75 research outputs found

    Automated Fault Localization in Large Java Applications

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    Modern software systems evolve steadily. Software developers change the software codebase every day to add new features, to improve the performance, or to fix bugs. Despite extensive testing and code inspection processes before releasing a new software version, the chance of introducing new bugs is still high. A code that worked yesterday may not work today, or it can show a degraded performance causing software regression. The laws of software evolution state that the complexity increases as software evolves. Such increasing complexity makes software maintenance harder and more costly. In a typical software organization, the cost of debugging, testing, and verification can easily range from 50% to 75% of the total development costs. Given that human resources are the main cost factor in the software maintenance and the software codebase evolves continuously, this dissertation tries to answer the following question: How can we help developers to localize the software defects more effectively during software development? We answer this question in three aspects. First, we propose an approach to localize failure-inducing changes for crashing bugs. Assume the source code of a buggy version, a failing test, the stack trace of the crashing site, and a previous correct version of the application. We leverage program analysis to contrast the behavior of the two software versions under the failing test. The difference set is the code statements which contribute to the failure site with a high probability. Second, we extend the version comparison technique to detect the leak-inducing defects caused by software changes. Assume two versions of a software codebase (one previous non-leaky and the current leaky version) and the existing test suite of the application. First, we compare the memory footprint of the code locations between two versions. Then, we use a confidence score to rank the suspicious code statements, i.e., those statements which can be the potential root causes of memory leaks. The higher the score, the more likely the code statement is a potential leak. Third, our observation on the related work about debugging and fault localization reveals that there is no empirical study which characterizes the properties of the leak- inducing defects and their repairs. Understanding the characteristics of the real defects caused by resource and memory leaks can help both researchers and practitioners to improve the current techniques for leak detection and repair. To fill this gap, we conduct an empirical study on 491 reported resource and memory leak defects from 15 large Java applications. We use our findings to draw implications for leak avoidance, detection, localization, and repair

    Advanced Techniques for Search-Based Program Repair

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    Debugging and repairing software defects costs the global economy hundreds of billions of dollars annually, and accounts for as much as 50% of programmers' time. To tackle the burgeoning expense of repair, researchers have proposed the use of novel techniques to automatically localise and repair such defects. Collectively, these techniques are referred to as automated program repair. Despite promising, early results, recent studies have demonstrated that existing automated program repair techniques are considerably less effective than previously believed. Current approaches are limited either in terms of the number and kinds of bugs they can fix, the size of patches they can produce, or the programs to which they can be applied. To become economically viable, automated program repair needs to overcome all of these limitations. Search-based repair is the only approach to program repair which may be applied to any bug or program, without assuming the existence of formal specifications. Despite its generality, current search-based techniques are restricted; they are either efficient, or capable of fixing multiple-line bugs---no existing technique is both. Furthermore, most techniques rely on the assumption that the material necessary to craft a repair already exists within the faulty program. By using existing code to craft repairs, the size of the search space is vastly reduced, compared to generating code from scratch. However, recent results, which show that almost all repairs generated by a number of search-based techniques can be explained as deletion, lead us to question whether this assumption is valid. In this thesis, we identify the challenges facing search-based program repair, and demonstrate ways of tackling them. We explore if and how the knowledge of candidate patch evaluations can be used to locate the source of bugs. We use software repository mining techniques to discover the form of a better repair model capable of addressing a greater number of bugs. We conduct a theoretical and empirical analysis of existing search algorithms for repair, before demonstrating a more effective alternative, inspired by greedy algorithms. To ensure reproducibility, we propose and use a methodology for conducting high-quality automated program research. Finally, we assess our progress towards solving the challenges of search-based program repair, and reflect on the future of the field

    A scalable technique for characterizing the usage of temporaries in framework-intensive Java applications

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    Framework-intensive applications (e.g., Web applications) heavily use temporary data structures, often resulting in performance bot-tlenecks. This paper presents an optimized blended escape analysis to approximate object lifetimes and thus, to identify these tempo-raries and their uses. Empirical results show that this optimized analysis on average prunes 37 % of the basic blocks in our bench-marks, and achieves a speedup of up to 29 times compared to the original analysis. Newly defined metrics quantify key properties of temporary data structures and their uses. A detailed empirical eval-uation offers the first characterization of temporaries in framework-intensive applications. The results show that temporary data struc-tures can include up to 12 distinct object types and can traverse through as many as 14 method invocations before being captured

    Detecting Test Clones with Static Analysis

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    Large-scale software systems often have correspondingly complicated test suites, which are diffi cult for developers to construct and maintain. As systems evolve, engineers must update their test suite along with changes in the source code. Tests created by duplicating and modifying previously existing tests (clones) can complicate this task. Several testing technologies have been proposed to mitigate cloning in tests, including parametrized unit tests and test theories. However, detecting opportunities to improve existing test suites is labour intensive. This thesis presents a novel technique for etecting similar tests based on type hierarchies and method calls in test code. Using this technique, we can track variable history and detect test clones based on test assertion similarity. The thesis further includes results from our empirical study of 10 benchmark systems using this technique which suggest that test clone detection by our technique will aid test de-duplication eff orts in industrial systems
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