679 research outputs found

    Scalable Tensor Factorizations for Incomplete Data

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    The problem of incomplete data - i.e., data with missing or unknown values - in multi-way arrays is ubiquitous in biomedical signal processing, network traffic analysis, bibliometrics, social network analysis, chemometrics, computer vision, communication networks, etc. We consider the problem of how to factorize data sets with missing values with the goal of capturing the underlying latent structure of the data and possibly reconstructing missing values (i.e., tensor completion). We focus on one of the most well-known tensor factorizations that captures multi-linear structure, CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP). In the presence of missing data, CP can be formulated as a weighted least squares problem that models only the known entries. We develop an algorithm called CP-WOPT (CP Weighted OPTimization) that uses a first-order optimization approach to solve the weighted least squares problem. Based on extensive numerical experiments, our algorithm is shown to successfully factorize tensors with noise and up to 99% missing data. A unique aspect of our approach is that it scales to sparse large-scale data, e.g., 1000 x 1000 x 1000 with five million known entries (0.5% dense). We further demonstrate the usefulness of CP-WOPT on two real-world applications: a novel EEG (electroencephalogram) application where missing data is frequently encountered due to disconnections of electrodes and the problem of modeling computer network traffic where data may be absent due to the expense of the data collection process

    Bayesian Robust Tensor Factorization for Incomplete Multiway Data

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    We propose a generative model for robust tensor factorization in the presence of both missing data and outliers. The objective is to explicitly infer the underlying low-CP-rank tensor capturing the global information and a sparse tensor capturing the local information (also considered as outliers), thus providing the robust predictive distribution over missing entries. The low-CP-rank tensor is modeled by multilinear interactions between multiple latent factors on which the column sparsity is enforced by a hierarchical prior, while the sparse tensor is modeled by a hierarchical view of Student-tt distribution that associates an individual hyperparameter with each element independently. For model learning, we develop an efficient closed-form variational inference under a fully Bayesian treatment, which can effectively prevent the overfitting problem and scales linearly with data size. In contrast to existing related works, our method can perform model selection automatically and implicitly without need of tuning parameters. More specifically, it can discover the groundtruth of CP rank and automatically adapt the sparsity inducing priors to various types of outliers. In addition, the tradeoff between the low-rank approximation and the sparse representation can be optimized in the sense of maximum model evidence. The extensive experiments and comparisons with many state-of-the-art algorithms on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiorities of our method from several perspectives.Comment: in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 201

    Scalable Bayesian Non-Negative Tensor Factorization for Massive Count Data

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    We present a Bayesian non-negative tensor factorization model for count-valued tensor data, and develop scalable inference algorithms (both batch and online) for dealing with massive tensors. Our generative model can handle overdispersed counts as well as infer the rank of the decomposition. Moreover, leveraging a reparameterization of the Poisson distribution as a multinomial facilitates conjugacy in the model and enables simple and efficient Gibbs sampling and variational Bayes (VB) inference updates, with a computational cost that only depends on the number of nonzeros in the tensor. The model also provides a nice interpretability for the factors; in our model, each factor corresponds to a "topic". We develop a set of online inference algorithms that allow further scaling up the model to massive tensors, for which batch inference methods may be infeasible. We apply our framework on diverse real-world applications, such as \emph{multiway} topic modeling on a scientific publications database, analyzing a political science data set, and analyzing a massive household transactions data set.Comment: ECML PKDD 201
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