10 research outputs found

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    On Saturated kk-Sperner Systems

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    Given a set XX, a collection FP(X)\mathcal{F}\subseteq\mathcal{P}(X) is said to be kk-Sperner if it does not contain a chain of length k+1k+1 under set inclusion and it is saturated if it is maximal with respect to this property. Gerbner et al. conjectured that, if X|X| is sufficiently large with respect to kk, then the minimum size of a saturated kk-Sperner system FP(X)\mathcal{F}\subseteq\mathcal{P}(X) is 2k12^{k-1}. We disprove this conjecture by showing that there exists ε>0\varepsilon>0 such that for every kk and Xn0(k)|X| \geq n_0(k) there exists a saturated kk-Sperner system FP(X)\mathcal{F}\subseteq\mathcal{P}(X) with cardinality at most 2(1ε)k2^{(1-\varepsilon)k}. A collection FP(X)\mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathcal{P}(X) is said to be an oversaturated kk-Sperner system if, for every SP(X)FS\in\mathcal{P}(X)\setminus\mathcal{F}, F{S}\mathcal{F}\cup\{S\} contains more chains of length k+1k+1 than F\mathcal{F}. Gerbner et al. proved that, if Xk|X|\geq k, then the smallest such collection contains between 2k/212^{k/2-1} and O(logkk2k)O\left(\frac{\log{k}}{k}2^k\right) elements. We show that if Xk2+k|X|\geq k^2+k, then the lower bound is best possible, up to a polynomial factor.Comment: 17 page

    On saturated k-Sperner systems

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    Given a set X , a collection F ⊆ P (X) is said to be k-Sperner if it does not contain a chain of length k + 1 under set inclusion and it is saturated if it is maximal with respect to this property. Gerbner et al. [11] conjectured that, if |X| is sufficiently large with respect to k, then the minimum size of a saturated k-Sperner system F ⊆ P (X) is 2k-1 . We disprove this conjecture by showing that there exists ε > 0 such that for every k and |X| > n0 (k) there exists a saturated k-Sperner system F ⊆P (X) with cardinality at most 2 (1- ε)k. A collection F ⊆ P (X) is said to be an oversaturated k-Sperner system if, for every S∈P (X) \ F, F∪{ S } contains more chains of length k +1 than F. Gerbner et al. [11] proved that, if |X| > k, then the smallest such collection contains between 2k/2-1 and O (log k k 2 k) elements. We show that if |X| > k2 + k, then the lower bound is best possible, up to a polynomial factor

    Weak saturation of multipartite hypergraphs

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    Given qq-uniform hypergraphs (qq-graphs) F,GF,G and HH, where GG is a spanning subgraph of FF, GG is called weakly HH-saturated in FF if the edges in E(F)E(G)E(F)\setminus E(G) admit an ordering e1,,eke_1,\dots, e_k so that for all i[k]i\in [k] the hypergraph G{e1,,ei}G\cup \{e_1,\dots,e_i\} contains an isomorphic copy of HH which in turn contains the edge eie_i. The weak saturation number of HH in FF is the smallest size of an HH-weakly saturated subgraph of FF. Weak saturation was introduced by Bollob\'as in 1968, but despite decades of study our understanding of it is still limited. The main difficulty lies in proving lower bounds on weak saturation numbers, which typically withstands combinatorial methods and requires arguments of algebraic or geometrical nature. In our main contribution in this paper we determine exactly the weak saturation number of complete multipartite qq-graphs in the directed setting, for any choice of parameters. This generalizes a theorem of Alon from 1985. Our proof combines the exterior algebra approach from the works of Kalai with the use of the colorful exterior algebra motivated by the recent work of Bulavka, Goodarzi and Tancer on the colorful fractional Helly theorem. In our second contribution answering a question of Kronenberg, Martins and Morrison, we establish a link between weak saturation numbers of bipartite graphs in the clique versus in a complete bipartite host graph. In a similar fashion we asymptotically determine the weak saturation number of any complete qq-partite qq-graph in the clique, generalizing another result of Kronenberg et al.Comment: 6 pages. We have improved the presentation. To appear in Combinatoric

    Métrologie des graphes de terrain, application à la construction de ressources lexicales et à la recherche d'information

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    This thesis is organized in two parts : the first part focuses on measures of similarity (or proximity) between vertices of a graph, the second part on clustering methods for bipartite graph. A new measure of similarity between vertices, based on short time random walks, is introduced. The main advantage of the method is that it is insensitive to the density of the graph. A broad state of the art of similarities between vertices is then proposed, as well as experimental comparisons of these measures. This is followed by the proposal of a robust method for comparing graphs sharing the same set of vertices. This measure is shown to be applicable to the comparison and merging of synonymy networks. Finally an application for the enrichment of lexical resources is presented. It consists in providing candidate synonyms on the basis of already existing links. In the second part, a parallel between formal concept analysis and clustering of bipartite graph is established. This parallel leads to the particular case where a partition of one of the vertex groups can be determined whereas there is no corresponding partition on the other group of vertices. A simple method that addresses this problem is proposed and evaluated. Finally, a system of automatic classification of search results (Kodex) is presented. This system is an application of previously seen clustering methods. An evaluation on a collection of two million web pages shows the benefits of the approach and also helps to understand some differences between clustering methods.Cette thèse s'organise en deux parties : une première partie s'intéresse aux mesures de similarité (ou de proximité) définies entre les sommets d'un graphe, une seconde aux méthodes de clustering de graphe biparti. Une nouvelle mesure de similarité entre sommets basée sur des marches aléatoires en temps courts est introduite. Cette méthode a l'avantage, en particulier, d'être insensible à la densité du graphe. Il est ensuite proposé un large état de l'art des similarités entre sommets, ainsi qu'une comparaison expérimentale de ces différentes mesures. Cette première partie se poursuit par la proposition d'une méthode robuste de comparaison de graphes partageant le même ensemble de sommets. Cette méthode est mise en application pour comparer et fusionner des graphes de synonymie. Enfin une application d'aide à la construction de ressources lexicales est présentée. Elle consiste à proposer de nouvelles relations de synonymie à partir de l'ensemble des relations de synonymie déjà existantes. Dans une seconde partie, un parallèle entre l'analyse formelle de concepts et le clustering de graphe biparti est établi. Ce parallèle conduit à l'étude d'un cas particulier pour lequel une partition d'un des groupes de sommets d'un graphe biparti peut-être déterminée alors qu'il n'existe pas de partitionnement correspondant sur l'autre type de sommets. Une méthode simple qui répond à ce problème est proposée et évaluée. Enfin Kodex, un système de classification automatique des résultats d'une recherche d'information est présenté. Ce système est une application en RI des méthodes de clustering vues précédemment. Une évaluation sur une collection de deux millions de pages web montre les avantages de l'approche et permet en outre de mieux comprendre certaines différences entre méthodes de clustering

    Saturated r-uniform hypergraphs

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    AbstractThe following dual version of Turán's problem is considered: for a given r-uniform hypergraph F, determine the minimum number of edges in an r-uniform hypergraph H on n vertices, such that F ⊄ H but a subhypergraph isomorphic to F occurs whenever a new edge (r-tuple) is added to H. For some types of F we find the exact value of the minimum or describe its asymptotic behavior as n tends to infinity; namely; for Hr(r + 1, r), Hr(2r −2, 2) and Hr(r + 1, 3), where Hr(p, q) denotes the family of all r-uniform hypergraphs with p vertices and q edges. Several problems remain open