7 research outputs found

    Rhythm, Chord and Melody Generation for Lead Sheets using Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Music that is generated by recurrent neural networks often lacks a sense of direction and coherence. We therefore propose a two-stage LSTM-based model for lead sheet generation, in which the harmonic and rhythmic templates of the song are produced first, after which, in a second stage, a sequence of melody notes is generated conditioned on these templates. A subjective listening test shows that our approach outperforms the baselines and increases perceived musical coherence.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, 2 appendice

    Studie van optische interconnectienetwerken op basis van multimode polymeergolfgeleiders

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    A Survey of Music Generation in the Context of Interaction

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    In recent years, machine learning, and in particular generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) and attention-based neural networks (transformers), have been successfully used to compose and generate music, both melodies and polyphonic pieces. Current research focuses foremost on style replication (eg. generating a Bach-style chorale) or style transfer (eg. classical to jazz) based on large amounts of recorded or transcribed music, which in turn also allows for fairly straight-forward "performance" evaluation. However, most of these models are not suitable for human-machine co-creation through live interaction, neither is clear, how such models and resulting creations would be evaluated. This article presents a thorough review of music representation, feature analysis, heuristic algorithms, statistical and parametric modelling, and human and automatic evaluation measures, along with a discussion of which approaches and models seem most suitable for live interaction