194 research outputs found

    Convolutional-NN and Word Embedding for Making an Effective Product Recommendation Based on Enhanced Contextual Understanding of a Product Review

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    E-commerce is one of the most popular service applications in the world in the last decade. It has become a revolutionary model from traditional shopping transaction to entire internet commerce. E-commerce needs essential artificial intelligence (AI) to provide the customer with information about a product, called a recommendation machine. Collaborative filtering is a model of a recommendation algorithm that relies on rating as the fundamental calculation to make a recommendation. It has been successfully implemented in e-commerce. Even so, this model has a weakness in sparse product data in which the rating number is very low or sparse. Mostly, only less than 3% of the total user population rate a product, leading to the rise of sparse data. A text sentence document is a part of customers’ feedback that can be converted into a product rating.  According to a traditional approach, bag of word and lexicon model are ignored in a contextual approach. This experiment, it developed a new model to increase the contextuality of text sentences, leading to a more effective rating prediction. We employed a kind of convolutional neural network to generate item latent factor vectors that could be incorporated with probabilistic matrix factorization to make rating prediction. Our method outperformed several previous works based on a metric evaluation using the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). In this experiment, we analyzed MovieLens and IMDB datasets, which contained a movie product review

    Analysis and Optimization of GNN-Based Recommender Systems on Persistent Memory

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs), which have emerged as an effective method for handling machine learning tasks on graphs, bring a new approach to building recommender systems, where the task of recommendation can be formulated as the link prediction problem on user-item bipartite graphs. Training GNN-based recommender systems (GNNRecSys) on large graphs incurs a large memory footprint, easily exceeding the DRAM capacity on a typical server. Existing solutions resort to distributed subgraph training, which is inefficient due to the high cost of dynamically constructing subgraphs and significant redundancy across subgraphs. The emerging persistent memory technologies provide a significantly larger memory capacity than DRAMs at an affordable cost, making single-machine GNNRecSys training feasible, which eliminates the inefficiencies in distributed training. One major concern of using persistent memory devices for GNNRecSys is their relatively low bandwidth compared with DRAMs. This limitation can be particularly detrimental to achieving high performance for GNNRecSys workloads since their dominant compute kernels are sparse and memory access intensive. To understand whether persistent memory is a good fit for GNNRecSys training, we perform an in-depth characterization of GNNRecSys workloads and a comprehensive analysis of their performance on a persistent memory device, namely, Intel Optane. Based on the analysis, we provide guidance on how to configure Optane for GNNRecSys workloads. Furthermore, we present techniques for large-batch training to fully realize the advantages of single-machine GNNRecSys training. Our experiment results show that with the tuned batch size and optimal system configuration, Optane-based single-machine GNNRecSys training outperforms distributed training by a large margin, especially when handling deep GNN models

    Beyond Flatland : exploring graphs in many dimensions

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    Societies, technologies, economies, ecosystems, organisms, . . . Our world is composed of complex networks—systems with many elements that interact in nontrivial ways. Graphs are natural models of these systems, and scientists have made tremendous progress in developing tools for their analysis. However, research has long focused on relatively simple graph representations and problem specifications, often discarding valuable real-world information in the process. In recent years, the limitations of this approach have become increasingly apparent, but we are just starting to comprehend how more intricate data representations and problem formulations might benefit our understanding of relational phenomena. Against this background, our thesis sets out to explore graphs in five dimensions: descriptivity, multiplicity, complexity, expressivity, and responsibility. Leveraging tools from graph theory, information theory, probability theory, geometry, and topology, we develop methods to (1) descriptively compare individual graphs, (2) characterize similarities and differences between groups of multiple graphs, (3) critically assess the complexity of relational data representations and their associated scientific culture, (4) extract expressive features from and for hypergraphs, and (5) responsibly mitigate the risks induced by graph-structured content recommendations. Thus, our thesis is naturally situated at the intersection of graph mining, graph learning, and network analysis.Gesellschaften, Technologien, Volkswirtschaften, Ökosysteme, Organismen, . . . Unsere Welt besteht aus komplexen Netzwerken—Systemen mit vielen Elementen, die auf nichttriviale Weise interagieren. Graphen sind natürliche Modelle dieser Systeme, und die Wissenschaft hat bei der Entwicklung von Methoden zu ihrer Analyse große Fortschritte gemacht. Allerdings hat sich die Forschung lange auf relativ einfache Graphrepräsentationen und Problemspezifikationen beschränkt, oft unter Vernachlässigung wertvoller Informationen aus der realen Welt. In den vergangenen Jahren sind die Grenzen dieser Herangehensweise zunehmend deutlich geworden, aber wir beginnen gerade erst zu erfassen, wie unser Verständnis relationaler Phänomene von intrikateren Datenrepräsentationen und Problemstellungen profitieren kann. Vor diesem Hintergrund erkundet unsere Dissertation Graphen in fünf Dimensionen: Deskriptivität, Multiplizität, Komplexität, Expressivität, und Verantwortung. Mithilfe von Graphentheorie, Informationstheorie, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Geometrie und Topologie entwickeln wir Methoden, welche (1) einzelne Graphen deskriptiv vergleichen, (2) Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Gruppen multipler Graphen charakterisieren, (3) die Komplexität relationaler Datenrepräsentationen und der mit ihnen verbundenen Wissenschaftskultur kritisch beleuchten, (4) expressive Merkmale von und für Hypergraphen extrahieren, und (5) verantwortungsvoll den Risiken begegnen, welche die Graphstruktur von Inhaltsempfehlungen mit sich bringt. Damit liegt unsere Dissertation naturgemäß an der Schnittstelle zwischen Graph Mining, Graph Learning und Netzwerkanalyse

    Recent Advances in Social Data and Artificial Intelligence 2019

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    The importance and usefulness of subjects and topics involving social data and artificial intelligence are becoming widely recognized. This book contains invited review, expository, and original research articles dealing with, and presenting state-of-the-art accounts pf, the recent advances in the subjects of social data and artificial intelligence, and potentially their links to Cyberspace

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 25. Number 2.

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