179,057 research outputs found

    Quantifying Privacy: A Novel Entropy-Based Measure of Disclosure Risk

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    It is well recognised that data mining and statistical analysis pose a serious treat to privacy. This is true for financial, medical, criminal and marketing research. Numerous techniques have been proposed to protect privacy, including restriction and data modification. Recently proposed privacy models such as differential privacy and k-anonymity received a lot of attention and for the latter there are now several improvements of the original scheme, each removing some security shortcomings of the previous one. However, the challenge lies in evaluating and comparing privacy provided by various techniques. In this paper we propose a novel entropy based security measure that can be applied to any generalisation, restriction or data modification technique. We use our measure to empirically evaluate and compare a few popular methods, namely query restriction, sampling and noise addition.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Distributed top-k aggregation queries at large

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    Top-k query processing is a fundamental building block for efficient ranking in a large number of applications. Efficiency is a central issue, especially for distributed settings, when the data is spread across different nodes in a network. This paper introduces novel optimization methods for top-k aggregation queries in such distributed environments. The optimizations can be applied to all algorithms that fall into the frameworks of the prior TPUT and KLEE methods. The optimizations address three degrees of freedom: 1) hierarchically grouping input lists into top-k operator trees and optimizing the tree structure, 2) computing data-adaptive scan depths for different input sources, and 3) data-adaptive sampling of a small subset of input sources in scenarios with hundreds or thousands of query-relevant network nodes. All optimizations are based on a statistical cost model that utilizes local synopses, e.g., in the form of histograms, efficiently computed convolutions, and estimators based on order statistics. The paper presents comprehensive experiments, with three different real-life datasets and using the ns-2 network simulator for a packet-level simulation of a large Internet-style network

    Classification-Aware Hidden-Web Text Database Selection,

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    Many valuable text databases on the web have noncrawlable contents that are “hidden” behind search interfaces. Metasearchers are helpful tools for searching over multiple such “hidden-web” text databases at once through a unified query interface. An important step in the metasearching process is database selection, or determining which databases are the most relevant for a given user query. The state-of-the-art database selection techniques rely on statistical summaries of the database contents, generally including the database vocabulary and associated word frequencies. Unfortunately, hidden-web text databases typically do not export such summaries, so previous research has developed algorithms for constructing approximate content summaries from document samples extracted from the databases via querying.We present a novel “focused-probing” sampling algorithm that detects the topics covered in a database and adaptively extracts documents that are representative of the topic coverage of the database. Our algorithm is the first to construct content summaries that include the frequencies of the words in the database. Unfortunately, Zipf’s law practically guarantees that for any relatively large database, content summaries built from moderately sized document samples will fail to cover many low-frequency words; in turn, incomplete content summaries might negatively affect the database selection process, especially for short queries with infrequent words. To enhance the sparse document samples and improve the database selection decisions, we exploit the fact that topically similar databases tend to have similar vocabularies, so samples extracted from databases with a similar topical focus can complement each other. We have developed two database selection algorithms that exploit this observation. The first algorithm proceeds hierarchically and selects the best categories for a query, and then sends the query to the appropriate databases in the chosen categories. The second algorithm uses “shrinkage,” a statistical technique for improving parameter estimation in the face of sparse data, to enhance the database content summaries with category-specific words.We describe how to modify existing database selection algorithms to adaptively decide (at runtime) whether shrinkage is beneficial for a query. A thorough evaluation over a variety of databases, including 315 real web databases as well as TREC data, suggests that the proposed sampling methods generate high-quality content summaries and that the database selection algorithms produce significantly more relevant database selection decisions and overall search results than existing algorithms.NYU, Stern School of Business, IOMS Department, Center for Digital Economy Researc

    Information extraction from template-generated hidden web documents

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    The larger amount of information on the Web is stored in document databases and is not indexed by general-purpose search engines (such as Google and Yahoo). Databases dynamically generate a list of documents in response to a user query – which are referred to as Hidden Web databases. Such documents are typically presented to users as templategenerated Web pages. This paper presents a new approach that identifies Web page templates in order to extract queryrelated information from documents. We propose two forms of representation to analyse the content of a document – Text with Immediate Adjacent Tag Segments (TIATS) and Text with Neighbouring Adjacent Tag Segments (TNATS). Our techniques exploit tag structures that surround the textual contents of documents in order to detect Web page templates thereby extracting query-related information. Experimental results demonstrate that TNATS detects Web page templates most effectively and extracts information with high recall and precision
