38 research outputs found

    Distributed MAC Protocol Supporting Physical-Layer Network Coding

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    Physical-layer network coding (PNC) is a promising approach for wireless networks. It allows nodes to transmit simultaneously. Due to the difficulties of scheduling simultaneous transmissions, existing works on PNC are based on simplified medium access control (MAC) protocols, which are not applicable to general multi-hop wireless networks, to the best of our knowledge. In this paper, we propose a distributed MAC protocol that supports PNC in multi-hop wireless networks. The proposed MAC protocol is based on the carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) strategy and can be regarded as an extension to the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. In the proposed protocol, each node collects information on the queue status of its neighboring nodes. When a node finds that there is an opportunity for some of its neighbors to perform PNC, it notifies its corresponding neighboring nodes and initiates the process of packet exchange using PNC, with the node itself as a relay. During the packet exchange process, the relay also works as a coordinator which coordinates the transmission of source nodes. Meanwhile, the proposed protocol is compatible with conventional network coding and conventional transmission schemes. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol is advantageous in various scenarios of wireless applications.Comment: Final versio

    Physical-layer network coding for two-way relay channels

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    Le codage réseau est apparu comme une technique alternative au routage au niveau de la couche réseau permettant d'améliorer le débit et d'optimiser l'utilisation de la capacité du réseau. Récemment, le codage réseau a été appliqué au niveau de la couche physique des réseaux sans-fil pour profiter de la superposition naturelle des signaux effectuée par le lien radio. Le codage réseau peut être vue comme un traitement interne du réseau pour lequel différentes techniques de relayage peuvent être utilisées. Cette thèse étudie un ensemble de traitements ayant des compromis variés en terme de performance et complexité. Nous considérons le canal bidirectionnel à relais, un modèle de canal de communication typique dans les réseaux coopératifs, où deux terminaux s'échangent mutuellement des messages par l'intermédiaire d'un relais. La communication se déroule en deux phases, une phase à accès multiple et une phase de broadcast. Pour ce scénario, nous analysons, dans une première partie, une stratégie de "decode-and-forward". Nous considérons, pour cette étude, des alphabets de taille finie et nous calculons les probabilités moyennes d'erreur de bout-en-bout en se basant sur la métrique d'exposant d'erreur du codage aléatoire. Puis, nous dérivons les régions des débits atteignables par rapport à une probabilité d'erreur maximale tolérable au niveau de chaque nœud. Dans une deuxième partie de la thèse, nous proposons deux schémas de codage réseau pratiques, avec complexité réduite, qui se basent sur la stratégie de relayage "compress-and-forward" (CF). Le premier schéma utilise un codage en réseau de points imbriqués (nested lattices). Le deuxième schéma est une version améliorée qui permet d'atteindre des débits de données supérieurs pour l'utilisateur qui a les meilleures conditions canal. Nous construisons les régions des débits atteignables par les deux schémas proposés tout en optimisant la répartition du temps alloué à chacune des deux phases de transmission. Après l'étude du régime asymptotique, nous analysons le schéma de codage CF avec des réseaux de points de dimension finie. Nous nous concentrons sur le problème de la transmission analogique où la distorsion est optimisée. Enfin, nous étudions l'application d'un schéma de codage, basé sur la stratégie CF avec des réseaux de points imbriqués, pour le canal bidirectionnel à canaux parallèles. Ainsi, nous présentons deux régions de débits atteignables selon la technique de traitement, conjoint ou séparé, des sous-canaux par le relais.Network coding has emerged as an alternative technique to routing that enhances the throughput at the network layer. Recently, network coding has been applied at the physical layer to take advantage of the natural signal superposition that occurs in the radio link. In this context, the physical-layer network coding can be seen as an in-network processing strategy for which multiple forwarding schemes can be proposed. This thesis investigates a set of processing schemes tailored to the network coding at the physical layer with various compromises between performance and complexity. We consider a two-way relay channel, a typical communication system in cooperative networks, where two terminals communicate with each other via a relay node. This communication occurs during two transmission phases, namely a multiple-access phase and a broadcast phase. For TWRC scenario, we first analyze a decode-and-forward strategy with finite size alphabets. We calculate the end-to-end average error probabilities based on random coding error exponents. Then, we derive the achievable rate regions with respect to a maximal probability of error allowed at each terminal. Next, we propose two low-complexity and practical schemes based on compress-and-forward relaying strategy. The first scheme employs nested lattice coding. The second is an improved version which enables higher data rates for the user experiencing the best channel conditions. We present an information-theoretic framework to reconstruct the achievable rate regions of both schemes by considering optimal time division between both transmission phases. After the asymptotic regime analysis, we study single-layer lattice coding scheme with finite dimension lattices. We focus on the analog transmission problem where the distortion is optimized. Finally, we investigate single-layer lattice coding scheme for parallel Gaussian two-way relay channel. We present two achievable rate regions based on whether the relay processes all the sub-channels jointly or separately.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Full duplex-transceivers : architectures and performance analysis

