing, queries, analysis tasks, and stream clustering all significantly outperform implementations using current state-of-the-art technologies

    Exploiting multimedia in creating and analysing multimedia Web archives

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    The data contained on the web and the social web are inherently multimedia and consist of a mixture of textual, visual and audio modalities. Community memories embodied on the web and social web contain a rich mixture of data from these modalities. In many ways, the web is the greatest resource ever created by human-kind. However, due to the dynamic and distributed nature of the web, its content changes, appears and disappears on a daily basis. Web archiving provides a way of capturing snapshots of (parts of) the web for preservation and future analysis. This paper provides an overview of techniques we have developed within the context of the EU funded ARCOMEM (ARchiving COmmunity MEMories) project to allow multimedia web content to be leveraged during the archival process and for post-archival analysis. Through a set of use cases, we explore several practical applications of multimedia analytics within the realm of web archiving, web archive analysis and multimedia data on the web in general