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    PhD ThesisThe revolution of the 5G communication systems will result in 10,000 times increase in the total mobile broadband traffic in the 2020s, which will increase the demand on the limited wireless spectrum. This has highlighted the need for an efficient frequency-reuse technique that can meet the ever-increasing demand on the available frequency resources. In-band full-duplex (FD) wireless technology that enables the transceiver nodes to transmit and receive simultaneously over the same frequency band, has gained tremendous attention as a promising technology to double the spectral efficiency of the traditional half-duplex (HD) systems. However, this technology faces a formidable challenge, that is the large power difference between the self-interference (SI) signal and the signal of interest from a remote transceiver node. In this thesis, we focus on the architecture of the FD transceivers and investigate their ability to approximately double the throughput and the spectral efficiency of the conventional HD systems. Moreover, this thesis is concerned with the design of efficient self-interference cancellation schemes that can be combined with the architecture of the FD transceiver nodes in order to effectively suppress the SI signal and enable the FD mode. In particular, an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) based amplify-and-forward (AF) FD physical-layer network coding (PLNC) system is proposed. To enable the FD mode in the proposed system, a hybrid SIC scheme that is a combination of passive SIC mechanism and active SIC technique is exploited at each transceiver node of that system. Next, we propose an adaptive SIC scheme, which utilizes the normalized least-mean-square (NLMS) algorithm to effectively suppress the SI signal to the level of the noise floor. The proposed adaptive SIC is then utilized in a denoise-and-forward (DNF) FD-PLNC system to enable the FD mode. Finally, we introduce a novel overthe- air SIC scheme that can effectively mitigate the SI signal before it arrives the local analog-to-digital converter (ADC) of the FD transceiver nodes. Furthermore, the impact of the hardware impairments on the performance of the introduced SIC scheme is examined and characterized.Iraq, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHSR

    Collective Communications and Computation Mechanisms on the RF Channel for Organic Printed Smart Labels and Resource-limited IoT Nodes

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are seen as enabler technologies for realizing the Internet of Things (IoT). Organic and printed Electronics (OE) has the potential to provide low cost and all-printable smart RFID labels in high volumes. With regard to WSN, power harvesting techniques and resource-efficient communications are promising key technologies to create sustainable and for the environment friendly sensing devices. However, the implementation of OE smart labels is only allowing printable devices of ultra-low hardware complexity, that cannot employ standard RFID communications. And, the deployment of current WSN technology is far away from offering battery-free and low-cost sensing technology. To this end, the steady growth of IoT is increasing the demand for more network capacity and computational power. With respect to wireless communications research, the state-of-the-art employs superimposed radio transmission in form of physical layer network coding and computation over the MAC to increase information flow and computational power, but lacks on practicability and robustness so far. With regard to these research challenges we developed in particular two approaches, i.e., code-based Collective Communications for dense sensing environments, and time-based Collective Communications (CC) for resource-limited WSNs. In respect to the code-based CC approach we exploit the principle of superimposed radio transmission to acquire highly scalable and robust communications obtaining with it at the same time as well minimalistic smart RFID labels, that can be manufactured in high volume with present-day OE. The implementation of our code-based CC relies on collaborative and simultaneous transmission of randomly drawn burst sequences encoding the data. Based on the framework of hyper-dimensional computing, statistical laws and the superposition principle of radio waves we obtained the communication of so called ensemble information, meaning the concurrent bulk reading of sensed values, ranges, quality rating, identifiers (IDs), and so on. With 21 transducers on a small-scale reader platform we tested the performance of our approach successfully proving the scalability and reliability. To this end, we implemented our code-based CC mechanism into an all-printable passive RFID label down to the logic gate level, indicating a circuit complexity of about 500 transistors. In respect to time-based CC approach we utilize the superimposed radio transmission to obtain resource-limited WSNs, that can be deployed in wide areas for establishing, e.g., smart environments. In our application scenario for resource-limited WSN, we utilize the superimposed radio transmission to calculate functions of interest, i.e., to accomplish data processing directly on the radio channel. To prove our concept in a case study, we created a WSN with 15 simple nodes measuring the environmental mean temperature. Based on our analysis about the wireless computation error we were able to minimize the stochastic error arbitrarily, and to remove the systematic error completely